Magic Chest


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Mar 7, 2006
Reaction score
Oookay. This was really, really odd. Um, I saw a chest for 200 points in the shop, okay, so I get all curious and buy it. So I open up my items list and use it, eagerly watching while it opens up in front of my waiting Tamatchi. Suddenly, the Tamatchi bloats and squirms, little angry-veins popping up everywhere, and turns into Ojitchi, the really really old bloke. He stomps around for a while, looking furious, before shriveling back into Tamatchi with a shocked look on his face. After I managed to gather my jaw back from the floor, I went to make sure everything was okay-- and all hearts for hunger and happiness were depleted.

Um? What the :mellow: was that? And will this have a permanent effect on what my poor tama grows into? I've been so careful..

Ugh it happened to me too, I dont know what was wrong, and NO it wont affect your tqamas growth!

Huh. Guess it's just a prank to keep us on our toes. o_O

Unless the item can only be used correctly at a certain age, or summat? How old was yours at the time?

It happened to my friends, we all watched in amazement.

It's like a bad luck thing, sometimes the chest gives out money or items too.. And it's just a random thing, it doens't matter on your age.

Ryan :mellow:

Aye, alright then. Thank ye. Such a bizarre touch of bad luck, though! :mellow:

All's well now. Though I've half a mind to object to being called a little kid. :D

gives out random thing, like v2. The shovel or plant gave food, money, a smiley thing( makes ur tama happy), and a bad thing( makes it mad)

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