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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2007
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:eek: i went down the street wif y mates

and i bought a goldfish

and carried it everywhere

and i had to let it go on the river.

i ran into a wall once and almost broke my toe. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

If you name something strange or gross, I've probably done it.

I've gotten kicked out of nearly every store in our mall for doing weird stuff.


Got kicked out of the bible store for stopping people, getting on my knees, and screaming, "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL! I HAVE TO PRAY FOR YOU!"

Got kicked out of Macy's because my friend was doing...inappropriate things with the manaquins and I was screaming "rape."

Got kicked out of the candle store for carrying about 80 candles in my hands, then dropping them on purpose and hiding behind a table, because I thought I'd get in trouble.

Got kicked out of Spencers for stealing some beads off of an......err..inappropriate necklace...

Got kicked out of JC Penny for yelling "Na na na na na na na Batman!" while running around, jumping on the display beds, and laying on the towel shelves. (Oh! 'Twas hilarious! One of my other friends got kicked out of JC Penny for trying to get inside a suitcase and close it up!)

And I've done other weird things outside of the mall, of course. Like at the movies.


I put skittles around the toilet seat bowl in the bathroom.

I went to a movie I've already seen with my friend and started talking loudly about the characters, the plot, the ending, our personal lives, and playing with our cell phones.

Sat in the middle of the aisle to watch the movie.

Balanced soda bottles on my head so the people behind me couldn't see.

Sat on the floor right in front of the screen, and read a book while the movie was playing.

And me and my friend have walked down to our old elementary school and middle school and done stuff on the weekends while school isnt in.


Bought smelly sardines and poured them on a slide on a Sunday night before school.

Bought one of those sticky squeeze pops, chocolate, and granola and rubbed it all over the slide, and the monkey bars where children hold on to ^^,

Less than a week ago, I went to my old middle school during a school concert, and went to my old chior teacher's door (She was a very mean teacher, and I'm happy I'll never have her again. She hated me and my best friend, and she deserved this.) and right before the Janitors went home, I spit on her door, the floor by the door, and on the doorknob.

And other stuff. But that's ok, I'm a very annoying person.

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i was walking around town with my frien (angicy on here) and i pointed to a house and yelled, "I LIKE THE ROOF!" and spilled my hot chocolate. XD it was awsome. i almost fell on the ground laughing XD

Once my friend made fake crap by mixing Peanut butter with chocolate cream in a bowl, and she grossed another one of our friends out with it by eating it! My other friend was all like "J-------(That's my friend's name I hid it.), is that crap you're eating?" and she was really grossed out! It was hilarious!


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One time, me and my friend randomly screamed something like HEY UR SO UGLY to random people XD

i saw a man with mullet once walking outsidemy street

i yelled out MULLET MMAN

and he turned around. and was confused.

I was walking with my friend in the mall, and I guess I wasn't moving fast enough for someone, and she pushed me out of the way and was all like, "Tsst!" and was walking really fast to "Famous Foot Wear" and I got mad and yelled, "Oooo! I have to hurry on to Famous Foot Wear! I'm a ***** and I go "Tsst" and everyone that is in my way of getting to the amazing Famous Foot Wear! Tsst, Tsst, Tsst, Tsst, Tsst!!!!!" She turned around and gave me a dirty look, so I went "TSSSSSST!" Really loud at her, and she went "Ugh!" and walked away.....into Famous Foot Wear.

I have a few. One is me and 2 other friends eating grass! :nazotchi: The second thing is me and my best friend were walking down the street a few feet away from our moms. So me and my friend were just talking and walking and I turned around and saw this weird looking guy walking behind us. :kusatchi: I whispered to my friend, "Uh, I think someone's behind us." She turned around. We looked at each other, screamed, and ran to our moms. ^_^ We weren't really scared or anything, we just wanted to do that. We hope we didn't hurt his feelings! :p And third is I was walking and this person was talking into a walkie talkie. I looked at him and he said, "sorry ma'am" to me. Twice! Hey, I'm not a grown-up! :wacko:

I was walking with my friend in the mall, and I guess I wasn't moving fast enough for someone, and she pushed me out of the way and was all like, "Tsst!" and was walking really fast to "Famous Foot Wear" and I got mad and yelled, "Oooo! I have to hurry on to Famous Foot Wear! I'm a ***** and I go "Tsst" and everyone that is in my way of getting to the amazing Famous Foot Wear! Tsst, Tsst, Tsst, Tsst, Tsst!!!!!" She turned around and gave me a dirty look, so I went "TSSSSSST!" Really loud at her, and she went "Ugh!" and walked away.....into Famous Foot Wear.
Lmao!!! xD I love getting revenge... xDDD

Once, my friends were sleeping over my house and we were playing with these toys. My friend held up the dog to our faces (the dog looked hidious.) and then she said "SPERK ENGRISH!!!" xD We tinkled ourselves laughing.

