Mac or PC?


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Which computer Do you think is better???

  • Macintosh (Mac)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PC (Personal Computer)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
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Personally, using a mac myself, I think macs are the best eva comps tell me what u fink aswell plz wanna no what u think.

This may sound weird, but i am useing Windos XP home...... but i think that Mac is better :)

Personally,I like windows XP.My school has mac,it runs pretty slow.(But it's probably beacause they're using a bad high speed internet company,it's owned by one my friends' dad.)

Yes but the reason ur schoold mac comps run slowly is 'cause theres lots of them, thats what happens to the PC's at my skl, but n e way the PC's at the skl (no offense to the skl and PC luvers) are completly rubbish. But ppl and skls need to get Mac OSX's cause there realt groovy espeicilly the ones u can move the heads round with. If ur intrested in buying a mac go on ebay and search the user mgprouk or www-mgpro-co-uk and their selling comps, the only way i no this 'cause Mgpro is my bro's small company with his friend and my bro's almost a millionare, well not litrally, but he has muny comin out of his ears!! Buy a mac from him there v gd.

My school has the newest macs,they're called e-macs.also,I'm using a PC and it's great!My parents are using a PC and it's great,too.

My PC is hooking up to the internet on a wireless connection and it works great.

My school's e-macs are slow and using a cable connection and they can barely acsess the internet!Even my teacher's mac.

i dont use proffesional or hoem i use Windows XP Media Center


I like PCs better. Because if you want to play games on the computer their isn't so many for Macs and if they make a Mac-version of a PC-game it's released a lot later.

I chose PC. Thos eMac and PC commercials are so funny! Quotes:

Then, I fell to the ground and my life flashed before me... I saw a sunset on a wheat field. Wait, isn't that your screensaver? Yeah.

Ugh, I gotta go, listen to some emo!

Hi I'm a mac! And buy a PC!

im using a dell comp on windows XP and i have a gateway laptop runing windows XP and when windows Vista comes out were gowing to get it

I have a MacBook and and a Vaio laptop.

The Mac is better for creative things, like photography and music.

The PC is better for gaming.

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I personally think that a PC is better. I have a Dell computer. Mac computers are slow. I have Mac computers at my school's computer lab.
Some Mac Computers are slow if they on't have the correct software, like PC's!

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