mail program.......


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Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Hello tamatalk.

I've just put together my V4 tamagotchi mail program,

hear it is ;) :D .

(Fortune cookie)

Every ten minuets or so your tama will be get a fortune cookie.

You will get:

Money: one, two or three.

Love: one, two or three.

sickness: one, two or three.


Your tamagotchi can get five things in the mail:

The king,

a hart,

the robber,

a snake,

and a poo :(


A little bit after your tama terns into a kid the [!] button will flash,

when you press on it your tama will jump up and AWAY will come up on your tama.

You will then meet your play-school teacher.

It is the same at school, but when your tama

is going to work the king will give him/her its job.


P.S. When away is on your tama press the ( :furawatchi: button,

and i timed it all and please do not spam.

Thank-you for the Information. This will be helpful to the New Joiners.

May I add:

POST-8th button

When the Postman delivers a new message to you, the "post Icon" will start flashing. USe A to select and B to enter. YOu may recive on of the following types of messages:


This message delivers either a good fortune or bad luck inm your Tamagotchi's adventures. Obtain three stars and you may get a special letter from the King. Get three love stars and your friendship level may increase with your next connection to another toy. And, if you recive three health stars, you'll be less likely to become sick.


Letter may contain good or bad news. They are also affected by your fortune cookies.


These important notices will often inform you of updates in your Tamagotchi'd life, including school and work.

Good Luck!


You get a [!] letter when:

-You go into preschool

-You go out of preschool

-You go into elementary school

-You go out of elementary school

-You can get a job

Every ten minuets or so your tama will be get a fortune cookie.
My V4 always gets 3 fortune cookie mail deliveries every day.

(1) 1 minute after she wakes up in the morning

(2) 1:00 PM

(3) 4:00 PM

ummm... I think my tamagotchi gets more than 3 fortune cookies a day, but not every 10 minutes. More like every few hours

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