Log Of Destruction


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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2007
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I bought this one on the last Friday of April.

Trade, 6 years old.Male


Teletchi -&gt; Tamatchi -&gt; Patopatatchi -&gt; Kuchipatchi

And my brand new tamagotchi (bought it yesterday o.0)

Rose, 1 yrs. Female Growth:

Teletchi -&gt; Tamatchi

Just bought a battery for battery-less tamagotchi.

Holly,1 yrs, Female Growth:

Teletchi -&gt; Mizutamatchi -&gt; Obotchi

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Trade had his baby at 7:00 pm with the help of the matchmaker (male teletchi)

Tamagotchi Pets:


Trade, Male, 1g

Teletchi -&gt; Tamatchi -&gt; Patopatatchi -&gt; Kuchipatchi

Training only got to 1

David, Male, 2g

Teletchi -&gt; Mahitamatchi


Rose, Female, 1g

Teletchi -&gt; Tamatchi -&gt; Patapatatchi -&gt;


*Current Pets are in bold

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David evolved into hikotchi

Rose evolved into MimiYoritchi

Unfortunately Holly had to be reset. Tulip evolved exactly like Holly and is currently an Obotchi.

I feed all of my pets the same things. Bread and Apples.

All my tamas are finally asleep so I can now write the updates. However,

Rose went to sleep with only three hungry hearts. :)

Lynn (see below) went to sleep with poop and only three hungry hearts :)


Accidently reset Tulip :( .....Now she will never ever ever turn one.

I bought a V2!!!It's really strange.....(I've only had v3s) It's a girl and I named her Lynn. She was a Petitchi but now she is a Marutchi *Studies v2 character chart*

David has turned into a....*drumroll* Bill! (Not a billotchi- a BILL!!!!!!!) I am exstatic.

David &amp; Rose are lovebirds.


David &amp; Rose have had twin girls which I am sad about because I want boys (If I had twin boys I could mate one to Lynn and the other to Tulip so I wouldn't have to rely on the matchmaker) but oh well. I will name them Carly and Erica. Such Darlings.

After David leaves I will be in my third generation! Woot!

Lynn has evolved:U.F.O.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(I like to win bump o.0)

It is nearly impossible to get anything on v2s. The things all cost more money, and the games are harder and give you less points! Ugh! (I'm used to my tamas having max money so this is quite hard for me)


Wow I haven't been on in awhile guess I have a bit to clear up.

The twins are now 2 &amp; 3 yrs old (I know it sounds weird--One of them had to be reset due to battery problems)

The twins were both Tamatchi toddlers. However:

Erica is now: Piroriroritchi (If thats how you spell it)

Carly is now: Hinotamatchi

I gave my v2 to a friend so that they too can be a member of the tamagotchi owner's club...Lynn was reset. I will miss her dearly.

Now for the grand news about Tulip:

She is 5 yrs old!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is now one of those adorable Pyonkotchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She married a Bill (named Cody) and together they had two sons! YAHOOO! I will name my twin Moses.

Oh and one more thing, If anyone would like to comment on my log, feel free to go ahead but please please make your comments positive or I will ask for them to be deleted.

Thanks for reading,

Gotchi &lt;3, Tulip, Moses, Carly, and Erica


WAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!My erica is gone!!!!!!!!I had to give that tama to my other friend because while she was at my house it got stepped on by someone other than I but I had to replace it with one of mine. Now I have only Carly and Moses!!!WAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!

Moses has evolved into a hikotchi!

Carly is a Hizoutamatchi. I am going to try to mate her with my sister's v4 today.

Thanks for reading,

Gotchi &lt;3, Carly, and Moses.


Moses has evolved into Dorotchi and will be mated to my brother's tama tomorrow.

Carly did not mate with my sister's gotchi. Instead the matchmaker came for her. The Female telechi is now a Tamatchi and her name is Lou.

Lou too has a mate. The matchmaker came for my sister's v4 and a male was born.

Yes I need to change my siggy but today I do not have time.

