McDonalds should be closed down!


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Absolutely not. If McDonalds was shut down permanently, then heaps of people would start flame wars about why it was shut down permanently.

Personally, we should let people eat w/e they want, even when we don't like the certain kinds of foods that we see people eat.

Dark secrets? :/

Everyone knows McDonald's is bad for you. Especially if you make it an everyday thing.

Don't like McDonald's? Don't eat there. It's not like they brain wash people into eating their food. You choose to.

The point of fast food is to get a quick meal without spending a lot of money. It's not meant to be a day-to-day restaurant that you eat at all time. It's a once in a while thing.

It doesn't need to be closed down. The people who don't like it just need to not eat there and stop complaining :|

Someone mentioned something about 'not having enough money'. If that's the case, go to the grocery store, and buy some produce. You'd be amazed at the amount of produce you can buy for under $5. A lot of the customers I see day to day buy only produce and fresh, packaged meat, usually under $20, always under $50.

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i don't think any fast food place should be closed, but I don't think you should eat there everyday. You can get obese and clogged arteries, if you eat it like 24/7 but people eat it anyway. I eat there once every 2 years and I like the food (my mom is a health food nut)

I think it should be closed down. I agree with you, ura mametchi.
Why should it be? They'll lose alot of oney then. Then places like Burger King, Hardee's/Carl Jr's and other places should shut down, because people's whining over it that the food is Unhealthy.

Simple tip.

Don't like Mc Donald's food? Don't eat there. Problem solved.

Well Mc Donalds Has some food that is fatning and may cause obeseity, but it shouldent be closed down. Its their desision to eat fatning food. They dont have to, but its a choice. I dont think it should be closed down, but just let people think before they order fatning food every day.

TamaMum,your 4 and im 10 who knows better?me?yes cos im 10 and you have not seent that documentary
*edit: TamaMum - off topic - removed *

If McDonalds should be closed down, why shouldn't all the other fast food places (Burger King, Wendys) be closed down too?

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Put *rolls eyes* or something to tell it's sarcasm.


If you think McD's is bad, DON'T eat there. They don't MAKE you eat there. They don't BRAINWASH you to eat there. It's YOUR CHOICE. They're not trying to keep the world happy, they're trying to make a profit as cheaply as they can. The documentary wasn't trying to imply that McD's is bad, they were trying to state that eating bad/eating fast food is bad for you and causes some long term affects.

Obesity isn't caused by fast food, it's caused by choice, nothing more. You choose not to go outside, you choose not to eat better, and your parents choose to buy it for you. McD's isn't trying to make us fat, they're just providing cheap fast food.

People try to put the blame on McD's because they can't acept the fact they did this to themselves.


I've seen the movie, "Super Size Me" I have to say that Mcdonalds want your money.
Yep, all buisnessis want your money. Say you had a buisness and no one was buying your prouduct. Wouldnt you be disapointed because no one is buying your item and your not getting any money? Back on topic here...McDonalds is worth millions and millions of dollors. (I know its huge!) Just to open up a McDonalds at least cost a million or more. If you think its gross then dont eat it. If you like it eat it sometimes but not everyday of your life. =)



Why should it be? They'll lose alot of oney then. Then places like Burger King, Hardee's/Carl Jr's and other places should shut down, because people's whining over it that the food is Unhealthy.
Simple tip.

Don't like Mc Donald's food? Don't eat there. Problem solved.
well what about the people who DO eat mcdonalds dont you care about them huh? :eek:

Its Never Gonna Close Because Its A Multi Billion Dollar Buisness >_x Have Fun Trying Though

But Supersize Me Was A Cool Yest Gross Movie (He Threw Up On Day 2 xD)

well what about the people who DO eat mcdonalds dont you care about them huh? :lol:
That's their choice. They can choose to have unhealthy eating habbits if they want. No one's making them and no one's stopping them.

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