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Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
New York
Hey you all ;]

Do you like the location of your locker and your combination? Is it easy to remember/get open? I already have my combination memorized and I got it open the first try ;D It's easy for me, I dunno. For location, it's alright.. It's on the other side of the building from my first period class (gym), bu it doesn't matter because in gym I could put my stuff in my gym locker, so it isn't necessary to go to in the morning. It's also right in the middle of my science, ELA, social studies and math classes. It's also a pretty red 8D

What about you?

[SIZE=7pt]I have two lockers-[/SIZE]

One for P.E. and one for... The rest of the day ;D

I've got both the combonations memorized.

They're both maroon xD

My locker is right in the middle, 2nd floor. It's easy to get places from there. My locker is messy already though, but I'll clean it at lunch maybe. + I have friends near me, yaay. :]

Also it's right by my first class, 10 steps away.

And I have my combo remembered all ready, I'm quick too.

I have two, Gym and everything else. I 've got my everything else memorized as for gym...I have to memorize that.

I have three lockers D8 One for orchestra, one for gym for everything else xD
[SIZE=14pt]You have one for Orchestra? To put music in? Or your instrument??(We have music folders and...classrooms for our instruments)[/SIZE]

We only have "lockers" for large instruments(Ex, Horns,Baritones,Tubas and Sousas.)


Anyway... I believe I only have one. 8]


I would love to have a locker for my trombone.. <3 (Wait! I gotta stop being lazy! D8 )

I have a bottom locker (they're like stacked) and I'm right under one of the old guy friends I have.

It's weird though because his combo is the same exact one as mine so I'm about to throw all my stuff in there. xD

I have a bottom locker (they're like stacked) and I'm right under one of the old guy friends I have. It's weird though because his combo is the same exact one as mine so I'm about to throw all my stuff in there. xD
I thought all combinations were different....

For sixth through eighth grade, in our school, we keep the same combination for both of our lockers that we started with.

I've got two - One in the pod, and one for PE. Both combinations were simple and easy to memorize.

My locker in the pod is gray, and in the locker room.. Bright yellow. D:

I get a locker tomarow ,I hope I get an end locker like last year it was easer to open and you have more space to yourself.

I have two lockers, One for class stuff, and one for Gym.

The area of my locker is nice, Beside the classes I need my books for, But the handle I have to lift to open it os heavier than me D:<

My Combanation is 23, 25, 31. It's kinnda easy to remember, Last year I had an easy locker combanation 5, 9, 14 ;D 5+9=14~

I still don't know my gym locker combanation @__@ I make my locker parter open it xP

my lock is really easy to remember.

before, i had this really boss lock that was the numbers of my favorite laker players (just a concidence i guess) and it was so boss.

I have two lockers, One for class stuff, and one for Gym.The area of my locker is nice, Beside the classes I need my books for, But the handle I have to lift to open it os heavier than me D:<

My Combanation is 23, 25, 31. It's kinnda easy to remember, Last year I had an easy locker combanation 5, 9, 14 ;D 5+9=14~

I still don't know my gym locker combanation @__@ I make my locker parter open it xP
In 5th grade... I didn;t have a lock on my locker. Because it was so hard for me to remember. 4th grade mine was easy... 15 13 35 or something.. U_U

I don't have a locker, they don't have any in our schools ^_^ ; There is lockers for dance classes and for P.E but I don't have that until next semester :p

We don't have lockers.

Just gym lockers. Mine is too far up so I have to stretch and make the lock go to the side so I can see it. It's kinda hard, but if I don't rush unlocking it, it's pretty easy.

IT's small, but it only contains:

Gym shoes




But When I'm wearing them it contains

My Dogtag



One Stars

Locker 142.

No combination.

Our school is private, so we don't have to have one.

Saves alot of time ;]

I decorate it with inside jokes, stickers, photos, and I got this sweet locker kit from costco 8D

My lockers okay. It's slightly worn, but I can deal. The combination is easy, but the location could be better. It's in the back of the building, so when I need to get my books from the front, I have to really sprint to my locker.

I suck at locks, and haven't bought mine yet. xP Locks stink.

My locker is sorta far away from my class, but that's alright. We have our own little section. It's kinda cool.

Soon, my locker is going to be filled with Jonas posters. <3

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