Thanks for reading,

Gotchi &lt;3, Lou, and Moses


Moses had twins with my bro's tama as planned. The teletchis were female. I named my half of the litter Lindy.

Lindy evolved from a Mizutamatchi to a Piroriroritchi. (1 yr)

As for Lou, she is currently 3 yrs. old in her teen stage and I expect her to grow today sometime.

If you were confused about Lou having a mate, let me clear: My sister agreed that her young male would be my female's mate.

I do not know Lou's teen stage name so I will have to post that later.

And now...The Grand news! I got another v3! I am so happy. It is a froggy one. The first pet is a boy.

His name is actually quite funny...I tried to name him Lucas but I accidently named him Lucar.... :) :blink: :blink: B) B) :D :D

Lucar evolved into a Mizutamatchi. He will not grow into a teen until late this afternoon.

I will not mate him to Lindy. I am going to wait for the matchmaker to open breeding opportunities in the future. (Is there anyone who mates related tamagotchis anyway?????)

Lindy will be a mate for my sister's OTHER v4, Jeff.

I guess it is passed time to update training levels. I will write all I can remember.

Lindy has 3 training as of right now (She is sleeping)

Lou has 8 training as of right now. (She is sleeping, too)

Lucar has 3 training as of right now (He is hungry)

Carly had 8 training as of before she left Lou. (Living at Tamatown)

Moses had the same training as Carly and Lou. (Living at Tamatown)


As promised, I will post Lou's teen stage name: Hashitamatchi. Now she has changed to Gozarutchi.

Lou Finally got FULL training! Woot. Now just got Lucar and Lindy to go.

Hold on..Lucar and Lindy have made messes..........Now they both need a meal and a snack....Okay now everyone is fine...Now back to Lou.

Lou is planned to marry Yuki (My sister's tama-v4) on Wednesday (When he will be 6 and she will be 7)

Nothing has changed for Lindy besides the fact that she has only one training to go before she is FULLY TRAINED!!WOOT!

Lucar's training has increased by 3 since yesterday so he is going up as well.

Lucar is now an Obotchi.

Here are some goals for my tamas:


1. Gather all Souvenirs.

2. Be the first in my family's tamas to mate with a different version.


1. Gather all Souvenirs.

2. Donate 30k to King

3. Buy T.V. from shop....


1. Gather all Souvenirs.

2. Donate 30k to king

Thanks for Reading,

Gotchi&lt;3, Lucar, Lindy, and Lou.


Lucar has evolved into a Pyonkotchi. Pyonkotchi is kind of cute, but only on a girl.

Lindy evolved into a Kuchipatchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOHOO!! (My fav pet)

I will feed Lou's baby (when she has one) sushi and cone instead of bread and apples (What I always feed all my pets--I'm such a health freak virtually...........)

As for the goals,

Lou has completed goal 1.

Lindy has completed goals 2 and 3.

Lucar has completed both goals (Strange for a 1g, yes?)

I bought two new v4s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are both boys-I named them Monte and Teddy.

Monte just pooed. They both need food and snacks. They are fine now. Now to get them some free money....

Thanks for reading,

Gotchi&lt;3, Lucar, Lindy, Lou, Monte, and Teddy.


Both v4s are now in pre school.

Monte is now a Mohitamatchi.

He has 2 training.

Teddy is a Mizutamatchi.

He has 3 training.










Since my sister had to reset her gozarutchi Yuki so many times, he is many years younger than Lou so I went ahead and accepted the matchmaker when he came at 10:30 this morning. The telechi is female and her name is Eden (Though she is not yet on her own)

Thanks for reading,

Gotchi&lt;3, Lucar, Lindy, Lou, Eden, Monte, and Teddy.


Both V4s are now in school.

They have the teacher with the big choppers.

They have both grown into Hinotamatchi and are 1.

Lindy and Lucar ACCIDENTALY had a baby..I didn't know they had feelings for each other and I forgot Lucar was old enough to make a baby and then I found out in an outrageous way...The twins are boys and I will name them Edwin and Homer.

