Longest Relationship?


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Jul 6, 2006
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Well -- I've been in a relationship for a while now.

Almost 5 months.

And I was just wondering --

Do any of you guys get tired of your boyfriend/girlfriend?

I mean -- I'm not completely fed up with him,

I just kinda need a break, you know?

So I was wondering,

what was you guys longest relationship

and did you ever get tired of the person you're with?



A month? Er, wow. Maybe you should reconsider why you are dating if that's the longest you've lasted...

I myself have never been in a dating relationship.

Well the relationship I'm in is my longest. It will be 2 years 5 months at the end of this month :furawatchi: . I don't really ever get fed up of him, sometimes I'll be a little moody but he always seems to be able to get me out of them.

But honestly I don't think it's a good sign if you need a break after 5 months because that's still the start of the relationship. You might be getting fed up because your only 14 and may get bored easily - I started going out with my boyfriend 2 weeks after I turned 15.

Well, I've known my fiance for 2 1/2 years and we've been together (romantically) for 1 1/2 years. We've lived together for over 7 months now and still get along. ^_^ I don't think our situation will be very helpful, though, so...

The person I was with before him I dated off and on for 2 years. 8 months was our longest stretch at any one time. Did I get tired of him? Well, sometimes, because he was an idiot that didn't know how to commit. :p But it was more the other way around, he got tired of me because I wanted more for us. Now I've moved on and am with someone better (our personalities are more matched and we want the same things out of life) and I still talk to the other guy, we're friends, and he's changed a lot. But, he had his chance. ;)

Although it's rough at times, I've learned that if you're not satisfied, you should try to spice it up (sometimes you gotta fight for what you want) or let it go. Don't stay with someone just because you have history (bad mistake) and don't lie to yourself about your feelings. There's always more guys out there...

My fiance, when we were friends, I used to not really like. I mean, I liked him, we were friends, and I had a crush on him, but when we first met I thought he was annoying and didn't want to be involved with him. But, he stuck by my side through a lot of bad times and here we are. :D

My longest relationship lasted for 4 years. During that time I didn't really get tired of him, but obviously the relationship didn't work. We started dating young and just grew to be different people. I'm currently living with someone in an exclusive, non-comitted relationship, and have been for the past 1 1/2 years. What that means is that we live together and don't see other people, but we're not really dating. The reason for this is that neither of us know where we'll be living in 2 years time and neither of us want to deal with a break-up. On that note, my shortest relationship was 8 months. When I date, I mean it lol.

My longest?

7 months. I didn't get tired of him, I just found him overprotective and sorta rude to my friends whom were males, so I broke up with him. He was my first, haven't had any more...

My longest relationship was about three days lol. I broke up with him because he was careless and ignored me all the time. And he was overprotective when he wasn't ignoring me.

I have a friend who was in a relationship for three years.

Hmm, let me see. My longest relationship was about 6 months. And I really regret it because the dude I was dating, well, now I really despise him. He's wierd, ugly, and emotionless and mean. So now, these stupid 10 year olds on my bus always tease me about it.

My relationships are usually between 3-8 months, though I've had a few first dates that didn't go well enough to have a second date. :) I had never(until recently) found a guy that I really clicked with...that I could see myself being happy with forever. So, a lot of my relationships ended up either with us fighting a lot, or it just kind of fizzled out.

I am with a man currently that I would love to be with for the rest of my life...and he feels this way about me. He insists it will be this way, and I believe him. I really hope it can turn into something quite epic. ;)

I've been dating my guy, Chris, for about 5 months. I'm not tired of him. I love him and I don't ever want to break up with him. He's my whole life and without him I don't know how I could live without him. He's my everything.


[SIZE=7pt]6 months. I don't regret it. [/SIZE]

Everything was going great. I didn't see him as my 'everything' and 'I can't live without him' thing. I still have many years to go. He cheated on me and I figured out I should just move on. My life doesn't revolve around boys. I have better things to do. So yeah, I'm single right now. Am I looking? Eh, no.

Well -- I've been in a relationship for a while now.Almost 5 months.

And I was just wondering --

Do any of you guys get tired of your boyfriend/girlfriend?

I mean -- I'm not completely fed up with him,

I just kinda need a break, you know?

So I was wondering,

what was you guys longest relationship

and did you ever get tired of the person you're with?


Well the longest, as well as my only girlfriend/boyfriend relationship happened almost 3 years ago between me and my best friend for 2 years. However both of us have more history as close friends than bf/gf so I think that's how we were able to adapt back to being best friends when the dating was said and done(obstacles and testing proved our true friendship). I just came back from visiting him and his fiancee and I had such a great time :)

Did you know the average relationship only lasts 6 days? That is not very long at all.

Anyway, I have never had a boyfriend. Wish I was allowed to, I was forced to say no to my crush. I hope he doesn't think I don't like him.

I never has a bf but my friend had one for 2 years, then she moved here. I talk to her boy friend on aim and stuff, they just broke up. My friends weird cause She likes just dates anyone. Even if she doesnt even like then she has to have a bf at all times. Ugh is it annoying

Did you know the average relationship only lasts 6 days? That is not very long at all.Anyway, I have never had a boyfriend. Wish I was allowed to, I was forced to say no to my crush. I hope he doesn't think I don't like him.
Where did you find that out?

I don't think that's true because when your older relationships will last years & more [including high school]. It's probably true if you're talking about primary school though.

Almost 4 years. We kept it secret,but we broke up when i found we woulden't be going to the same school toghether.

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