mating problems


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Aug 13, 2005
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both of my tamas are 5 years old. when i look under the address book the love each other with 4 hearts (the highest level of love). i have connected the at least 40 times. one is a boy and one is a boy. they are both verson 1s. one is a ninga and the other is the big duck. i want them to have babies but they just won't! please help me!!

:hitodetchi: HELP ME!! :eek:

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Boys and boys cant have babies. And I dont think v1s can have babies but I'm not sure.

It depends on how long they have been adults. Is it at least 24hrs (unpaused) since they both evolved into adults?

On the V2, both must have evolved into adults at least 24hrs beforehand.

I think it may be a little longer on the V1 - I normally have to wait about 36hrs before my V1 adults will mate - but that might be a delay due to pausing them. That might be it.

Best, etc.


V1s can toatally have babys trust me I have 3 but 2 boys cant have a Baby togeather Im sure of that srry tho

1st of all 2 boys cannot have babys you have to get a girl and boy but to do that you may have to reset them as far as i know.

i know i wrote 2 boys i meant to write one is a girl and one is a boy..... sorry

in real life can 2 boys have babies?i dont think so :(

so i bet 2 boy tamas cant either







:( B) :D :rolleyes: ;)

Mostly all people have problems mating thier tamagotchis thats why there is a matchmaker who will probably come to your tamagotchi at age 6. Need more info e-mail me at [email protected] :wacko: :ph34r: :lol: :) B)



:furawatchi: Hope you e-mail me <_<

Mostly all people have problems mating thier tamagotchis thats why there is a matchmaker who will probably come to your tamagotchi at age 6. Need more info e-mail me at [email protected] :wacko: :ph34r: :lol: :) B)



:furawatchi: Hope you e-mail me <_<

Everyone, liz2323 already said, she/he accidentally made a typing error and meant a girl and a boy.

And besides, two boys or two girls can only have four smiles, and can't have two smiles w/ two hearts or four hearts.

P.s. (Sorry if I didn't make sense!)

O.K. bearing the facts that you said they were a boy and a girl, they are both deeply in love, and they are v1s, it sounds like they are still to young to marry. Connection v1s cannot marry and mate untill both are at least 6 years of age. They should marry right away once they are of age.

Hope this helps. :ph34r:

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