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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
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Look through the posts you made when you were new to TT!

How much have you changed?

What was your silliest topic/post?

What do you miss most about being new?

What do you regret you did?

I'll start, When I first got to TT, I was 9, and so used. a large assortment of :D :rolleyes: :D :unsure: <_< :lol:


Then, about 3 months in, I went through what I like to call my "Guide Phase" this was the time when I constantly PMed guides saying "WHY AREN'T I'S IS A GUDE!!" and I tried my best to use "big" words.

Now, I act myself, and am always willing to help others with their problems. =)

My silliest topic was when I wrote one in departures, for some reason, I felt the need to post a topic there. Why? I was going to have a shower. xP!

I regret that I made a topic spazzing out at people I said "No one listens to my posts!!!!!! I FEEL LIKE IM NOT ASEPTD!!" I'm pretty sure it hurt my rep. temperaraily (sp?)

How about you?

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I was a n00b basically. I said "MY YUGIOH CARDS ARE THE BEST! IM BETTER THE SETO KAIBA!!!!!!11!1!!11!1111!"

I thought I was emo, gothic, everything. Now I know what I am- Tomboy

I thought everyone LOVED my art when now I realize it was crap compared to now.

I was Inuyasha insane, SK and Olber (Which is under a new name now) Remember.....*sweatdrop*

I regret ever starting the Tamatalkers' comic.

My siliest post was uhm......when I thought I would leave Tamatalk but never did.

I miss the fact that I could get away with a few Spam topics.

^^ LMAO K_C8!

I made a topic, an emergency topic, on my tam totally changing from putting on a coustume, and one member was SO rude saying "If you typed in COSTUME in search, you wouldn't have wasted our time..." Like dude, I joined YESTURDAY how did I know about search?! I didn't come back to TT for 3 months cause I thought everyone was soo mean.. :[

oh yes, i typed with no caps,bad spelin and no punctuationn

^^ LMAO K_C8!
I made a topic, an emergency topic, on my tam totally changing from putting on a coustume, and one member was SO rude saying "If you typed in COSTUME in search, you wouldn't have wasted our time..." Like dude, I joined YESTURDAY how did I know about search?! I didn't come back to TT for 3 months cause I thought everyone was soo mean.. :[

oh yes, i typed with no caps,bad spelin and no punctuationn
Lol I was soo weird. I'd get in a huff if no one replied to my topic in like... 1 millisecond I'd be like "Uhm, Just adding something!" So It would be pushed back to the top lol!

Aww poor tamtamkitty =(

Kind of funny "I made an emergancy topic, on my tama totally changing from putting on a costume" lol :D


Lol I was soo weird. I'd get in a huff if no one replied to my topic in like... 1 millisecond I'd be like "Uhm, Just adding something!" So It would be pushed back to the top lol!

Aww poor tamtamkitty =(

Kind of funny "I made an emergancy topic, on my tama totally changing from putting on a costume" lol :D

Haha I used to do that too! I felt like people were ignoring me because I was new. xD

But seriously I was sooooo scared, I was like crying, LMAO. I didn't fully understand tamas. -__-

Ahh Christmas is... *counts hours* 7 HOURS! And then some til I can wake up..

Aww! Crying? =( lol


I think I actually made a topic about people not replying fast enough lol!

Well, from my first account, the posts were all messed up when it comes to color, font, etc. I matured a lot more by Crystalized, so I dont really have much to look back on. I was also a N00b xD

When I made my first account, I was all whiny. xD

I would complain all the time, and when people said they didn't like their tama I would say, ''WELL ITS NOT UR TAMAS FAULT!''

Then when I got this account, I became slightly more mature but still acted strange.


It was soon closed.

I miss being new because Icould act stupid. :p

Lol at Tamagirl_Desy XD

I've changed quite a bit. When I first joined, I posted in the Roleplay forum. I remember I made this Swiss VS. Betty Crocker roleplay, and I was like, "Come on! You know you want to join!"

