Log for my Black & Pink Tama


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
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This log can also be found on my website!

Thursday, March 16, 2006 - Sunday, March 26, 2006

Generation - 1

Egg --> Telethchi --> Mizutamatchi --> Patapatatchi --> Mametchi

Thursday, March 16: at approximately 3:35pm the egg hatches into baby (girl) Telethchi. At about 4:35pm on the same day Teletchi grows into a toddler - Mizutamatchi!

Friday, March 17: no transformations occur.

Saturday, March 18: I wake up at 10:30 to the sound of Mizutamatchi turning into the teenage Patapatatchi.

Sunday, March 19: no transformations occur.

Monday, March 20: no transformations occur. I was called in to substitute today, so Patapatatchi spent a good portion of the day on pause :marumimitchi:

Tuesday, March 21: no transformations occur.

Wednesday, March 22 9:00am. Patapatatchi says goodbye and Mametchi says hello.

Thursday, March 23: no transformations occur. I do not believe there will be any more transformations since it has already reached adulthood, unless it becomes a senior citizen in the final days of it's life. Hopefully that will not happen though and instead the matchmaker will come to drop off a new egg.

Friday, March 24: no transformations occur.

At approx 1:34 Mametchi's head took up the entire screen and she started blowing kisses at me. I had never seen this before and so I thought it interesting to note this. She continued doing this for about 3 minutes!

At 2:05 a musical note appeared in the right hand corner of the tama and it looked as though Mametchi was either singing or listening to music, but I could not tell which she was doing. I am amazed that I had not seen any of this stuff earlier and today am noticing everything.

At 7:39 Mametchi was on the screen with what looked like a mug. Also, lines and dots were coming out of her eyes, giving the impression she was crying. I checked all of her stats and she was full health and full happiness, so I was unsure what this meant. Again, this was the first time I noticed this and I am really beginning to think that I had been neglecting the tama up until now.

Saturday, March 25:

This is going to be a more in depth log than earlier since it is the weekend and I have off from work.

Well this morning was quite a surprise! At 10:30 the matchmaker arrived and dropped off a small bundle of joy. Mametchi is currently caring for teletchi (boy). I was extremely excited as Mametchi is only 7 years old!

At 11:30 Mametchi had the musical note again. At 11:40 I was on poop patrol. 12:30 was Mametchi kissing the screen again and then at 1:00 the musical note made another appearance.

There was nothing from 1pm until 7pm, but at 7:00 the baby became ill and I had to administer medicine, and then at 7:33 more poop.

This will probably be the last log for my generation 1. Mametchi shall be leaving soon :chohimetchi: I will miss Mametchi a little since she was my first tama in a long time, but 7 days was not really long enough for me to grow a strong attachment to her.

In other Tamagotchi related news, I gave in and bought a green snakeskin tama off of eBay. I know I said I did not want to do this, but I really want to connect the tama's and I didn't know when I would get lucky enough to find another one in the store. I am hoping for it to arrive soon.

Sunday, March 26:

I woke up shortly after 8 to find poopie on the screen and then at 9:40 there was more poop. At 9:52 Mametchi was crying with that mug again. At 12:04 I caught Mametchi kissing the screen. I am in complete shock that she has not left yet. The instruction manual that came with the tama said the parent stays for 24 hrs. Mametchi has stayed for over 25, so I am expecting her to leave any minute now.

At 12:35 the musical note appeared. Mametchi sure loves to sing. She looks adorable as she jumps up and down singing and dancing to the music. At 12:40, more poop. These two together are poop machines. At 1:00, the 4th poop of the day. Two minutes after that Mametchi kisses the screen again and then at 1:38, guess what? No, Mametchi still has not left, but there is more poopie!

I'm seriously debating turning this into a poop journal, and you will know why in a minute. At 2:37, 3:35, and 3:42 I found poop on the screen. At 3:49 Teletchi became ill and it took 2 doses of medicine to heal him. And then at 4:38, 5:36, and 6:42 I found MORE POOP!

At 7:35 I found Mametchi brushing her teeth. Yes, you heard that right! I discovered today that she is not crying over a mug of coffee, but in actuality she is brushing her teeth! I was very relieved. I hated the thought that she was constantly crying for no reason.

At 7:30... poop. I'm amazed it can go this often, honestly. 8:47... not one poop, but 2!

And finally, at 9pm both promptly went to sleep. I am so relived that I will get a few poop free hours.

I joined a tama message board today and discovered that not only does the parent stay for 24 hrs, but she sleeps with the baby for two nights before she leaves. So it is not odd that Mametchi has not yet left.

Saturday, March 25, 2006 - ??

Generation - 2

Egg --> Telethchi --> Kuchitamatchi --> ?? --> ??

