Letting Him Know


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Jun 10, 2006
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USA, baby, USA. <3
There's a guy in my class who I've been crushing on for quite a while now, and just recently I've noticed signs that he might like me back. There are 5 girls in our form tutor group, and he has admitted he fancies one of us (to his best friend, who "accidentally" let it slip). I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I'm getting the vibe that he likes me. How do I subtly tell him? I don't want to come right out and tell him. Please don't just say "JUST TELL HIM. NO NEED FOR SUBTLE SIGNS". I'd like advice on these subtle signs, please!

What, in your experience, has worked for you? How do you start conversations with guys? What can I do to show him I like him??

How do I start a conversation? Well, normally I just ask him what he's doing (Normally something about PS3 or War.. -fail-) And then we end up in a whole different topic... I mean, whatever he is doing, just comment on it. That's how I got a forty minute conversation going. Also, if someone tries to talk to him, don't try and stop them, just wait, normally there will be a break in their conversation that you can take to your advantage.

Also, just stay calm, I know, it can be hard, but seriously... I know calm. I had dinner with his family, but it was all fun, I mean, how many people get to hijack your crushes hijacked truck? Don't answer that.

Just have fun! :p

How do I start a conversation? Well, normally I just ask him what he's doing (Normally something about PS3 or War.. -fail-) And then we end up in a whole different topic... I mean, whatever he is doing, just comment on it. That's how I got a forty minute conversation going. Also, if someone tries to talk to him, don't try and stop them, just wait, normally there will be a break in their conversation that you can take to your advantage.
Also, just stay calm, I know, it can be hard, but seriously... I know calm. I had dinner with his family, but it was all fun, I mean, how many people get to hijack your crushes hijacked truck? Don't answer that.

Just have fun! :p
Nice ideas :)

I'd prefer more people in the group because you want to look casual about it x3


Im starting to talk to ths boy i like too. We sit next to each other in english so thats how i got talking to him. Just say hi or talk about what music hes likes or whatever boys like.

Well, currently I'm having the same problem, but don't worry. You're not alone.

Have any pets? I talk to my crush about something wild one of my dogs did, and I make it sound as wild as possible. He might laugh, then we have a wild conversation about our doggies. XD

And if I know any signs that work, I'll let you know. ;)

Well does he like sports show sighns that u are a sporty girl! :p ;)
Thats horrible advice.


But just BE YOURSELF. If he doesn't like you for who YOU and only YOU are, then he's not worth it.

Anyways, my advice is just tell him. If I like a guy, I go and tell him. Well... usually I show signs I like him. Like if he has a myspace with pics of him, I put comments on how 'hot' or 'cute' he is in them. Then it just goes from there.

It works everytime ;D

Thanks for all your advice, guys! You're being so helpful! :gozarutchi:

@ tamapopgirl: Well, he quite likes soccer, but he's not a big fan of sports, and neither am I!

@ Neverending A.B.Y.S.S: Thanks for your advice!! Yeah, I'm taking your advice and trying to make jokes and stuff with him whenever I can! He is a very funny person, and he has a great sense of humour, so it's good to take any opportunity to have a laugh with him!

@ cecib: Yeah, me too! Not only does it make you look more casual but I am kind of..nervous around guys. I get a bit self-conscious if I haven't known them for a year or made friends with them yet or something!! It always helps to have other people there. B)

@ Nyan_ko_Neko: Again, thanks for your great advice!! I don't sit next to him in classes but he's in my form group so he's in all my lessons and we get lots of opportunities! =D

@ Squidward is cool: Lol! A wild doggie conversation!! Thanks for letting me know i'm not alone, i hope things work out for you!!

@ Pikachu Lover: Yeah, he does have a Facebook, but i'd rather not post that he's 'hot' or 'cute'. That wouldn't go down too well, i don't think. We're in 7th grade and...well, yeah. But thanks anyway!!! :D


Tell him! It's totally OK! Pick the right time, and the right place for it. Not in the hallway where zillions of people are around, but not in the library either. Trust me, it's not that hard. I told my crush I loved him in the 4th grade, and not a single problem showed up! Go for it girl. You can do it. :furawatchi:

Oh yeah, what I normally do with my crush is draw something random and show it to him. Once I showed him a picture of a dog and a moose I drew, and he ended up following me around during gym...it was so awesome. :furawatchi:

So, try drawing something random. It doesn't have to be a dog with a moose. XD It could be like, a mouse, like, eating a cookie. Then say "Oh my god. Look what I drew." Then like, show it to him. (And do it in a notebook. :) )

Oh yeah, what I normally do with my crush is draw something random and show it to him. Once I showed him a picture of a dog and a moose I drew, and he ended up following me around during gym...it was so awesome. :p
So, try drawing something random. It doesn't have to be a dog with a moose. XD It could be like, a mouse, like, eating a cookie. Then say "Oh my god. Look what I drew." Then like, show it to him. (And do it in a notebook. :) )
That's what I do. One time I showed this guy a cat I drew eating a cup and he said that it was sexy. then we named it fluffle and taped it to his forehead then held hands and skipped around the classroom singing the Dora theme song. And then we got lunch detention.

The root beer guy is cooler than your fluffle. D:<

In one art class we managed to make up a Root Beer Guy (Table mascot, whoo!) and then another we had The 'Number People' They were the coolest ^_^ and then I asked if he woudl draw number people on my wall, and he said if he could draw he would... and then I was all ;.; "But I like Number peopleeee!"

And then somehow I ended up at his house that night... O____o -twitch- What was homework turned into dinner. I was there from like, 5-8:30

-fail at life-

Tell him! It's totally OK! Pick the right time, and the right place for it. Not in the hallway where zillions of people are around, but not in the library either. Trust me, it's not that hard. I told my crush I loved him in the 4th grade, and not a single problem showed up! Go for it girl. You can do it. :rolleyes:
Thanks, that was really encouraging. :eek:

I wish I could - let's just hope I'm brave enough tomorrow!!

I'll keep you guys updated! ;)


There's a guy in my class who I've been crushing on for quite a while now, and just recently I've noticed signs that he might like me back. There are 5 girls in our form tutor group, and he has admitted he fancies one of us (to his best friend, who "accidentally" let it slip). I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I'm getting the vibe that he likes me. How do I subtly tell him? I don't want to come right out and tell him. Please don't just say "JUST TELL HIM. NO NEED FOR SUBTLE SIGNS". I'd like advice on these subtle signs, please!
What, in your experience, has worked for you? How do you start conversations with guys? What can I do to show him I like him??
same here. i've been crushing on a cute guy at my school for 2-3 months. I just got into the middle school, and he was from a different school. we are friends, and some dude says we are going out but we aren't. :p I wish we were though lol!!!

I think this game is just at my school, but do you have a game (just for the students) that is called zap? It's when you write some guys or girls name on someones hand and they ask him or her out.

For example, I played zap on friday. I wrote Dillans name on my friend Brianna's hand, and at lunch that day she asked him out.

So, if you want to play that game tell your bffl about the game, and tell her to put your name on your crushes hand.

It's actually quite fun, but everyone wants to zap me. I don't want to tho, only if someone will write my crushes name!!!

Or, just have your friend ask him out, or ask him out yourself.

OR(!!!!), become friends with him, and then he might start to like you.

Good luck, and I hope this helped. :p

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