Male Tamagotchis vs Female Tamagotchis


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
Do you think male or female Tamagotchi characters tend to have better designs? Even though there are cute and great characters like Spacytchi and Mametchi, I think female characters usually have more unique and appealing designs. I guess it's hard to make interesting male designs because girls can have all sorts of different accessories like ribbons, pretty hats, and the like but if males have those kinds of accessories people would think they look 'girly'.

Bonus question - What are your favorite male and female Tamagotchi character designs? And favorite genderless designs, considering vintage characters are mostly genderless.

I'm not sure I'm really equipped to answer this question, but based on the iDL & P's, I think both male and female characters have nice designs. I personally prefer male character designs, as some of the newer females look quite similar being pink and/or frilly looking. I like the simplicity of the male designs. And if I get bored with male designs, I just put the dresses and ribbons on them too :p

Favourite male designs are Guriguritchi from the 15th anniversary and UraTogetchi from the V4.5/Ura, and favourite female is Horoyotchi from the V4.5/Uratama, and Otokitchi. Favourite genderless characters: lots! Androtchi, UFOtchi, Zukidebitchi :)

I personally think it's kind of dumb that the female tamagotchis nowadays are all very hyper-feminine. They all seem overly complicated to me with bows and sparkles and big eyelashes. I think more vintage tamagotchis are better looking because of how simplistic and memorable they are, they don't all look like the same tamagotchi like they do in the newer versions. I personally think that the male tamagotchis are actually more creative and diverse, they look more like little aliens that you need to take care of instead of fashionable and dressed up girls. It's sort of funny looking at the growth chart in newer versions because Memetchi is always there and she stands out really badly..

On a side note my personal favorites are Sebiretchi, Togetchi, Kuromametchi, Shimashimatchi, ichigotchi, Hanatchi, Kikitchi, and Sunopatchi! Phew that's a lot..

I feel the same way as dragonte on the newer female characters, but even the colours and shapes look very alike. I think the simpler female designs are actually cuter as well. Also they just look more humanized and to me it's kinda creepy to see a more human looking character in my tamagotchi when they're supposed to be pets.

And my favourites are Violetchi, Ginjirotchi and Kuchipatchi.

I miss when Tamagotchi characters could be any gender and just looked like pets. This doesn't count but I love both the male and female looks on the Tama P's Baby change pierce.

Not to swim against the current, but I prefer the female tama's to the male ones. Generally, the lower on the care scale tamas go, the less cute they become. But I still think Uwasatchi is adorable!

There are hardly any designs I specifically DISLIKE from the modern (colored) tamas, but there are a couple from the male side that I'm less inclined to think cute...

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I also prefer male characters over females. I do not particularly care for the newer female characters at all. They are usually white, and all decked out in fancy clothes, jewelry and all that jazz. That's not the way the characters started out back in the day. As I said, I like the older characters(1996-2008) either male or female.

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