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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
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Okay, so school's ending in like what--2 weeks and three days?

And after another year of school, you must have learned something.

Math equations, life lessons, whatever. :)

So what have you learned this year?

I'll post everything I've learnt later, because I have so much that if I posted it now, you'd be like "God, this girl is insane."

I've about 17 days of school left, not counting holidays and weekends. Don't think I learned much:

- how to play badminton a little in P.E.

- a few swimming moves also in P.E.

- more about waves and sound, biomes, the periodic table, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, atoms, and states of matter in science

- some Spanish phrases and words in Spanish class

- how to factor, multiply and divide polynomials

- safety procedures

- something about tattoos being able to cause cancer, even if just one

- the full story of Romeo and Juliet

- why roses are red

- why stems are green

- what the taste of apple pie is like..?

I learned social lessons.

It is incredibly hard to resist flirting. And it is incredibly hard to tell boys to stop.

Friends are not "forever". They come and go.

My mind is pretty messed up.

I may seem strong, outgoing, and courageous, but I'm terrified of things I shouldn't be.


I didn't learn much, but I strengthened skills:

Circles. [ Circumference, area, that type of thing ]

Volume and surface area of stuff like spheres and cylinders and pyramids.

I learned what the civil war is about.

Oh, and the biggest thing: I strengthened my musical ability.

Good god, here goes. >.<

Feebee, my life lessons are similar to yours.

Don't trust guys who flirt with you too much. Because they probably flirt with every other girl. And be sure not to fall for him--and don't fall too hard. Because it is extremely hard to get back up--winter break won't cure your anger with him and with everyone else.

I learnt who my real friends are. They're the ones who will support me through every choice I make if it will in the end help me... and they're the ones who will be worried about you, the ones who will show actual concern when they think something's wrong. They're the ones who know when something's wrong. They're the ones who will ask and will ask again when you lie and say "Nothing."

I also learnt that to be best or close friends with someone, you don't have to know them for years. You don't have to know them for months. It's about trust and how much they actually care for you. And because I understood this, I've just got better friends. :)

I've learnt that I need to be more trusting in myself and that I need to realize I can actually do things and hey--I may be good at it. :)

It's only term two in NZ and Aus!

But I've learned heaps already.

Academically -

The human body.

Gradients and parabola.

More English skills!

And lots and lots more.

Life lessons -

Once a b!tch, always a b!tch.

I'm sure theres more but lets not make me moral.

It's still Week 4 Term 2 XD

We learnt about how cyclones work, like, properly.

Later this term we start sex-ed. o_o I'm not excited!

OMG I'm so happy! Not really.

Time to explain.

Summer in Thailand [Where I live now] Is from Late Feb - Early May. It just opened this Monday. I'm finally in 7th Grade lol. So maybe I'll just say what I learned last yearrr.

Life Lessons;

You'll never get out of a situation if you don't tell the truth. Lol...

Promises break easily.

No such thing as a true best friend... In my mind.


SPACE! Phases of the Moon. xD

How Air Pressure works. [in detail.]

History of Thailand.

Parts of A Cell.

How to make a website.

And random Math stuff.

Etc. xD

^ Jealous! We have to wait until term 3 until sex ed! I love sex ed. She lets us yell 'Penis' until we are over it!


Best Friends are not forever. They come and go, even if they've been with you for life.

The Gym Kids are some of the most nicest people I've ever met.


STARREH. Phases of the moon too.

Planets, solar system.

Fraction work.

My 6 x tables. (I'm pathetic ;_; )

There's more, but I'm a lazy bum.

Well... since I'm never going to use ANY of the crap they teach me.. nothing.

Life lessons though...

-you don't know what'cha got till its gone

-- when you get that thing back and its a b!tch you know you dont want it

--- i'll still keep the b!tch so drama wont start

---- even though I have the greatest guy in the world, I'm always gunna want more=[

-----EVERYONE CHANGES. yes even the best friend you thought that would be with you forever, even the boyfriend you had, even your parents, even the hot guy that sits beside you in history ^.^

------Yeah, noone has a 'Best friend' even if they think they do. They'll change and hurt you. Doesn't matter who it is.

I'll edit more in later possibly

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I don't know if I learned so much, but I've changed a bunch this year. I've really found myself and developed my own individuality.

I'm just going to compose a list on what I've learned in general and how I've changed... there seems to be a fine line between the two anyway.

-- I got super into photography, and am hoping to pursue it next year.