As for Eden, the is a Tamatchi now.

Since I am in a rush, I cannot post Monte and Teddy's skills but I CAN say that they are all at or above 40 for the both of them.

Thanks for reading,

Gotchi&lt;3, Lucar, Homer, Eden, Monte, Teddy, Edwin, and Lindy.


It says that Lindy and Lucar ACCIDENTALY had a baby. They actually had twins (Heh...Sorry Homer..Didn't mean to forget you honey)

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I have been feeding my pets all bread and fruit and I have had the following pets twice in one month on 3/4 v3s:



Bill (Pm me if your wondering--I have yet to reveal the 2nd Bill on my log)

New feeding guidelines:

I am trying to get some different pets on my v3s than the ones I seem to always get...Doesn't hurt to try.




Of course, sometimes I accidentaly feed them bread/apples because of my habbits....


Today I haven't been working hard on bringing their skills up, but I probably will after I've finished babysitting.









This morning I made both Lucar and Lindy leave so now my baby boys are toddlers. Eden too has evolved into the next stage. Growth is as follows:




Training levels:






Thanks for reading,

Gotchi&lt;3, Edwin, Homer, Eden, Monte, and Teddy


The new feeding guidelines are working well, already I have got two new pets that I've never had before.

Growth news:



Edwin-Young Mimitchi**


*There's Mommy treating her boys equally for ya.

**Young Mimitchi and Nikatchi (Eden) are two pets I've never had before.


Haven't worked on them quite so much. I need to get cracking before they go to bed or they'll get the worst job (What's the worst job???)









As you can see, I'm having a hard time with the Arts skill. I simply can not play dance because I have NEVER gotten to round two, so arts is quite hopless unless I get lucky....







Good, comparing today's training update with yesterdays, all pets have gained atleast one bar.


What in the world? Im not even done posting my accomplishments for today! I guess I'm a little eager to click the submit post button, huh? What a loser...

Okay, so today I was looking back and I realized (not for the first time) that my v3 pets are fat and penniless. So I thought I would like to change that. Proudly I present my new weight news!!!:

Eden-35 lbs!!!

Homer-35 lbs!!!

Edwin-35 lbs!!!

Monte-32 lbs!!!

Sadly, I am too embarrassed from Teddy's weight that I can not post it. But I will anyways.

Teddy-99 lbs........ :(

On a final note, ALL OF MY V3s, I repeat, ALL OF THEM, have 9999 gotchi pts!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now I will stand tall and say to the world:


Thanks for reading,

Gotchi&lt;3, Eden, Homer, Teddy, Monte, and Edwin.

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GRRR eden just tried to trick me even though she is fully trained. Luckily I am smart enough to know that I fed her not too long ago and she isn't crying or deppressed so I did not fall for it. Lucky me!


General News:

My mother took away my tamas today cause I was being bad (As usual...What a naughty little girl..) And ALL of them had poop, sicknesses, and no black hearts...I felt soo sorry for them. They are all asleep now (sleeping comfortably, may I add) Yes, I do wake my tamas to care for their illnesses as all parents should do.

Monte and Teddy both recieved they're jobs today. Teddy has the doctor job and Monte has the school job..I'm going to try to get them Arts Skill jobs as those are really needed (Take a look at my art skills!).

Growth news:

-No Growth News


For today's excuse I blame the skills on my mom's taking them away :angry:









Training News:

Again, Not much has happened with training, probably due to my not being with them.






Weight News:

I was (of course) Unable to play any games because when I got my tamas back they all just basicly eat, go to the doctor, clean the messes, play with their stuffed animals/ robots, and go to bed. Tomorrow I will be sure to make them lose weight.

Teddy-97 lbs (Lost 2 lbs--YES!)

Monte-46 lbs (Gained 14 lbs)

Eden-75 lbs (Gained 40 lbs)

Edwin-61 lbs (Gained 26 lbs)

Homer-64 lbs (Gained 29 lbs)

Thanks for reading,

Gotchi &lt;3, Eden, Teddy, Monte, Homer, and Edwin.


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