Little Brothers and Sisters


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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2007
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In Candyland. =D
I have 2 little sisters. My gosh, are they annoying or what! One of them is 4 years old. She always wants to play with my wii. Same thing happened today. I wanted to play Super Mario Galaxy and she wants to play Mario Party 8. She tackled me for the remote and my mom was on her side. The other one cries over little things. If someone touched her and it hurt she would cry liek someone shot her. ;)

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My little sister is sooooooo annoying.

She's adorable though.

Don't have one. I'm the youngest in my fam! ;) I have a 15 year old brother. He's three years older than me.

My brother and I have been on pins and needles this past year- we used to get along great. D:

I guess it's partly because of my moodiness and him not understanding the situation and thinking he can just lash out to get what he wants. Makes me sad. I wish we were like best buddies again...

I have two sisters and another little monster is on the way ^_^ . I guess my nine year old sister isn't that bad but my other one who's four is terrible!

Dear Tamatalkers,

Well, my brother can be annoying, but for the most part, he is really sweet! We play games together all the time, and he likes tamas too!

Juliet Capulet

(Romeo says "Hi" ;-)

i have a little brother and yesterday i had a friend over i think he likes he but whatever he kept kicking and picking/sctaching me so my mom gave me permision to slap him across the face so much fun

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