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Jul 23, 2006
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There was once a little tamacalled Lily. She was a very nice tama.She was adopted by a couple of mean tamas.They did not even send her to pre-school. Lily had a sad life ever since she was adopted. :blink:

They made her do chores and whipped her. They thought it was the funniest thing. One day, Lily decided to run away.

So she was deciding where to run to. She didn't know where any of her relitaves live and had no friends.

She snuck the phone book from the kitchen drawer and flipped through the pages to find someone who could take care of her or get advice from. There was no one. So she decided to...

... fit in with the mean Tamas. She sneaked into there rooms and took there clothes. She practiced being mean.

SHe would look in the mirror and practice her evil laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!" :huh:

The mean Tamas saw her and began laughing. Then, they got out their whip and hit her. She began crying, but they didn't care. She quickly ran out the door and kept running, until...

She didn't have a clue where she was going, but she knew it would be better than staying with those evil, mean Tamas. On the train, she met a very nice young mimitchi :huh: . Her name was Christine. Christine had a twin sister named Michelle.

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Lily explained to Christine and Michelle how she was treated, and they pitied her.

Christine: We were just heading home from school!

Lily: My foster parents didn't even let me go to school! They were really mean!

Michelle whispered to Christine and they nodded and laughed.

Lily: Whats so funny?

Michelle: I just thought of the best idea!

Lily: What?

Christine: How about you come home with us? Out parents won't mind! They say to always have our friends come to our house, so that our parents can meet them! We'll say you're our friend, then later we will give you a sign,

Michelle: which means that we are gonna tell our parents the truth about you.... and then we'll see if you'll be our sister, or not! -Laughs-

Lily: Oh, you guys don't have to do that!

Christine and Michelle: Yes we do!

At the Train stop...

EDIT: The next person, can you please make a sign the Twins will sign to Lily? I couldn't think of one, so I left of here! Please make the sign very obvious to Lily, but not quite obvios enough for their parents! Thankyou!

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