look who's back. :]


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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2005
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heyyyy everyone! anyone who's been on tamatalk for a long time will probably remember me. i used to be the youngest tamaguide for about 6 months or so, then i lost interest in tamagotchis and resigned. but, i decided to stop back and say hi to anyone who remembers me. haha.

so yea.... i won't stick around for too long but i'll be here for a little bit so if you want to ask questions or anything, that's cool.

-newbiekidlex :rolleyes:

(haha i can't believe i still remember my old signature!)

If you remember me NKL, I'm emmy299. I've wondered where you've gone, I always used to see you posting on the boards.

Welcome back, at least for now... ^^

EH meh goosh! You're back!

Hope life's been good to you sinse you've been gone. :]

Hey, I remember you! :rolleyes: I've seen you around a couple times, but then you stopped. -sadsad-


it's been pretty good. and thanks!

i'm going into the 7th grade in 2 days. woo.

and i really like dogs, the jonas brothers, and soccer.

lol :rolleyes:

idk. i just had like a mental spasm or something and all of a sudden i thought, "hmm, i should go back to tamatalk." lol.

Cool. ^^

So are you thinking about sticking around for a little bit? You can always just go on non-TT [heh, like I do].

haha yea...i dont have much to do today so i'm just listening to music and stuff...

You're back! I was wondering if you would ever return. I forgot you weren't a guide anymore though.

Does TT look a little different than you remember? I can't even remember the old TT even though I've been here for quite awhile. I guess I just get used to the new and forget the old.

it looks pretty much the same but there's a few new sections haha. i should check them out.

Awesome that your back!

Although I do not remeber it seems you were known by many.

A tamaGuide ehhh... Cool.

Enjoy your stay here and catch up with old friends! (I feel like a doorman for a hotel, lol)

Does TT look a little different than you remember? I can't even remember the old TT even though I've been here for quite awhile. I guess I just get used to the new and forget the old.
Hee, I remember the old TT. There was no Useful links or Blogagotchi nor Linkjudge, no other section to Non TT, and no Pixel Chix Chat, and Tamagotchi Codes used to be so everyone could post... thats all I can think of. XD

(200th post! Woot!)

I remember you posting back then. Nice to see you again.

I think I might remember you a bit... Name sounds familliar. I took a big break before coming back as Pyonchit..

Gosh, how long ago was that? When TW/P had her old avvie, yus.

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