Lover... or copier?


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i think it is not your fan i think he just put random numbers or it might mean when he was born or when is his birthday

Ok, i am NOT famous in tamatown!! Not at all, so it probably is copying...
or your just asuuming that and being mean. it could be some who doesnt even know you exist and enede up with that name. who knows maybe they had ity befor you

I just got a message from edgar00019 on youtube, and he said that it was someone he knew. And that it was being a fan. It wasn't him because they were both online at the same time.

It's probably someone who doesn't know you and just picked that name on random.

I really think it's just people trying to pick unique usernames, well the best they can with just letters and numbers. Mine is HY0023, HY for Hitomi_Yutsuko and 23 cuz it's my lucky number. But I hated the Music Star, and got the TMGC+C a month ago and it's so much better. The whole Tamatown is built in within the Tamagotchi, no logging on to something online which i couldn't stand. Even if someone is copying you, take it as a compliment, that means someone thinks you're cool! Haha.

I just saw someone in tamatown that has the id: BA0528.Mine is: BA0529.

Do you think I have a fan? Or do you think it is just someone copying me?
Well.......... I am BA0528....... Sorry, I didn´t know that you were BA0529..... ;) :( :( :( :( :( :(

I just saw someone in tamatown that has the id: BA0528.Mine is: BA0529.

Do you think I have a fan? Or do you think it is just someone copying me?
Well, that´s why I telled you that I can´t told you who is BA0528 because I knew that she was going to reveal herself. Do you understand now? ;) :( :( :( :(
