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Well-known member
May 3, 2009
Reaction score
United States, VA
Ok, so this is copying 07kuro70's topic, but I have a better deal. I will give you a boy's destiny star* and the code for Dazzilitchi and all you have to do is give me a Dream Mic. You may also have the Dreamitchi code if you do not have a music star to put the Boy star on. And before you say no, think about how good this deal is. 2 destiny stars will cost 2 4th gold CDs, but a dream mic will only cost 1 2nd Ultimate Gold. And, once you get the stars you will still have to raise an adult boy and adult girl. It is a good deal if you think about it. Please PM me for more information on how to get the codes.

*You will not get the actual item on your account, you give me the log in code and I will give you the item code. PM me for info.

ps THAT is hard to explain...i hav a friend that doesn't have a sp. character thing he's AL8551, he's Lvl 50 and he has a Dream mic

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whoa i mean, i can give the special character codes for nothing! but you have to be my friend to get em. BUT FOR NOTHING?? U CAN't BEAT THAT

Why would want to give them for nothing? They are getting something but you are getting nothing... oh and can you tell him bout my offer?
i know i'm getting nothing but i do think the world needs more sp. characters... and he's not on tamatalk how will i do that???

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