-- I learned how to play my guitar, and really got into music; I'm into music more than I was before. I've developed my voice and my ability to sight read music.

-- I've really developed my own taste in fashion... what I like and dislike, what I'm willing to pay for something that I want.

-- I've gotten over my depression and for the most part have stopped self-harming.

-- I've learned that academically, the high school curriculm is NOTHING like the junior high's. In junior high, I'd sit and do nothing and still come out with straight A's. Now, I have to WORK. A lot. English was by far the biggest change.

-- Because of English, I have increased my vocabulary and ability to read difficult literature. (i.e. mythology, The Odessey, Romeo & Juliet, Great Expectations, etc.) It really has prepared me for future English courses.

-- I learned that in some situations I have a social anxiety, though it's not common. I've never noticed it before this year though.

-- I've learned to embrace myself and enjoy what I've got.

-- I've become a lot more laid-back, but in a good way.

-- I've become seriously interested in guys... I've always been interested, but I became SERIOUSLY attracted this year.

Here's my list on more of an academic scale:

-- English: What was said above.

-- Child Development: Dear God. I learned EXACTLY what the vagina looks like when a woman is giving birth... (We watched an uncensored video)... and I watched conception happen from INSIDE A WOMAN. (The woman agreed to have someone put a camera in her Fallopian tubes? wtf. It was disturbing.)

-- Web Publishing: I've learned how to make a web page from scratch - HTML!

-- Bio: Love bio. My teacher has been AMAZING - she really wants to help everyone learn. I've learned so much.

-- History: We learn the same stuff EVERY YEAR! So not much.

-- Geometry: I realized how much I love Algebra, and how much I fail at Geometry. I realized how much I love rules and repetition in school work.

-- Chorus: I gained confidence to sing. My teacher loves me and bumped me up to Mixed Ensemble next year, so I learned I have a voice. She encouraged me to shoot for my dreams. (Cliche, but the truth.)

-- Japanese: I learned how to speak Japanese! And the Hiragana and Katakana alphabets. I have so much more appriciation for the culture and the language now. I love it.

OFF-TOPIC -- SEX ED: Ahahah! Besides Child Dev., I had Sex Ed in eighth grade. It was hilarious! My teacher (Who was a guy) had vocab words written real big across the board... i.e. "Penis," "Vagina," "Cervix," "Testicles," etc, and a little seventh grade boy came in the room with a pass. He came in to hand the pass to my teacher, took one look at the chalk board, and got this terrified oh-my-goodness-what-kind-of-class-is-this look on his face. It was great. xD

Sorry if this is disorganized. x_x

I learnt secondary school isn't scary.

I've also learnt flirting can get you into trouble. Not with the teachers. Just gets you in a mess.

I've learnt that the boys will do anything to try to go out with a girl they think they like

I've also learnt that it was good to come to *insert school name here* instead of *insert other school name here* because I've made a friend for life

School's ending in a month and a week-ish.

I've learned that I hate opening up to people. But I still don't know if that's comsidered a trust issue.

I learned that friends don't stay forever.

Sometimes you have to sit back and not do anything about the guy you're crushing on, because you could screw up your friendship.

People here are stereotypical idiots.

Sometimes the best thing you can do about a bad day is to pi** off your French teacher. (Seriously. It's fun with my teacher. xD)


-Just because there are no sexy dudes in your school doesn't mean that there won't be any outside of school

-Friends are twice as fun when your in older grades

-Teachers can be friends


-Math isn't half bad if YOU PAY ATTENTION and take notes

-Your English stories turn out better when you just open up to your story rather than making it based on what your teacher likes

-The only Science that doesn't suck is Health (You already know half the crap)

-Other stuff I will post later...................

During the fall of 2008 i learned not to lose myself in the moment...however tempting it may be.

Winter of 2008/2009 I learned what Depression is like and how to overcome it.

Spring of 2009: I've learned to let myself relax and have fun, while still staying on top of schoolwork!


That I'm better looking than previously thought.


How to make sentences more interesting and use interesting synonyms.

How to speak spanish...ish.

A lot about physics.

A lot about World War I/II and the Australian Government.

A lot about maths, too much to explain.


But it hasn't even been half way through the year yet, (I live in Australia), and I can't really remember what I've learned.

I learned a whole lot about earthquakes which makes a few people in my class panic.

I barely learnt anything academically... I'm such a bad kid...

Socially, I learned alot. Too much for me to think about.

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