Lets go tamagotchi


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mametchi D=

I want to pick violetchi, but when I first saw a picture in the anime, there was mametchi, a little bucket of kawaii overload XD


I was stuck batween Mametchi and Kuchipatchi. I chose Kuchipatchi. Mametchi is my 2nd Fav., and Flowertchi (in anime) was my 3rd fav.. :lol: :furawatchi: :mametchi:

I like Kuromametchi, but I chose Makiko instead ;) I don't like Makiko anymore except for the Makiko teasers I made. ^_^ And my Avvie.

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I like Kuromametchi, but I chose Makiko instead :( I don't like Makiko anymore except for the Makiko teasers I made. :blink: And my Avvie.
My avvie changed

Gozarutchi. :D

But if Masktchi was in the anime I would pick her, because I ADORE Masktchis. :hitodetchi:

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