Marriage Help?


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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2008
Reaction score
The moon
Okay, I have had Tams for 3 yrs, so I have no clue why I'm on the new tam owner section.

Anyway, I NEED SUM HELP D: I have two v2 tams (cause v2's are the bestest) and they are a boy and a girl, one 4 and one 7, they are both adults.

THEY WILL NOT MARRY EACHOTHER. Yes, they became partners today, but I connected and connected them, and they WONT GET MARRIED. I even gave them love potion AFTER they were partners to speed up the process. :nazotchi:

And get this, my time on my girl tam is a bit wonky, (shes seven btw) and i guess it said seven o clock. The matchmaker isnt supposed to come if your tam has a partner right? WRONG. I looked at her screen, and I see that ugly little old lady with her dumb book trying to marry off my tama.

MY TAMS HATE ME D: Please help! what can I do to make them marry each other?

Thank you so much for helping :D

One,I think the boy is too young,I think he has to be at least 7.I dont have a v2 but im pretty sure thats how it goes.

yeah, we have a v2 and a v3 and were trying to mate them but they won't mate either, so yeah probably have to be 5...

i thought it was 4 too though.. but , guess not!!


. ! Roxygirl ! .

Ok, here it is.

There is a golden rule that your tamas have to follow in order to be able to marry. They must be 24 hours past adulthood. Do not confuse it with 24 hours into being lovers. So let's say they evolve at 3.05pm, they will be valid to marry at 3.05pm the next day. The time will be taken from the tama that evolved later. (Note: for some reason the 24-hour timer always drags because of some inevitable action you do, so it might vary from 3.06pm to 3.10pm). Just be patient and connect them every now and then to check. Don't worry if the female is older than the make (!), they will still be able to marry once reaching the fulfillment of 24 hours as adults. The love potion does NOT force marriage, it's just a way of making 2 tamas lovers after only 1 connection. Don't expect this to happen between 2 tams of the same gender. Also, connecting hundreds of times will NOT help, it just wastes battery.

Anyway, a tip: if your tama evolved into an adult at 3+ yrs, the matchmaker will come at 6+ years. If your tama evolved at 4 years, the matchmaker'll pay you a visit at 7 years. She will still come if your tamas are partners but haven't married yet. That way I don't really understand why the matchmaker hasn't come to your tama. Maybe a glitch?

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