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New member
Nov 2, 2005
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i have a question and i dont know if it was already answered..

but ill ask it anyways and hopefully someone will help me out

How Do you know when your tamagotchi is in love?

does the smiley faces turn into hearts or something

when you connect with a friend..

i am so new at this im sorry if none of this makes since

sure it makes sence well ur tama will fall in love with the oppisite sex when u meet a lot it will take a while and u cant get in love with more that one tama once u have fallen in love then u will find it hard to make friends............... ne ways ya u have to meet a lot and u will get smilies then hearts

hope i helped

thank you so much..

i was just wondering about the whole thing

and how the love thingy works..thanks again!!

Well, you have to have an adult atleats. If in infant and child stage you have four smilie faces then when you connect as an adult then you will generally get two hearts and two faces are all hearts. To mate you need to spend two whole unpaused days as an adult and to use the matchmaker option three days.

I hope this resolves your doubts. :rolleyes:

TWO WHOLE UNPAUSED DAYS!? But mine is now 4 and my friend's is 6! If I leave it for 2 unpaused days, maybe it will turn into old timer (I NEVER accept the matchmaker.) What if I pause the 6 year old one? The 6 year old had already spent two whole days without pausing. Will it still work? What a rip off! When it turns into an adult, it's an adult! So unfair! :angry:

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