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Nov 18, 2005
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i think that life sucks because once you like someone and you think that they will never know but then agian i would think about the future before you get in troule or they wont talk to you EVER!!! i wrote this because this is what it happened to me today and it SUCKS so i hope that doesnt happen to you... has that ever happend to you?!?!?!

why does it have to SUCK?

*Moved from Tamagotchi Comments and Rumours > What's On Your Mind?*

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aww..I don't really understand your situation here but that was harsh..to be honest my boyfriend just broke up with me 2 days ago..i became best friends with his best friend and now we're all in a huge mess. Life does indeed take turns for the worse but you have to just live through it and move on.

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Life only sucks because you make it that way.

Personally my life sucks because of an event that took place five years ago causing me to be self destructive and be hospitalized three times. My life sucks because I made personal decisions that screwed me over. What happened five years ago wasn't my fault, but because it caused me to do so many things to myself I feel like it was.

Look up in life, never down. The grass is always greener on the other side.

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Life only sucks because you make it that way.
Personally my life sucks because of an event that took place five years ago causing me to be self destructive and be hospitalized three times. My life sucks because I made personal decisions that screwed me over. What happened five years ago wasn't my fault, but because it caused me to do so many things to myself I feel like it was.

Look up in life, never down. The grass is always greener on the other side.
Plus you have a point. Just keep movin'. Keep your chin up. Mine never sucked. I don't like anythin' bother me.

Plus you have a point. Just keep movin'. Keep your chin up. Mine never sucked. I don't like anythin' bother me.
I thought of something else also. Life is like mountain climbing. You always look up to the mountain, towards new things. You never look down in fear that you'll fall.

When in life you have to look to new experiences, be they good or bad. But you never just give up because that's when you fall off your mountain and into a place where life just seems pointless to go on.

[SIZE=22pt] I don't know. I'm just happy I have a life. [/SIZE]

<_< tamagirl777

Absolutely true what Olber said. No matter what happens to you, just be strong and keep moving forward with your life. Remember, things could always be so much worse. Everyone has the strength inside to continue on, you just have to find it. :D

The thing that tends to bother me is my fear of dying. For me and anyone else I know, esp. my family. It nags at me everyday, but I am learning by myself that I just need to move on, and not to let it bother me the way it wants to. I'm not so much afraid of being dead, I am afraid of dying before I have done certain things which I feel I must do first, and also of the pain that others would feel if something did take me. I don't tell anyone that, but its true. There are just some things I feel I HAVE to do before it is my time.

Ah, nothing sucks to me at the moment. The way I see it, I lead a pretty humorous life. That's pretty much what gets me through every day, is that everyone is funny in their own way. Sometimes it takes a little searching, but in the end, you gotta laugh at life. :D

I think the part of my life that sucks is the fact that at work the boss pawns his job off on me. he comes in hours late and makes me stay for him untill he gets here. I dont have a choice and i cant say anything cause he is the boss cause it might jeperdize my job if i do. I work from 11pm to 7am and i have to stay till almost 10am sometimes and by 8 am im ready to go to bed but i have to stay here cause he wont bring his lazy butt to work. I wish something could be done about it but oh well. But thats what sucks in my life

Life only sucks because you make it that way.
Personally my life sucks because of an event that took place five years ago causing me to be self destructive and be hospitalized three times. My life sucks because I made personal decisions that screwed me over. What happened five years ago wasn't my fault, but because it caused me to do so many things to myself I feel like it was.

Look up in life, never down. The grass is always greener on the other side.
what happend?

my life suks cause whos the only 11 year old in my city to have broken 4 bones in 1 1/2 years? thats right. me. im the only person in my family to make it to the x-ray room with there eyes closed.

I'm happy, whenever life takes a turn for the worst I live through it and try to take back it to the path of rightousness (don't know how to spell it) amd plus, the bad things that happen to me are forgotten or they don't go that bad, life for me RULES! I don't mean to rub it in or anything...

...I am afraid of dying before I have done certain things which I feel I must do first...
yeah im scared that death hurts! :(

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