mail trick


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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score

if you get low stars in love or money and get a letter, DO NOT OPEN IT, as it will give you a poop or jack-in-the-box which will make your tama either sad or mad and it will lose all its happy hearts. If you wait one day, the mail will go away and you will not have to open a bad letter. By not loosing all your happy hearts from a letter, you don't have the chance of loosing skill points for bad care and have a better chance of getting a good, healthy character. :angry:

that doesn't always work. coz last time i hd low stars on love and money and the envelope gave me a heart.... and when i get 3 money stars, i get a poop.

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tip: if you get low stars in love or money and get a letter, DO NOT OPEN IT, as it will give you a poop or jack-in-the-box which will make your tama either sad or mad and it will lose all its happy hearts. If you wait one day, the mail will go away and you will not have to open a bad letter. By not loosing all your happy hearts from a letter, you don't have the chance of loosing skill points for bad care and have a better chance of getting a good, healthy character. :blink:
sooooo cooooll. THANX ALOT. and it will also stop ur tama from gaining alot of weight!!

um also... ignoring the mail? sure theres a chance its a robber but theres also a chance its the king

the mail spawn snake and make my tama crying.... >o<..

thx for tips

Well there is only a chance you will get a poop/snake/robber.

But sometimes the king still comes. :D

u can't because it might be good.....but yes, if it is bad, (I've had a robber, poop, all the lot) then it's a very good tip

i have 6 v1's, 5, v2's, 5 v3's and 2 v4's (at the moment)
I have 2 v3 and a v1. How do you take care of so many tamas?!?!?! :furawatchi: :unsure: :ph34r: :huh: :D

Im sure itll help others, but I just got a low star thing in health but the king still came and gave me 400 p!

thats not true.

3 stars just means that the chance is high.

1 stars means the chance is low, you can still get the king though

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