I'm not sure what my silliest topic/post was. Probably that Swiss VS. Betty Crocker roleplay XD

I miss that when I was new, I could act all stupid because I was new, but now I'm not new- I'm a TT 1 year old :p

I regret that I acted so stupid in the Roleplay forum :ichigotchi:

I miss everyones old accounts, xD Like, yea. Srsly. I mean, When I was a n00b I have to say my dumbest/silliest topic was "DUUDDE, what the heckkk???" xD Dun rember what It was about.

Well, I am new so, there isn't much for me to say =]

I've only done 4 posts xDDD

Lol, Beccah.

You could have said:

''Ah...I remember like it was today when I....wait, it was today. o.o''


(This was on my old account)

How much have you changed - When I first started tamatalk I was 7. I definitely changed a lot, I am a lot more mature now.

What was your silliest topic/post - I think probably my silliest post was when I posted, "DONT USE EBAY!!!!!!!!!! MY DAD SAYS IT BAD YOU IDIOTS!!!!!!!" or when I said "hi im the tama master"

What do you miss most about being new - Being stupid xD

What do you regret you did - I was mean to a lot of people, thats what I regret

lmao at crazyy*tama and Tgd~ "DONT USE BAY!!!!!! MY DAD SAID ITS BAD YOU IDIOTS!!!! "hi im the tamamaster" haww!

wooh, looking back is so fun!

lmao at crazyy*tama and Tgd~ "DONT USE BAY!!!!!! MY DAD SAID ITS BAD YOU IDIOTS!!!! "hi im the tamamaster" haww!

wooh, looking back is so fun!
xD I know, I was an idiot, I was only like 7 tho

I was really considering making one of these recently, actually. :mellow:

Hm... I've changed a lot. From sixth-seventh grade to ninth grade- major difference. I've mature oddles- and thank goodness! Even on here- I typed lyk diz nd i loked kina dum!! xD Plus now I'm a guide now. :]

Silliest topic? Probably the bedtime rituals. LOL! It wasn't bad or anything, just kinda silly.

I don't miss being new, I wasn't respected as much because I didn't really say anything of value of anyway!

What do I regret. L O L ! Weeell, some may remember, I created a HUUUGGGGEEE flame war in the Girls! topic! xDDDDD It was like, 3-5 pages long and Bell Sprout had to clean it up. :rolleyes: I regret the work and the frustration I created - plus I had a one month mod preview! [xD] - but not what was created after. I straightend up my act and now look where I am. :]


I've changed a lot. I used to have extremely bad social anxiety disorder and would get really nervous and jumpy before I would post. My posts were pretty short and they made me look kind of stupid.

My silliest topic was probably one where I was asking about something (I don't even remember what) and I saw that an entire five people looked at my topic (I didn't realize that it was probably all me just re-looking at my topic again and again.) I bet you can guess what happened. I got mad and said "Why don't you guys ever answer? I REALLY need your help!". Wait, no, I just found a sillier topic. I didn't know that when you typed something it would appear different from when you posted (for instance I thought that the smilies would be smilies in the box, not words), so I thought that when I posted a smilie it would come out as words like some peoples smilies did (I don't know why, but I was terrified of making that mistake.) I finally figured out that it would post as a smilie in your post, but not in the type box.

I don't really miss anything about being new. Except I was probably smarter then.

I regret getting into a small fight with someone and sending a mean PM to someone who was spamming and being rude to people.

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How much I've changed... I joined in early 2006 on another account. I think I've changed a lot since then, of course. I developed better typing skills, for the most part. xD I also matured a lot, gained common sense, use less smileys, and ended my Fun Stuff obsession. xD

My silliest topic or post would have to be my nicknames topic. I offered to give people [nice] nicknames. It wasn't breaking rules or anything, but I still look back on it and thought it was pretty silly.

The thing I miss most about being new is just... Having that great new-member smell. xD Actually, I just miss being stupid and not knowing everything about TamaTalk like I do now. It's kind of hard to explain, because I felt different about TT back then.

I definitly regret just being so immature at some points. Like getting upset when nobody replied to my topics and not paying enough attention to the rules, I guess.

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