Manga... need to know some good ones to read


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
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Can anyone suggest some good mangas that are... like, for 12 or 13 and UNDER? Plus: they can be about practically anything... I escpecially like adventure type stories. But almost anything will do if its good. I need to know... and BTW I already read Tokyo Mew Mew and its okay... but not wonderful.

-_Flame_ :D

Oh, I do read the Naruto manga... sorry forgot to say that...

thanks :p

Furuba. Fruits Baskets. It's very sweet.

I have not red any of the manga myself but the anime was really great.

how about eyeshield 21???

its very exiting!!

its all about american football but not boring...

and its very funny and humourist!!!

i think you should read it!!!

^ Haha, me too, their better lol.I love Negima! Thats a great Manga. ^^

OMG I love Negima too!!!! Its hilarious~ But its rated 16+.

A good manga would be Azumanga.

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Naruto is awsome and full meatel alcemist is preety good

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Thanks people! :)


I don't really need this topic anymore... Because I now have lots of mangas to try + a new friend(real life) who reads manga and she can show me good ones... so yeah.



I know a couple more...


Cardcaptor Sakura

Angelic Layer

Cardcaptor Sakura and Angelic Layer might be hard to find BTW. They were made in 2002.

And BTW akari_chan, Flame was looking for under 13 titles. And Eyeshield 21(I like it too) is rated 16...

I have SOME.Even tho yo usaid you dont need alot...

If you like the Warrior cats, read the magna "WARRIORS: The lost warrior" :D

And Try "MINK" magnas :chohimetchi:

You Should Try: 

Sugar Sugar Rune



Kingdom Hearts



KonKon Kokon

Ouran High School Host Club

or Kamichima Karin
Kingdom hearts is good also :p
