Lost On Earth: What Do You Think?


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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2010
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I didn't realize I should have just made topic for comments on each of the parts before, this just shows how new I am to Fan Fiction. :p If you haven't read it yet:

Part One: https://www.tamatalk....n-fiction-pt-1/

Part Two: https://www.tamatalk....n-fiction-pt-2/

Part Three: https://www.tamatalk....n-fiction-pt-3/

Part Four: https://www.tamatalk....n-fiction-pt-4/

And, I just made a topic for Part Five, finally. :)

I'm curious, what do you think of it so far? :) After you answer the poll, if you could post what you like, and dislike about the story and characters or something else you might think of, that would be great!

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i love Lost On Earth! it's well paced and it's just so creative! i've always hoped that tamagotchi characters like ali and melody would jump right out of my iD L and talk to me. xD i can't wait to see part 5, since it's not showing up for me yet.... -_- but once it does i'll be sure to check it out! keep on writing, kuromametchifan123!

i love Lost On Earth! it's well paced and it's just so creative! i've always hoped that tamagotchi characters like ali and melody would jump right out of my iD L and talk to me. xD i can't wait to see part 5, since it's not showing up for me yet.... -_- but once it does i'll be sure to check it out! keep on writing, kuromametchifan123!
Yay, thanks for commenting, I'm glad you like it so far! :) Part Five hasn't shown up for me yet either, hopefully it'll show up tomorrow. :)

Part 5 appeared! I still like reading it... but it looks like you skipped an entire section of what happened. It's great, though. Keep writing!

Part 5 appeared! I still like reading it... but it looks like you skipped an entire section of what happened. It's great, though. Keep writing!
Thanks! :) I did skip a lot actually, I actually rewrote the portion that would have been the characters walking back to Katia's twice before deciding to edit it out because it didn't make sense. XD

Part Six should appear soon! :) There's a new character and, another cliffhanger at the end of this part, I just made a topic for it a few minutes ago.

I've finished writing the whole story, and I missed the characters so much, I started writing a sequel. It's different from the plot of Lost On Earth but has the same characters and, a big setting change, Tamagotchi Planet! :) I'm not going to give much away until Lost On Earth concludes, which with all of the editing I do when I type it, should be in about three or four parts. :)

EDIT: Part Six is up! https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/180314-lost-on-earth-a-tamagotchi-fan-fiction-pt-6/page__pid__3158703#entry3158703

I'd love to hear what everyone thinks of this part. :)

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Sorry for double posting and the delay, but I have an update to make. :) Lost On Earth is getting super close to the finale, after two rewrites of two, long parts (That'll be released back to back, so it's not one long part. ;) ) I'm happy enough with it to type it, and I have part of Friday and all of Sunday this weekend to do it! (I'll be at a band competition for school all Saturday.) The sequel has gone through a rewrite too, hopefully I can have less delays this way. :)

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