And once my friend was acting REALLY ANNOYING and everytime I talked, she'd go... "Upp!ZU!PA!" and then all of a sudden she said "RAWRRRRRRRR!!!!" and we acted retarded that day. xDDD


Well today I went to sit down at the computer and I banged my head on the corner of the monitor. It really hurt :mametchi:

Yesterday I was playing cricket downstairs and I whacked the back of my head with the bat. I swear I thought I'd cracked my head open, but fortunately there was no blood.

A few months ago my friend asked me to give the guy she liked a note, and so after school I had to go right up to him and (who is 3 years older than my friend and I. Discusting taste in guys if I may add XD) and he is like the Tower of Terror compared to me. I had to give him my friend's phone number, it was so embarassing. She still needs to pay me back for that XD

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If you name something strange or gross, I've probably done it.I've gotten kicked out of nearly every store in our mall for doing weird stuff.


Got kicked out of the bible store for stopping people, getting on my knees, and screaming, "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL! I HAVE TO PRAY FOR YOU!"

Got kicked out of Macy's because my friend was doing...inappropriate things with the manaquins and I was screaming "rape."

Got kicked out of the candle store for carrying about 80 candles in my hands, then dropping them on purpose and hiding behind a table, because I thought I'd get in trouble.

Got kicked out of Spencers for stealing some beads off of an......err..inappropriate necklace...

Got kicked out of JC Penny for yelling "Na na na na na na na Batman!" while running around, jumping on the display beds, and laying on the towel shelves. (Oh! 'Twas hilarious! One of my other friends got kicked out of JC Penny for trying to get inside a suitcase and close it up!)

And I've done other weird things outside of the mall, of course. Like at the movies.


I put skittles around the toilet seat bowl in the bathroom.

I went to a movie I've already seen with my friend and started talking loudly about the characters, the plot, the ending, our personal lives, and playing with our cell phones.

Sat in the middle of the aisle to watch the movie.

Balanced soda bottles on my head so the people behind me couldn't see.

Sat on the floor right in front of the screen, and read a book while the movie was playing.

And me and my friend have walked down to our old elementary school and middle school and done stuff on the weekends while school isnt in.


Bought smelly sardines and poured them on a slide on a Sunday night before school.

Bought one of those sticky squeeze pops, chocolate, and granola and rubbed it all over the slide, and the monkey bars where children hold on to ^^,

Less than a week ago, I went to my old middle school during a school concert, and went to my old chior teacher's door (She was a very mean teacher, and I'm happy I'll never have her again. She hated me and my best friend, and she deserved this.) and right before the Janitors went home, I spit on her door, the floor by the door, and on the doorknob.

And other stuff. But that's ok, I'm a very annoying person.
Isn't a lot of that illegal?

I once got kicked out of a CD store for going in with my friends and while people were browsing through CD's, we'd take photos of us like pretending to hold their head and stuff... It was really funny.

At school, I was with Andrew, Jaxx and Re. We did the funniest thing! We went Jaxx stole my phone and went around the Library filming everyone with like Re, Andrew and myself chasing her saying "Rawrrrrrrrr" or something stupid.

So we made a huge sign saying "ALTERNATIVE" and hid and jumped out at our Library teacher... Jaxx fimled the whole thing with my phone. It was really funny...

I was over at a friend's house, and we were walking by the fence and found her old guinea pig's grave. At first we were kind of freaked out because some bones were barely sticking out of the ground, and then we started digging. xDD We ended up with nearly all of the guinea pig's bones, and a few rat bones, I think, in a plastic bottle. Then we buried it again. xD Lmao.

In fifth grade, one of my friends sat right behind me.. We were reading out of the book in science, and something occured to me.. So I leaned back in my chair, looked straight at Noel, and whispered "Tree is a funny word.." xDD She looked like she was about to die of holding back laughter.. Then she started screaming 'TREE!!!' at me at recess, and I was just cracking up, and I have no idea why. xD So tree is now one of our funniest inside jokes. xD

Isn't a lot of that illegal?
*reads quickly through*

... o_o' ....erm...I don't think I've ever considered the law when I did any of that stuff...

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