Mated but the baby is GONE


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Active member
Dec 3, 2007
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QLD Australia
Has anyone had this happen to them? This is my first tamagotchi so I am still kinda new so here goes.... My Tama and my sons became adults and we got them to mate (yay) anyway when one of the babies left to be with the father it never arrived. We have a v4 and a v3 so I don't know if that would have an impact. Has anyone else had this happen?

We're kind of heartbroken because we'd really been looking forward to this HUGE event and pfft! All down the poop shoot! If anyone knows the hows and why's of why this happened and how to prevent this happening again would be more than appreciated!

Can I use mine to mate with the other Tama? She has a baby now so I am not sure if it will work. It's a big thrill getting to this stage I can tell you! Sad to hear your friend left so your tama's couldnt mate... Happy memories tho I imagine! Thanks SO much for your super fast reply sasukeisemo! :wub:

:huh: + :) = LOVE LOVE LOVE

Ah sorry I meant mine had the baby (she is the Momma-gotchi) and his doesn't have a baby... Between us we've sort of decided that the 2nd baby that should have gone to stay with the Daddy-gotchi must have flown to the Planet Tamagotchi... I don't know what gender the baby is... My son swears they were girls but I think they were boys and we got side tracked SEARCHING for help with the lost baby-gotchi so we just can't be sure we know the gender. When the Momma-gotchi leaves and we name the baby can we check the gender BEFORE naming it or should we start thinking of uni-sex names now? Again I really want to thank you for your help!

Well, If your son can wait, You can but his tama on pause, and let your baby grow. (Although unless the baby's a boy then mabye you can get the matchmaker for the other one.) Otherwise it's never happened to me.

I hope I helped!!

*boy baby = black, Girl baby = white*

The versions shouldn't have any impact on the situation.....

It was probably just a glitch. I think I've heard of this happening before. Kind of disapointing, but there's always next generation.

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