Mcdonalds neopets Gen 1+2, which are the rarest?


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2006
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What are the rarest colors for the mcdonalds plush neopets from generation 1 and generation 2?

What are the rarest colors for the mcdonalds plush neopets from generation 1 and generation 2?
Genration one's rarest pet was the purple moehog, and generation 2 was starry kougra. But, certain mcdonalds get more paint brush colors and others get more ordanriy, they switch each year so if your mcdonalds got mostly yellow,green,blue, and red last Summer they will get more paintbrush colors this Summer, and certain places certain neopets are rarer becuse here kougra was the rarest last Summer ,I only got 1 kougra from the mcdonalds in a 80 mile radius, in other places kougra was the most common while meerca was the rarest. I am opening a new thread about an faq you mcdonald neopet collecting.

My favorite one I got from generation 1 was purple Chomby. My favorite one I got from generation 2 was shadow grarrl.

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