Leaf Brook


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"No," Raven said bluntly, "My mother told me what happens if fires happen when I was young, and I'd never want to experience one. Uh, I don't know what other games we could play, I don't play games very much. Do.. you know any?" Raven asked, cocking her head a bit.

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"We can play birds," Terrah said after a moment. "Stupid game, but really fun! All 'ya gotta do is climb up a tree and sit in the branches... That is, if you have enough lion blood to come back down!"

Terrah's eyes shot towards her hollow, empty tree.

"Or we could climb my treehouse..." she said doubtfully.

Silverfrost had gone back to camp after a bit of roaming about in the frest. She walked slowly to her den, in need of a short nap.

"Treehouse? You mean, a space in the trees?" Raven asked, slightly interested. "I'd like to see that,"

"Umm, okay!" Terrah said doubtfully. She walked silently through the tall blades of grass shivering in the wind, until she reached a tall, leaveless tree. Only branches. She dug a hole between the dead roots and made an opening into the hollow tree.

"It's here," she called.

Name: Kai

Gender: Male

Age: 19 in wolf years, aprox. 4 in human years. { Using the 5 to 1 years, Wolf to Human age scale }

Animal: Wolf { Grey }

Looks: Kai is your normal, average, every day grey wolf. He doesn't exactly burst out at the world with a rainbow tail and a glittering pelt that shines like the morning sun. However, he does have his quirks. For example, besides the gray coloring on his coat, he also has bits of brown and a slight cream/tan color mixed in. Kai weighs around 97 pounds, and is around 26 inches tall and his eyes are a light, pale green.

Personality: Kai is that blunt, sarcastic, egotistical and hypocritical wolf that most don't want to interfere with. However, he is compassionate and takes his work / hunting quite seriously. Kai's also pretty serious every now and then, so he has his moments. Another trait that he possesses is how he pretty much is probably one of the biggest procrastinators you will ever meet. He says he'll do something, then put it off for two days. However, once he gets around to it, he gets it done and - if we want to say he has some minor OCD - probably even better than what was expected originally!

History: Kai was raised by a healthy mother and father, however, when he was about ten months - about the time when his mother began to tell him he was old enough to be on his own - his father died. He had been shot by a hunter who was trying to hunt in new grounds. In worry of her son dying so quickly, Kai's mother took herself and him and rushed them miles and miles away. There she mourned for the loss of her mate. Kai stayed with his mother for a few more months, helping tend to her and keep her company. However, when he was about a year and a half, his mother pushed him away. She didn't want him to lose his life experiences just so that she would feel better. Kai stayed with her until he was two, where then he finally set off and left his mother. The departure was upsetting, but the both of them knew it was best. Kai met up with many she-wolves, but only actually had three pups of his own. After raising them and watching them leave to go live their own lives, his mate abandoned him, leaving him - once again - alone. So now, after constant pack-hopping and loner-living, Kai has wandered the forest boundaries his life, knowing the area like the back of his paw. He's still searching for a place to live, but right now, he's content with living alone.

Other: N / A


Raven pounced over to the opening and pawed at it slightly. "What kind of stuff is in it?" she asked, very curious. Her head peeked up at all the branches, grasping outwards to nowhere.

Kai was on another late hunting trip, normally, he tried to hunt in the morning, so he had food throughout the rest of the day. Kai's hunting maneuvers usually consisted of him scavenging for dead / sick animals, as they were easier to attack. However, he decided to up his game and go for something living. But, a strange scent had come into his path and his lips pulled up into a snarl. Getting low to the ground, he moved closer, and which each move he was able to recognize that the scents were from two she-wolves of his own kind. They were by a fairly large tree. Kai positioned himself behind a bush, out a sight and a few meters away. He kept out of sight, and watched the she-wolves as they pawed at the bas of the tree. What are they doing? He asked himself, trying to see what might have been in the tree.

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