-Making my return!-


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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
in a land, far, far away...
Hello everyone! I've been checking in these past few days, and recently with the 25th anniversary, I've been thinking a LOT about this forum and Tamagotchi in general... So here's my reintroduction!

I'm Angie (AKA Yatta), She / Her, 21 years old! I used to be very active on here back in 2010 - 2012, when I was... around 11 years old. :mellow: (I've got a LOT of badly written posts in my activity log, pfff!)

Tamagotchi have always been one of my all time favorite things, with a lot of my elementary and middle school days spent hatching and caring for my V3s and V4s. At first, I had NO clue what I was doing... But eventually, thanks to the POWER OF THE INTERNET and this amazingly helpful forum, I got the hang of it! In fact, Yattatchi was one of the first good care Tamas I ever raised (thanks to resources on Tamatalk), and she became my absolute favorite! When the Tama-go came out, I sorta fell out of love with the franchise. But, I've always loved this community, and recently I've started getting back into Tamas!

I've been checking out lots of new things I've missed, and I've got a LOT to catch up on! For the first time in a while, I'm thinking about hatching my snakeskin V3, the very first Tamagotchi I ever owned. :lol: Maybe I'll see you all in the hatching forum!
First off welcome back!
And yessss! Hatch that V3! (ㆁωㆁ)
I had several V3s as a kid and they're kinda my grail ATM(I want a very specific shell) (^~^)ゞthey're just so neat, I love that care still played a factor in that connection while also still being slightly more complex than the V1(I don't think I ever had a V2 or if I did it was very short lived before I passed it along).
I am glad Tamagotchi is still dear to you and you've kept your logins for this site after all these years.
I am getting second-hand heartwarming from this post <3 ;-;