Monday, March 27, 2006:

I woke up a few minutes after 8:00 to find Mametchi had left and Teletchi was alone. I quickly input the little boy's name, fed him 4 snacks and 4 meals, and headed downstairs.

At 8:11 I glanced down to see poopie on the screen and (prayed this would not be a repeat of the previous day as I) removed it. I also checked his stats and noticed that he had lost 2 hearts in hungry and 1 in happy, so I gave him more food and snacks.

At 8:13 he called to me for attention. The poor dear was sick. Apparently it was bad, it took 2 doses of medicine to cure the little black blob.

At 8:24 I notice more poop and that Teletchi lost lost 3 hungry and 2 happy hearts. With the rate he has been losing hearts I am finding it difficult to play enough games to keep him at a healthy weight.

8:28 - Poop - 1 hunger heart empty. I am definately being reminded of yesterday.

At 8:33 he beeped for attention. He had gone to sleep! Unfortunately he fell asleep with 1 hunger heart empty. He woke up at 8:40... talk about a cat nap! I quickly fed him so that he would have all full hearts.

Three minutes later at 8:43 he beeped for attention. I praised him and gained 1 training bar. Immediately following this at 8:44 there was more poopy and an empty hungry heart again. I fed him and then at 8:50 he had a hungry heart for what seemed like the millionth time. More food for Teletchi. At 8:52 poop and another hungry heart.

At 9:03 I heard a strange noise, not the noise of attention, but the transformation noise! Teletchi had become Kuchitamachi! And, he went poopie!

I find it hard to believe that this is already my longest journal entry to date and everything listed above took place in the course of one hour.

An entire hour actually managed to pass with no poopie and no hearts emptying, but at 10:03 the toddler was hungry once again.

At 10:10 Kutimatchi beeped for attention one again. This time I put him in time out and recieved his second training point but lost a happy heart. I fed him a snack and he was full once again.

At 10:49 he pooped and lost one heart in hungry so I fed him a scone. I notice that every time he poops he seems to lose one hungry heart. At 11:30 I saw that he had lost one heart in happiness so I gave him an ice cream cone and all was well again. At 11:35 he was hungry once again! He sure is a pig!

And then at approximately 12:30 I made a huge mistake. He had gone poopie which I cleaned up and was hungry once again. I had purchased a hamburger with my gotchi points and fed it to him, but he did not like it! He lost all of the hearts in happiness and I had to give him 4 snacks to make him happy again.

At 1:08 the tama called for attention. I praised him and earned another training point and then at 1:26 he was hungry again. I fed him some beef and he was was once again at full hearts.

At 2:06 I noticed Kuchitamatchi rolling across the screen like a ball. It was absolutely adorable to watch, though I began to wonder how the little guy didn't get a headache!

At 2:25 I noticed poopie and then at 2:32 he was hungry so I filled him up on sushi.

After that I went to work, but refused to pause the tama. Since I was doing aftercare and not subbing today I figured this would be fine.

At 3:17 he had 1 empty heart in hungry and fed him some tasty sushi. At 4:05 more poopie patrol and 1 more hungry heart. Fed the toddler some bread.

I had also missed him calling for attention earlier, so I put him in time out now, gaining his 4th training point, and gave him a snack.

4:55 more poop and he's hungry again and then at 6:49 he was hungry and unhappy so I gave him sushi and an apple.

Well I made it home wihout pausing the tama!

At 7:06 he called for attention so I praised him and earned another training point.

At approximately 7:30 he went poopie and he was hungry so I cleaned him up and fed him. Then, at promptly 8pm he went to bed.

Good news! I recieved an e-mail from the person I won the green snakeskin pattern tama from informing me that it was being mailed today! I really am looking forward to receiving it so that I can connect the two.

Note: If you have any questions or comments regarding this log please do not post them here. Instead, go to my webpage and leave a note on my message board or send me a private message over tamatalk. Thank you!

Note 2: I am substituting tomorrow so the tama will be on pause for the majority of the day. For the short time that it is awake I will take as detailed a log as possible and post it after he has gone to bed.

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Saturday March 25, 2006 - ??

Generation 2

Egg --> Teletchi --> Kuchitamatchi --> Hinatchi --> ??

Tuesday March 28, 2006

At 7:45am I paused the tama before it had even awoke for the day. I was upset I had to do this because I knew it would be turning into a teenager within an hour or two and I did not want to delay it, but alas I need money and must work.

I brought the students to lunch at 11:55 and was able to unpause the tama at 12:00 for my lunch. At 12:14, when I had finished eating, I decided to glance at the tama’s stats and noticed that he had one heart empty in hungry. I gave him some milk and once again all his hearts were full.

