Makikona's Tamagotchi Log!


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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2011
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The middle of nowhere (cos' I'm cool like that ;))
HURRAY! I have a Tamagotchi log! Ohh this is so cool! Lets get to the point! I have a pink V5 Identical to Dazzilitchigirl's because she gave it to me as an EARLY birthday present! We just started at the SAME time! Sorry I like capitals and explination marks!

The charaters are:

Futabatchi = Girl and her name is Eliza that I want to be Makiko when she grows up! :)

Omututchi = Boy called Aldo!

Mimifuwatchi = Girl called Rose!

I am VERY VERY VERY VERY happy :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

~ Makikona, Eliza, Aldo and Rose!

My Tamagotchi characters have evolved!

Eliza = Female Tororotchi

Aldo = Male Ahirukutchi

Rose = Female Sakuramotchi

YAY! Tamagotchis are really fun! :p :D :) B) ;) :blink: :furawatchi:

~ Makikona (Fwoggy), Eliza, Aldo and Rose!

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Hiya!Makikona (Fwoggy), Eliza, Aldo and Rose here!

They woke up just after I did and they seem quite happy! Going to london soon so byee!

P.S. Can anyone tell me how to post a picture? Thanks! :huh:

~ Fwoggy, Eliza, Aldo and Rose! :p :D :) B) ;) :blink: :furawatchi:

Hiya! Thank you Orandatchi for telling me how to post a photo! Here is the photo im talking about!


Hope you like it!

~Fwoggy, Eliza, Aldo and Rose! :p :D :) B) ;) :blink: :furawatchi:

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Hello! Missvioletchi's log tells you how to make a tamagotchi home! I have followed the rules and now Eliza, Aldo and Rose can have a portable home! Here are some pictures!





~Makikona, Eliza, Aldo and Rose! :p :D ;) :blink: :furawatchi:

Hiya! It's Dazzilitchigirl and Fwoggy here! Thank you OldSchoolTama for putting my many topics into one! I will add a photo now of our tamas now!



Fwoggy, Dazz, Eliza, Aldo, Rose AND Maximillian, Sarah and Isaac (Dazz's V5 Family!)

xox :p :D :) B) ;) :blink: :furawatchi:

Hello! My characters evolved two days ago.... But here they are!


Aldo = Male Uhyotchi

Rose = Female Lovezukinchi

Taadda! Will be shure to post a photo next time!

~Makikona, Eliza, Aldo and Rose! xox

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Helloo! It's me again!

Eliza, Aldo and Rose are doing fine! AND It's my birthday REALL REALLY SOON!

Well its in 8 days?... The 30th October :)

:wub: :ichigotchi: :hitodetchi: :newmametchi: :babytchi: :puroperatchi: :mimitchi:


~ Fwoggy, Eliza, Aldo and Rose!

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Hello everyone! Sorry I havn't updated for such a long time! But Im on second generation now and I have teenagers! First I will tell you what and who they are!

Tiger = Male Bakutchi, as a toddler he was.. OMG! I forgot :( but as a baby he was a long named thing that I can't spell. Sorry!

Esme = Female Itchigotchi :ichigotchi: , As a toddler she was Belltchi, As a baby she was another thing I can't spell :angry: [/color]

Ryan = Male Memekatchi, As a toddler he was Mousechi and, As a baby he was the same as Tiger!

Sorry I just can't spell :(

Good news! I have a picture! :) YAY!



~ Fwoggy, Tiger, Esme and Ryan :wub: :D :p ;) :furawatchi:

Hola! I got my tamagotchi bonding to 100% HURRAY! It took ages but it was worth it!

I pinky promise to post a photo next time! I can't now because I have to go make breakfast :babytchi: :puroperatchi: :kuribotchi: :wub: :newmametchi:

Many thanks for reading,

Fwoggy (Makikona), Tiger, Esme and Ryan.


Hello earthlings! Im feeling really happy because my Tamagotchi characters evolved!

Tiger = Sukatchi (Male)

Esme = Memetchi (Female)

Ryan = Kuchipatchi (Male)

Here is a photo as I promised!


Like it?

Lots of hugs,

Fwoggy (Makikona), Tiger, Esme and Ryan xox

:babytchi: :puroperatchi: :mimitchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :wub: :D :p ;)

Hiya! Are you alright?


My Tamagotchi characters are compleatley identical to Dazzilitchigirls! That I find funny!


Im eleven tommorow!, and I might miss bieng ten! But that's alright because everyone grows up!

Tiger, Esme and Ryan say Hi!

Lots of hugs,

Fwoggy (Makikona), Tiger, Esme and Ryan xox

:babytchi: :puroperatchi: :mimitchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :wub: :D :p ;)

Hello everyone! Im still ill but not as ill as I was yesterday!

Tiger got married to a cute Violetchi and now im on third generation toddlers!

Sam = Male Mousetchi (as a baby he was a Futabatchi)

Lauren = Female Sakuramotchi (as a baby she was also a Futabatchi)

Jake = Male Ahirukutchi (as a baby he was a Omututchi :babytchi: )

Im quite happy now and congratulations Dazzilitchigirl for ordering a new V2!

Like my new colours?

Fwoggy, Sam, Lauren and Jake! :puroperatchi: :mimitchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :wub: :D :p ;)

Hello people!


Im sadly still ill, but that is allright because now I have more time to post in my log.

Stop hitting me Jake


Shut up you guys! Im not in the mood!


Uhh! Sorry about that!

It's breakfast now, sorry! Bye guys!

~Fwoggy, Sam, Lauren and Jake! :puroperatchi: :mimitchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :wub: :D :p ;)

P.S. Im allot better now and my temprature is back to normal, yay?!? And I was kicked of the computer like 5 hours ago, so im back on now!

Hiya! GOOD NEWS!!! Im not very ill anymore!, I went to school, but when I came home I just laied in bed for half an hour.

Im sorry im boring you with all this stuff!

Anyway, My characters evolved yesterday! And I got awful care because I accidentally forgot to turn it on travel mode when I went to school :angry:

Sam = Male Memekatchi

Lauren = Female Chamemchi

Jake = Male Korokotchi

Yay! I will put a photo on next time, I half-promise!

~Fwoggy,Sam, Lauren and Jake! :puroperatchi: :mimitchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :wub: :D :p ;)

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