Lowering the drinking age?


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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2007
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Columbus, OHIO
How do you feel about this subject?

Here are some opinions that I've heard:

Yes-If you are old enough to serve in the military, then you are old enough to drink.

Yes- If you are old enough to buy cigarettes, pornography, and lottery tickets, then you are old enough to drink.

No- More than 35% of teenage deaths are due to drinking. This is a horrible idea.

No- If you're going to do that, you might as well legalize marijuana.

Personally, I feel it is a horrible idea! At 18, you may legally be an adult, but you are still a child. You still don't make the best decisions. So many underage teens drink and drive already, this will only teach children to start drinking at an even younger age.

A friend of mine told me the last opinion on the list, and it really made me consider it. How many people die each year due to marijuana? I mean, really! When you get high, you...stumble on up to McDonalds (because you're too parinoid to drive) and if you do drive, you drive really, really slow. You don't want to fight anybody, or do something stupid like rob a bank, you just want to sit around and play video games.

In my opinon, lowering the drinking age will be a horrible enabler for teens. Remember, alcohol is a drug, too! It's just accepted in our culture. It may be more addictive and harmful than marijuana, but hey. We don't want 'those' kind of people in our country, dang hippies.

So tell me what you think!

I absolutelyand completly agree with you! If anything, they should raise the drinking age. Just like you said, it influences teens a lot more. :eek:

I am in a group in my school called SADD (Students Against Drinking and Driving) and so I am completly against any sort of alcohol.

I agree that lowering the drinking age isn't a smart idea. I'm at the legal age to drink and I don't. I think once in six months I might have a Wine Cooler if that.(there isn't that much alcohol in those things) I guess its because alcoholism runs in the family. My uncle is very skinny and most of the time he reeks of alcohol. I just not big on it and never will be.

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How do you feel about this subject?
Here are some opinions that I've heard:

Yes-If you are old enough to serve in the military, then you are old enough to drink.

Yes- If you are old enough to buy cigarettes, pornography, and lottery tickets, then you are old enough to drink.

No- More than 35% of teenage deaths are due to drinking. This is a horrible idea.

No- If you're going to do that, you might as well legalize marijuana.

Personally, I feel it is a horrible idea! At 18, you may legally be an adult, but you are still a child. You still don't make the best decisions. So many underage teens drink and drive already, this will only teach children to start drinking at an even younger age.

A friend of mine told me the last opinion on the list, and it really made me consider it. How many people die each year due to marijuana? I mean, really! When you get high, you...stumble on up to McDonalds (because you're too parinoid to drive) and if you do drive, you drive really, really slow. You don't want to fight anybody, or do something stupid like rob a bank, you just want to sit around and play video games.

In my opinon, lowering the drinking age will be a horrible enabler for teens. Remember, alcohol is a drug, too! It's just accepted in our culture. It may be more addictive and harmful than marijuana, but hey. We don't want 'those' kind of people in our country, dang hippies.

So tell me what you think!
When your 18 thats when you personaly come an adult. But they really shouldnt lower the age.

I don't think they should lower the age - It's 18 here. I don't know anyone who has never gotten drunk, sure some people do drink and drive but there are people who don't. When I have a bit to drink I don't even think about driving, mainly because I haven't passed but even when I do I won't drink and drive.

Even if the age is lowered people will still drink, my parents buy it for me & when I go to my friends parties they'll buy me some. Soon my friend is having a party I'm going to go to because her parents are going on holiday. There will be alchol there but everyone is stopping over so nobody will drink and drive - not many have even passed.

I think people should be able to decide if they want to drink. Making the age higher won't change anything because people will still get the drink. I disagree completely with drinking and driving because it isn't safe and your putting other people in danger. My boyfriend doesn't drink at all anymore because he likes to be able to drive - some people are like him and would rather drive then drink. I know some people will still drink and drive but hopefully they'll get caught by the police etc etc but you'll never change the age that people drink which is alot lower then 18 as there is always somewhere to get it.

Maybe it's just me, but perhaps the punishments for drinking and driving should be more severe in the United States instead of raising the age limit...because my theory is it will cause a lot more underage drinking.

Yeah I was just gonna say what Sweet Kandi said.

If teens 18 and under wanted to drink, they'd be doing it already no matter what the age restriction is.

Actualy- I learned this today in health- only 33% of people in highschool drink [this was a nation wide study]. Some people may think it's the norm but it really isn't. I think lowering it will make that percentage higher because there is more access since alot of seniors are 18.

Lowerd? I don't think so.

I agree with TigerLily- they should have more serious consicuences. Two girls from my school were killed by a drunk driver and another boy seriously injured. It's very trajic that some idiot was too immature and stupid, drank to much and drove which ended up killing innocent lives.

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