Lucid Dreaming


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I actually always know I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming, but I can't control them. Like when I'm dreaming, I just tend to think "This isn't real, you're just dreaming". I wish I could control my dreams, that seems really cool xD
I think I feel that often in my dreams too.

If I have a dream where I've done something I wanted to in real life, I'll feel happy about it in my dream. I think this is kind of what Lucid dreaming is about, am I right?

I'd like to be able to do it properly though. It seems scary, but it would be amazing.

Lol, this topic reminds me of inception. Anyway, I think I've succeeded with lucid dreaming a few times, but mostly once i realize it's a dream i wake up. I have had dreams where i realized it was a dream and have done whatever i want, but usually in my dreams i can never reach an end goal. I either finally get something i really want and then wake up, or i'm running and it's like i'm running through quicksand and i can't move.

Maybe i should try to not move, because i end up moving a lot before i fall asleep, which may be why i can't accomplish lucid dreaming. i'll try that though, and see how it goes. That would be awesome if it worked, i always want to control my dreams, but it never normally works.

I probably would.

Actually, I would.

There's only one reason I won't; when you wake up from it, you get sleep paralysis. It's very common after lucid dreaming.

Frankly, I'm terrified of sleep paralysis.

Otherwise I would lucid dream ~every night.

^ to end sleep paralysis all you need to to is wiggle your toes.

I remember someone talking about this in a book....

And this kind of reminds me of Nightmare on Elm Street...

And yes. It's fun :3

Eh, i tried to do this, but it didn't work because i couldn't not move for that long. After a while it feels like you can't move, which is scary, so i kinda gave up. Oh well, i guess regular dreams are gonna be all for me.

I think it's almost better that I can't control my dreams, the surprise and randomness of my dreams makes me laugh when I wake up. :) Daydreaming is always there too. I can let my mind wander, but still conrtol it. Whenever I have a nightmare, I always wake up before I die, or hurt myself, :'D

I think it's almost better that I can't control my dreams, the surprise and randomness of my dreams makes me laugh when I wake up. :) Daydreaming is always there too. I can let my mind wander, but still conrtol it. Whenever I have a nightmare, I always wake up before I die, or hurt myself, :'D
So do I,, because I've heard that if you die in your dreams then you die in real life. It's probably not true but it still scares me.

So do I,, because I've heard that if you die in your dreams then you die in real life. It's probably not true but it still scares me.
I don't think that's true.

Because see, I die in my dreams plenty of times, but I'm still alive, aren't I? :p

Gosh, this reminds me of A Nightmare on Elm Street ! xD

I taught myself to lucid dream a few years ago.

I used two main methods. First, you start a dream journal. Each morning you jot down your dream from that night. You have to try and not force it, if you wake up too much you will forget your dreams. Just lie in bed and review the dream loosely in you mind. After you have done this for a few weeks you can start the second step.

Secondly; start some kind of ritual to see if you awake. (kindof like inception, although it was a thing LONG before that movie.) Throughout the day, do something to make sure you are awake. A little pinch, a certain way of closing your eyes. If you do it often enough during your waking hours, you will begin doing it in your dreams. And since it will feel different, you will be able to determine if you're dreaming.

It does take alot of practice, but it's really fun once you've learned.

lucid dreaming is to control everything right?

ive had so many of those, there was one time i made ppl slap eachother for no reason lol..

but usually when i know im dreaming, i take advantage of the situation and my feet leave the ground.

ive flown countless times in my dreams, and i love it.

' date='+October 13, 2010 08:22 am'] I don't think that's true.
Because see, I die in my dreams plenty of times, but I'm still alive, aren't I? :lol:

Gosh, this reminds me of A Nightmare on Elm Street ! xD
@+[ b r u t a l ]+

ohhh thanks you've put me at so much ease now. I was so terrified of that. ;)

also @oranjjoose

lol making people slap each must've been an interesting dream :lol:


they were two ppl in suits, it was HILARIOUS!! but my favorite is to fly.

and this other dream i had, not lucid, a t-rex poked his eye into some bus i was hiding in, and i widened my eyes to wake up and it worked.

i think there are also times where i remember falling to the ground, or climbing right out the window.

I've actually done this quite a few times! >.<

It is fairly difficult though so it doesn't happen often.

I've only done it once.

I was only 6yrs old, but it has been stuck in my mind for years. It was about a school in the forest, the forest was very green, their was only one building and it was a kitchen, an odly shaped one too. There was a river and it looked like a cartoon river. Everyone was playing and we were all wearing red polo shirts and black shorts, I can't remember the feet though, I just remember seeing nothing where a persons feet should be. There was no noise, but I could make out what everyone was saying. At the end I felt like I had been there forever, I fell into the river, I could breathe, I could see people glaring over the river edge looking at me, suddenly I couldn't breath, I closed my eyes, when I opened them I was back in my room.

It was wonderful! I really want to do it again! Plus, I have remembered it till now!

I used to be able to do this a lot when I was younger, but I haven't for years, I'm not sure why. I'm going to try Band Geek's method tonight, it sounds really interesting! I'll probably end up falling a sleep though!

OMGISH! I had a Lucid Dream last night WITHOUT TRYING! I was having a normal (very weird) dream and I realized I was dreaming and yelled, "I'M DREAMING!" The dream got blurry so I rubbed my hands together. (This helps you focus on feelings of touch in your dream and balances dream and reality). It wasn't blurry so I ran around like crazy trying to fly but I couldn't then I chased the boy I like trying to kiss him (too fast!).

The I decided to be smart and close my eyes really hard to wake up and this helps you remember your dream, a disturb dream is more likely to be remembered. So I woke up and wiggled my fingers to get out of sleep paralysis.

Yep, a 10 year old girl that knows a lot about dreams right? Lol!


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