Life just got a little better.


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2009
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That place with the stuff, and the other stuff.
Lately, at school, everything has been getting really out of control. I'm not actually afraid to go there yet, but, it's getting there. I'm sure you've heard from my many stories and complaints. But it just got a whole lot better. Today, there was a really big fight at school during fifth period. It was this kid S---- against this kid A------.

I hate S so much, he like, stalks me sometimes. And when I specifically tell him to GTFO, he hangs around and bothers me. But today, he made the mistake of doing that to A's girlfriend. And A has really bad anger issues. You can imagine how that turned out.

S got the crap beaten out of him. And the entire school was cheering it on. We were all standing on tables, screaming, pumping our fists in the air, chanting A's name, and clapping.

It was really cool, actually, until the campus police showed up, as usually, and broke up the fight. S had lots and lots of bruises and gashes, A only had a few bruises on his fists. Usually these fights only last like, five minutes, but this one lasted like, four times as long, because everyone had crowded around them and the cops couldn't get to them fast enough. It was the fourth fight that day, and definitely one of the best all year.

So, my school's biggest bully got taken down today. This is not a good example of the whole "violence isn't ever the answer" thing. Truth is, some kids just need a good smack to get it through their thick skulls. And life is about to get a whole lot better for all of us at my school, now that S has been put in his place.

I understand this isn't really morally right, and a different approach should have been taken, but I wasn't exactly in control of the situation. S has been reported and punished tons of times, but it takes a lot more than just annoying everyone and doing drugs to get kicked out of my school.

So, what are your opinions on this situation?

I think I'm just going to avoid it all, it'd probably be best to stay out of it...


Are you asking what you think about this situation?

If you're asking about what you think about this situation, then I think it was pretty fair considering that fact you said that S is the neighborhood bully/harasser. I understand where you're coming from with all the "sometimes people need a big smack to get it through their skull" but considering S is the neighborhood bully/harasser, A should have been smart enough not to beat him up. He's lucky he didn't get his ar*e kicked even though he is clearly much stronger than S. It's probably really hard for you to agree with this though because you hate S so much you are probably happy he got his ar*e kicked.

Wow, I would hate to go to your school.

I would recommend just staying out of the situation entirely.

But I am kinda glad that the bully wont bully anymore. (":

There were not really fights in my middle school. They usually got broken up quickly xP So I can't relate to you

I'd laugh though If I were you xD

At my school, there was a fight against one of my friends, S, and another kid who I HATE in music class. It wasn't pretty... because C (the other kid) punched S. He got I.S.S. AGAIN!

So this happens in my school (and wow... I'm only in 6th grade and this happens) Most of them are broken up quickly too. Blah. So sorry, I can't really help you there.

Fights are the highlights of the day at my high school. xD

We were actually discussing fights in English the other day. (I forget how we got on the subject... Somehow we were discussing To Kill A Mocking Bird and got off topic... rofl) Taylor was like, "They're the only thing exciting that ever happens. Everything else is SO boring... well, except for this English class, wink wink." xD

Like, seriously, if a fight breaks out or is about to break out in school, it's usually between classes. You'll know it's coming, because one section of the hallway will be dead silent, a complete foil to the other hallways. Everyone will make a big circle around the two who are standing off, and will basically be holding there breath. Once the first punch is... unleashed, everyone starts screaming and cheering and laughing. And then the security guards and the principal come over and drag the two away from each other, literally. So many times I've seen them drag a kid by the hood of their hoodie over to the office. xD

So yeah. Fights are fun. I would have loved to see S get the crap kicked out of him, although I'm against violece. (I know, a tad hypocritical, but meh.) As long as no one got hurt too bad. :]

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