little sis problem


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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2005
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ok, My little sister has a tamagotchi, and I am constantly babysitting it. I have no clue how to teach a five-year-old how to play, either.

oh, really. how old is he? my bro caught on immediatly. He is nine, but is not very good with the virtual pet thing.

me 2 with my sis! but she gets it now i just teach her 1 by 1 for each pic. and lets her do the stuff(like flush the toilet, when there is no poop, so she understands it is the toilet sign) :ichigotchi:

same with mine whos 4. (he only has a mini, but is constantly all over mine, my sister's and brother's!!!)

:furawatchi: Just try thinking of her Tamagotchi as your own! :p :furawatchi: And about teaching her; just show her the basics....
It's hard, I know. I don't know of any ways to teach a 5 year old how to use a Tamagotchi without them not understanding... I guess you might as well keep him/her... You just got a new Tama! :furawatchi: lol

I don't have any siblings too, but I babysit a 5 year old , and I bring my tamagotchi's with me, and show him what the buttons do, and how to pronownce the different types of things on the tamagotchi!

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