Maths Problems - Need Help Finding Some


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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2005
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Spain though now I am studying in England
The past 24th of March I took part in the Provincial Phase of the Maths Olympiad just to see if I got anywhere, and amazingly I actually got through, and came first out of my province. This means that the 22nd May (2 days time) I will have to do the following phase of the Olympiad, the regional phase, which is harder than the provincial, so I was wondering if any member who also was interested in maths (or even if you aren't into maths) could help me find a few problems to just practice before going and how to avoid getting nervous before doing it. :rolleyes:

It is the 8th grade Maths Olympiad, although the problems are different types of problems, such as logic problems, geometry problems etcetera. Ones where you mainly have to think up your own method. ;)

A way to not get nervous is keep a steady voice, take deep breaths, and constantly remind yourself that there's nothing much to lose, and you'll do great.

Just keep hold of your dignity and your pride.

how about this for a math problem, hearing how smart you are, you shouldn't have a problem, but this is just to warm you up! here it is: chelsea has 3 nickels, 4 dimes, and 5 pennies, andrew has 3nickels, 2dimes, adn 8 pennies. how much does chelsea need to give andrew so they have equal amounts?

now remeber, to read the problem carfully, it isn't what you think! not just regular addition and subtraction, there is something else... enjoy! and good luck and best of wishes to you on may22cnd! :nyatchi:

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