Longest you've stayed up?


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I think about five days which would be 120 hours. I actaully slept for like ten minutes a few times during that but I would wake up with a nightmare. I used to have crazy insomnia.

The longest I've ever stayed up because I actualy wanted to (which has not been to much because I now really appreciate sleep) was I think twenty four hours.

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I stayed up until around 4:00 AM once..My friend and I were messing around with our DS Lites, and the walls started crawling and I started making these weird motions. I started leaning in, then I jerked back. I kept lifting my elbow up...o.o My friend was all like, "WTF?" :p

About 60 hours. It was for a science fair thing for my friend, to see the symptoms of sleep deprivation. =.=
Oh man..

You deserved a reward. 0.0

The longest I ever stayed up was somewhere around 24 hours with my cousins. We were watching all the Chuckie Movies. XD I'm surprised I stayed up that late, just now I doubt I could do anything like that.

Well I think about say... 36 hours or so. I pulled a overnighter with my friend. When I went home I started to feel all woozy.

Crashed at 8:30 pm.

I'm going to see how long I can go this time. Tis goina be fun

i once stayed up all nite with out going to sleep. my bff and i was awake from 5:00am to 3:32pm the next day

I'm working on 48 hours...

I love staying up all night and just going outside

every now and then to walk around. ^_^

idk...around 23 hours? I'm not sure. I think I'll record my times tomorrow and see what I get hehehe. Right now I woke up at roughly 9 AM and now it's 11:25 PM so right now it's been 14 hours. Lets see how far I go. Only ten more hours to stay awake!

The ltest I've stayed up is about 2am.

During the summer, I go to bed at around 11pm-12am every day.

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