He was paused again at 12:40. Both my lunch and the students lunch had ended.

At 1:30 he was unpaused again. The students were in their special and I had a free period. I checked his stats again out of habit and saw he had lost 1 heart in happiness. CAKE! All hearts were now full. Four minutes later I noticed poopie on the screen and immediately cleaned it. Because of this I checked his stats and found a hungry heart empty again. Gave him some BBQ food this time.

1:47, the moment I had been waiting for. Kuchitamatchi turns into a Hinatchi!

He was paused again from 2:00 - 2:30. At 2:30 I unpaused him, my day at work was over! Finally!

He was quiet on the way home, but almost as soon as I walked in the door he asked for attention. I put him in time out at 3:07, gained my 6th training point, and then gave him an ice cream.

3:24 and the bugger is hungry again. I spoiled him with some pizza.

4:25 - more poopie and 1 hungry heart. Fed him and now he is just peachy once again!

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The Black Tama spent 7:30am-2:30pm on pause. At 2:30 I left work, went to the bank and the pet store, and then headed home. During this time the tama poopied once and was hungry once.

When I arrived home I found my green tama in the mail! I immediately started it and played with it until it changed into a Mizutamatchi.

After this I put them both on pause so that I could go to the farm and see my horse. Unfortunately by the time I was done riding they had both gone to sleep.

So, other than getting my new tama in the mail, today was very un-exciting.

If I don't get called in to work tomorrow my log will return to its normal, long style then.

March 30, 2006

My tama’s were giving me connection troubles all day yesterday and today. Out of 50 attempts they only managed to connect once. I was thinking maybe there was a glitch and I would need to reset, so at 9:43am I did just that to the new green snake tama. I knew if there was a problem it could not be the translucent black tama since I have connected with the students in work many times. Well after the reset and the hatching I tried connecting again, but alas no use. So now I wasted the green tama’s first day and they still won’t connect!

I was too upset today to make a detailed log. The only reason I went against my better judgment and bought one over eBay was so that I could connect the two in hopes of them having children together but it looks like that will never happen. I did learn a very important lesson though. Do not buy Tamagotchi over eBay. I guess if I decide to get a 3rd one in hopes of connecting my black tama with another one I will just have to camp out at a toy store until the truck comes with deliveries.

Hopefully I will be in a better mood tomorrow and my journal will finally return to normal.

Important Update: The wonderful people at TamaTalk helped me to connect the tama’s. I already have the two up to 4 smiley faces each!

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March 31, 2006

Well I got called in to substitute again today, so both tama’s spent from 7:30am - 2:30pm on pause.

I am not in the best of moods today. You see, I decided when I received the green snake tama that I would purposely take less than perfect care of it in hopes of receiving an average character. I made sure that at all times at least one heart was empty, sometimes even two or three hearts, and today at 3:30 Tamatchi turned into a Young Mametchi. Why does it seem easier to get good characters than it is to get average or below average characters? I would think it would be the other way around.

Like always I am keeping the translucent black tama at full health and full happiness. It was my first tama in nearly 10 years and so I have a strong attachment to it.

I apologize for the extremely short log today, but instead of taking notes for all the times poopie, hungry, unhappiness, and attention occurred I decided to make a picture in paint of the Young Mametchi I currently abhor. If you wish to see the picture visit today's journal entry on my web page!

Are you trying to connect your tamagotchis in the sun? if you are - dont. The Sun Doesnt' let you connect well. try it inside.

if that does'nt work,take the red thing off both of the tamas,and there should be a pointy thing,make it straight and it should work now

April 1, 2006

Both tamas awoke at 9am today. As soon as Hinatchi (translucent black tama) awoke he turned into Decotchi. Decotchi reminds me of Frankenstein’s head with two little stick legs sticking out where a neck should be. I can’t decide if I find him extremely ugly or extremely cute.

I took both tamas to the farm today to see my horse and did not pause them the entire time. Both pooped twice and I noticed that they are on nearly the exact same poop schedule. They are only one minute apart, and that is because the green tama’s clock is one minute slower than the black tama.

Instead of leaving only one or two hearts empty on the green tama I am now only taking care of her when she calls for attention, and when that happens I am filling it with two hearts at the most.

Now that the black tama is an adult I finally sent it on vacation to Australia. Decotchi came back with a souvenir surfboard.

I am hoping that Young Mametchi (green snake tama) will turn into an adult tomorrow so that I can start working on the hearts for their friendship level.

April 3, 2006

I apologize for not making a journal entry yesterday, but in all honesty nothing exciting happened in my tamagotchi land. I went to my cousin's 7th birthday party and so the tama's spent all afternoon and part of the evening on pause.

