.....Like a Boss!


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Patchi Ghostie~*

New member
Sep 28, 2008
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Somewhere, over the rainbow, in the magical land o
"How do you (do) ________ like a boss?" is the question you answer!

For example:


How to post on TamaTalk..... like a BOSS! There are evil ninja monkeys surrounding you computer, which is logged onto TamaTalk. While you dash to the computer without one of them trying punch your gut, one shoots a poison dart at you. Luckily, it misses your face by a thread-length and and the dart hits the monkey that was about to knock you out with a sledgehammer. Coast clearer, you reach the computer and click on the "Relpy" button just as an ax hits the wall beside you. Another miss from the ninja monkeys. You quickly type up the reply to the post and there's this one monkey pulling you hair and remaining in the direct middle of your back. You swat at it and it goes away. You hit "post Reply" and a second after the computer goes dead. You look around and one of the ninja monkeys cut the wire to the computer. All the ninja monkeys were conering you by the window, prepared to lash out at you. Since you had read on the bottom of the computer screen that the computer would self-distruct in ten seconds before the wire was cut, you give the ninja monkeys your last farewell and you do a backflip out the window as an explosion blew up the room.

Use your creativity to use your own thing to do that's like a BOSS.



WARNING: no matter how awesome the "like a BOSS" may sound, if it includes explosions or guns or sharp blades or anything like that, please do not do in real life. :)

-Also, you can use your own life experiences if they were... like a BOSS!!-

How to kill a spider like a boss!

You're watching TV when a HUGE spider the size of a dinner plate walks acoss the TV screen. You try and stomp it but it is way too fast for you to catch it So you run all the way to the air force, steal a plane load it up with rockets and destroy your house. The spider is dead when you come back and you continue watching TV (the only thing that didn't get destroyed)

How to read like a boss.

You grab your book and slip it under your arm. Chasing after you are wild cannibals, hungry for flesh. They grasp at you and try to eat your head. You use the katana currently in your grasp and swipe at their heads, spreading corpses with angry frozen faces. You grab the sword's hilt tightly and pound it into the ground, jumping onto it, and leaping onto a nearby house's roof, opening up your book to right where you left off. The pages become red and wet with insane cannibal blood. You smile and continue reading.

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