Let's talk about...... hersheys!


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Dec 22, 2007
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I once heard from a friend that if you see the little ligns, meaning he's about to "go", you can use the bathroom icon so he'll use the toilet instead of going on the floor. If I do this enough times, will my tamagotchi just learn to use the toilet on his own?

(I know, not a very pleasant topic, but I've been wondering!)

unfortunaetly, no. but its very cute when they use the loo.

They can not get potty trained, unfortunately. Pressing the toilet icon when there's nothing to clean up won't do you any good. You have to have something to clean up, and then you can use the toilet icon successfully :huh:

Heehee, hersheys x3

Well, let's start talkin about the real topic now, time to get serious ;)

Haha, anyways, when it's goes to the bathroom it's just an animation, not real bathroom time. So sorry, it's a no for potty training.

nope. natta. zip. but when it a toodler it goes on a little ducky toilet!!!! maybe on the v5 it will get potty trained.maybe maybe maybe. but if he poops on da floor if its there 2 long it'll get sick :(

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