Today though, Young Mametchi (Green Snake tama) transformed into Hanatchi around 4:30 in the afternoon. I was in aftercare when this happened, but luckily I heard the beeping over the noise of the students. Once I returned home I started connecting the two tama's until both had four hearts in friendship. Hopefully I will be able to mate them tomorrow or Wednesday.

April 4, 2006

Well today was exciting. A little after 4:30 in the afternoon I connected the two tamas. Decotchi (translucent black tama) went to visit Hanatchi (green snake tama). A small heart appeared between the two of them and then both screens went black. Fireworks started going off on both tamas. When the fireworks stopped the screens returned to normal and Decotchi returned to his tama. One and then two little girl teletchis appeared on the screen with Hanatchi and then one went to Decotchi. The parents started jumping up and down with excitement.

I was extremely happy. For the first time ever I managed to mate the two tamas!

Are you trying to connect your tamagotchis in the sun? if you are - dont. The Sun Doesnt' let you connect well. try it inside.if that does'nt work,take the red thing off both of the tamas,and there should be a pointy thing,make it straight and it should work now
Please don't reply to logs.

If you would like to comment, please PM the user. <_<


April 6, 2006

I was taken with a bad case of laziness yesterday which unfortunately stopped me from updating the journal. Luckily I am somewhat over it today.

Yesterday, a little before 5pm, I decided it was time for the parents of both tamas to leave. You see, I knew that I would be working today, and if I did not ditch the parents yesterday, I would not be able to take the tamas off pause until after 6pm today. Meaning that the babies would not turn into toddlers until after 7pm. So, shortly before 5pm, I reset the clocks on both tamas to 11:59pm and waited for the parents to leave. Once they had left I reset the date and time to the accurate one.

Like all babies the two of them would not let me rest, especially since I had now been taking care of two instead of one. As soon as one received all happy and hungry hearts the other would call for attention.

One hour later the translucent black tama turned into Kuchitamatchi and the green snake tama turned into Mohitamatchi. I was relieved that the stressful hour had now passed. The next two hours went very smoothly until both went to bed promptly at 8pm.

Today I substituted and then did aftercare, so the tamas were on pause from 7:30am until 6:30pm. I only had an hour and a half with them until they went to bed. It is more than likely they will both turn into teenagers tomorrow when they wake up.

And yes, I am stilling making the pixel images for the character logs!

Well that’s all for now. Hope to see everyone again soon!

April 7, 2006

Well like all days where I substitute, the tamas were on pause from 7:30am until 2:30pm. When I got out of work I unpaused them and in less than a minute the translucent black tama transformed into Young Mametchi and the green snake tama turned into Hinatchi.

I was so mad!

These were the same two teenagers I had last generation, only on the opposite tamas. I have been trying so hard to get different characters and I feel as though all my work has been in vain.

Hopefully, when they turn into adults I will get something other than Mametchi, Hanatchi, or Decotchi.

At 6:30 I paused the tamas again and went to the farm. They were paused until nearly 9pm, so they were sleeping when I returned home and unpaused them.

I most likely won’t update for a few days. Neither tama will be turning into an adult until Monday or Tuesday.

April 10, 2006

Well as everyone can see I did not update over the weekend. Neither of the tamas evolved Saturday or Sunday. Instead of updating the journal I decided to make the website itself look a little more appealing. I made a background image for a few of the pages as well as buttons to use for links on the main page. Also, I added a non-tama section and set up a section entitle “About the Webmistress.”

Tonight though, I was in for a huge surprise. While doing aftercare I decided to leave the tamas unpaused in my purse. I told myself I would check on them every 30-45 minutes. Well, when I checked on them a little before 5pm my excitement was extremely amazing. Young Mametchi (translucent black) had turned into a Leaftchi! Now, I realize Leaftchi’s are not the best character, but they are so adorable I just love them oh so much. Hinatchi (snake green) had made a change as well. She was now Chomametchi. Chomametchi’s are very cute as well, I think it’s the big ears that do me in.

As everyone can see I stopped logging every single time a tama poopies, or eats, or wants some attention. I figured that most of you were probably sick of seeing that as much as I was.

Both tamas are currently 4 years old right now. I am expecting the matchmaker in 2-3 days, so that will most likely be how long it is until my next update.

I apologize a thousand times for not updating the journal in so long. I started my summer job about a month or so before the school year ended, so I am currently substituting and working my summer job. I have found little time to update my web page or the tama journal and take care of the tamas since I spend the majority of my time sleeping when not in work. The beginning of June should hopefully see an end to this.

The translucent black tama is currently in its 6th generation. At the moment it is a Young Mimitchi. The green snake tama is in its 4th generation and it is also a Young Mimitchi.


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