McDonalds should be closed down!


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I don't think it should be shut down. If people want to chow down on fatty food every day, it's their choice. Not McDonald's. They didn't make that place so they could make people fat. They made it to get money. I mean I enjoy fastfood once in awhile, but if I do get fat, who's fault will it be? Mine, for choosing to eat there so often.

they kinda do make people fat, cuz when you are fat you are always hungary. So, McDonalds and other places put things in their food including high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, saturated fats, hydronated cottonseed oil, hyrdronated coconut oil and so one, so people who eat it have a craving for it and go back for more food.

I personally think that its not such a bad place.

Ya i know its VERY unhealthy, but if people choose to eat there everyday

thats there problem.

My family eats there like once a year. :lol: or if its there and we need to get something quick.

And i agree with everyone else. We all know that McDonalds will never be closed down.

true McDonalds is a nasty place...especially if you know what is in that food. But, people who continually eat there will find unhealthy food somewhere else. I have only been to Mcdonalds about 4 times my entire life but i dont think theres anything wrong with people who do go there. Is it unhealthy? yes Is it part part of the problem our society is so obese? yes. But will it make that much of a difference if we get rid of the chain? I dont think it would

Yes it should I think it should because in the chicken nuggets they put the chicken beak and chicken feet in it also *shivers* I am never eating their chicken nuggets again.

I remember watching Supersize me. The dude threw up out his car window. It looked like chunky gravy....


I don't think McDonald's should close down! McDonald's is delicious! I love eating there! I wouldn't eat there every day, just every once in a while is a really great treat.

If people are going to choose to eat McDonald's all the time and gain 400 pounds in a week, that is their fault, not McDonald's fault.


If Macdonald's was closed down, it would cause a huge chain reaction of job losses. Even if there food is fating, it's up to YOU weather you eat there or not.

NOW there are a lot Macdonald's in both Canada and America. SO if Macdonald's closed down, a lot of people would lose there job. And if a lot of people lost there job, then a lot of people couldn't buy stuff. And if people can't buy stuff, other business would have to lay off employees and IF those people got laid off THEY couldn't afford to buy stuff, THUS IT END UP LIKE THE GREAT DEPRESSION IN THE 1930's!! D:::::::~ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!

[SIZE=14pt]Lol, no I'm going over board. xD It wouldn't be that bad...BUT What I'm saying is, that people would lose there jobs. Which is bad.[/SIZE]

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Copy and paste~

If you think McD's is bad, DON'T eat there. They don't MAKE you eat there. They don't BRAINWASH you to eat there. It's YOUR CHOICE. They're not trying to keep the world happy, they're trying to make a profit as cheaply as they can. The documentary wasn't trying to imply that McD's is bad, they were trying to state that eating bad/eating fast food is bad for you and causes some long term affects.

Obesity isn't caused by fast food, it's caused by choice, nothing more. You choose not to go outside, you choose not to eat better, and your parents choose to buy it for you. McD's isn't trying to make us fat, they're just providing cheap fast food.

People try to put the blame on McD's because they can't acept the fact they did this to themselves.


well what about the people who DO eat mcdonalds dont you care about them huh? :(
Nobody should feel sorry for them. That's their choice.

If people want to be stupid and eat there all the time, that's their problem.

People will always eat what they want. It's a fact of life. Let them be.

I agree with mametchi again. The food there is terribly unhealthy. Although, people do have a choice. They can eat there often and get unhealthy or just go sometimes or not at all. I think it's sad that most people think more of themselves eating there as a treat, than the people who get unhealthy there. Not having it closed down is selfish.

Who here has seen the film anyway? If so, how do we know if they are not telling lies? We just don't know, so why are people even commenting if they have not even seen the film.

If people don't want to see that film, they don't need to. It's their buisness.

Mc Donalds don't need to be shut down, because of some whiney kids saying "LOL IT'S SO UNHEALTHY!" Don't like Mc DOnald's food? Then don't eat there. Simple as that. The only time a place should be shut down is when it don't pass health inspection. There is also if a place goes bankrupt also is when a place would shut down.

Films like this are mainly for media shock vaule. Same with that film Al Gore made, Jesus Camp and that PETA BS video. It's called Media Shock Vaule. Media Shock rakes in your money, etc etc etc.

Also, Not all fat people sit there and eat alot. I am not even fat. I have seen skinny people eat like a favage animal and never gain an ounce.

Yes it should I think it should because in the chicken nuggets they put the chicken beak and chicken feet in it also *shivers* I am never eating their chicken nuggets again.
I belive PETA made that up for more Media shock.

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*sighs*I think nobody will appriciate another's opinion in here! Nobody seems to feel sorry for the unhealthy people...
That's how debates work. If no one

Debates don't work by "agreeing" and trying to feel sorry for people. If someone don't "appricate" one's opinion in a debate. That's their buisness. If everyone agreed on one's opinion or one's debate, then it would be a one sided, way ward prattle.

You can be healthy if you eat right. Ome people are still are healthy if they eat at a fast food joint also. If people eat at one everyday, then that's their problem. Not mine, not yours. I don't think we should be in anyone's buisness and tell people how they should eat or act.

<-Honeysuckle-> - You did once in post said you wanted it closed down, then you said it shouldn't. It wasn't "sarcasim" either.

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No. I do not feel sorry for the unhealthy people that go to McDonalds everyday. There is nothing that is forcing them to go to McDonalds and eat 20,000 calories a day. It is their choice. Yes, McDonalds should be closed down. But that will not happen, because the people that own the place don't care about how healthy they are, they care about the $$$$$$$ they make. So the only way that will happen is if people stop eatting there, which is not about to happen any time soon.


No. I do not feel sorry for the unhealthy people that go to McDonalds everyday. There is nothing that is forcing them to go to McDonalds and eat 20,000 calories a day. It is their choice. Yes, McDonalds should be closed down. But that will not happen, because the people that own the place don't care about how healthy they are, they care about the $$$$$$$ they make. So the only way that will happen is if people stop eatting there, which is not about to happen any time soon.

The only way Mc Donald's should be shut down is a couple things:

1. Didn't pass Health Inspection.

2. GO bankrupt from money issues.

It don't need to be shut down, because of the Media garbagde of "UNHEALTHY!" Then if itw as shut down, people who work there would be out of a job.

Okay okay. *Passes out chill pills*

You can't sit around and 'feel bad for them' just like you can sit around and 'feel bad for' people who smoke or people who don't shower. Unless it's physically hurting you and your health, you have no right to force someone to change their ways even if it's not the best for them. People know the consequences if the smoke and yet the still buy them. And they're okay with that. And if they aren't, they try a quitting program. But they don't need other people bossing around their lives.

If we don't let people make their own choices, what kind of democracy is that? It's not, it's communism.

I always said to myself.

If people wanna smoke, eat fast food, drink, not bathe, it's their life and their buisness. I really don't want to mingle into their buisness.

People don't like being told what to do and how to act.

well what about the people who DO eat mcdonalds dont you care about them huh? :D
I don't give a flyin' rat about people who eat there. It's their buiness, right?

TWP pointed out that it's people's buiness if theye at there. I am not gona cause a riot and go. "STOP EATING THERE OKAYZ!?!"

Let people do what they want.

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