Masktchi and Makeup


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Well, here is my suggestion. Make sure you have a girl, as your tama won't be impressed if it is a boy!! Make sure she is an adult, then try it. I have read several things about how you need a mirror, so try that as well. :(

Hope this was of some help, :huh:

Giraffagotchi :huh:

i know this one lol! happened to me to.

first of all im not sure aboput the gender but i had a female.

buy a mirror which is 3000 gotchi points

buy makeup which is 80 gotchi point (i think)

if you are missingthe mirror it will just stare at the makeup.

when you get the mirror use the makeup and it wil turn around looking at the mirror and start putting makeup on.once it is done the tamagotchi will vanish and you will see its head slowly rising. if it stops you will not see its makeup but if it keeps going and you see what it did it means it is satisfied with what it did(or so i was told) once you use the makeup, it will disappear you will need to by more

hope this helped:)


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