Lost On Earth- A Tamagotchi Fan Fiction Pt 3


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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2010
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As we continued down the path, Ali was slightly out of character. She was giggling, something that Ali had told Melody she found annoying.

“So, how do you guys feel about camping out? It’s useless looking for her in the dark,”

Steven and I nodded, Melody went pale.

“Um, camping? Like in a tent at nighttime when it’s dark and creepy and…” Melody started.

“No, I mean in a five star hotel in the middle of the forest,” Ali said sarcastically, turning to me, “We could set up camp here, I’ll need my Home iD-L first.”

I dug Ali’s Home iD-L out of my purse and handed it to her. She pressed the buttons quickly, a tent forming beside us. Oh my gosh, how did she do that? Ali handed it back to me once it was solid.

“How…” I trailed off.

Ali grinned, checking the tent to make sure it was secure, “Magic,”


Around 8 pm, Ali had us all come inside the tent.

“We’re looking for Tori at 7 am exactly, okay?” She sat on her sleeping bag and put her sheets over her shoulders.

“We’ll get up at 6:30,” Steven set a nearby clock and laid down on his sleeping bag.

Melody whimpered, “I don’t like this,”

“We’ll all be fine, look, our tent is zipped. Nothing could get through this,” Ali poked the strange material, some kind of a cross between rubber and spandex.

“That’s what you said before you fell into the creek,” Melody brought her sleeping bag up to her eyes, “I still don’t believe you,”

I sat up, “Melody there really is nothing to be afraid of,”

“Right, Katia, Steven and I will be here all night, right guys?” Ali looked around at us.

“Uh-huh,” We replied sleepily.

“Okay,” Melody pulled her sleeping bag over her head, laid down and sighed, “But if something bad happens, it’s all Ali’s fault,”

“Sure,” Ali laughed.


My eyes fluttered open, judging by how dark the tent is, it’s still nighttime. Looking to my right and left, I realized Ali was missing from her sleeping bag, so was Steven. Melody was breathing softly, asleep. I crawled out of my sleeping bag and over to the tent’s zipper, careful not to wake Melody.

Steven and Ali were sitting next to each other, a few feet away from the tent, whispering quietly. They were pointing up to the starry night sky, naming the constellations. They pointed up at the same time, and turned to each other. Ali was blushing; I couldn’t see Steven’s face.

“Katia?” Melody sat up, “Where did everyone go?”

I pointed out the slightly open tent; Melody crawled over next to me and looked out. They were getting closer.

But at the last second, Ali stood up suddenly, I could hear her this time, “Well, good morning—night I mean,” She face palmed and started back towards the tent.

To be continued…

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