Love Potion?


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What exactly didn't happen? Do they now have 4 hearts, or do they just not mate?

If the latter, I'm fairly sure they have to be 5 yrs or older.

If the former... I have no idea. 0_o

Your Tamagotchi looked like Otokitchi, the matchmaking old lady? I don't see how that is possible...

Anyway, this is how you use the Love Potion: use it on one of the adult Tamagotchis you want to breed (both Tamagotchis must be five years or older). Connect the one you used the Love Potion on and the one you want it to breed with. It'll show them talking and a heart will appear between them (I'm not sure if one can reject the other; I don't think so). Now, the female will be listed as a friend with four hearts ("Partner") in the male's Friend Notebook, and vise versa.

The Tamagotchis won't breed right away. They have to be both seven years or above to have babies, but they can be five years and above to just fall in love.

Hope this helped! :angry:

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U have to b an adult 2 use it!

U need to use it first and then connect!!! :furawatchi:

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:furawatchi: it just makes your tam have hearts around it :wacko:
Wait a minute - if Kat the Tamagotchi's girl tama (Floof) looked like the matchmaker - Otokitchi; then she was an old timer.

If she tried the love potion on an old timer and a normal adult they are not compatible, so the potion wouldn't do any good would it?

I thought the love potion would only work on adults (boy+girl) - or old timers (boy+girl), but not on babies / children / teens / same gender tamas or other incompatible pairs.....

Did I miss something.....?!

Best, etc.


both of the tamagotchi's have to be both adults or both elders or it wont work

i usually only give the love potion to one then connect onto present the both then have hearts around them and they then seem to kiss, it matters about if you go on game or present

hope i helped

love tama luva


We connected about a million times when the tamas were still young and gave lots of presents and they fell in love. You can check your Friend meter to find out how they're getting along.

The boy was older and the matchmaker came when he was 7 so we said no. The girl was 5 at this time, so we connected a few more times and they had 2 baby boys.

We tried it before that with Love Potion but it didn't work.

Hope it works for you, it's so cool!!

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