McDonalds should be closed down!


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I definitely don't think it should be shut down. >.< It's fine once in a while. I agree with pretty much everyone here - if a person wants to be stupid and eat McDonalds daily, fine, that's their business. I like McDonalds. =)

ok, people can do what they want, but does that make what they are doing right? Nope.
It's not like they are murdering people or robbing banks. They just choose to be unhealthy. And there's nothing we can do about that. Honestly, though - I think most people have the sense not to eat Mcdonalds daily. :D

ok, people can do what they want, but does that make what they are doing right? Nope.
It shouldn't matter to you as is. If someone is riding a skateboard off Mt St Helens, let them. It's their buisness, not yours.

It's not your buiness. SO why should you worry? It's the for people who don't belive in god If they don't belive in him, fine, let them.

No one likes being told how to live or what to do. Media today has sheilded little kids from everything it seems these days. So why worry what everyone else does? If we worried about everyone this day and age, we'd be one mess of tears, shivering and shunned from the real world.

Yes, let's shut down McDonalds and why we are at that, let's close down all the gun shops. Guns kill people too.

Look, as many people have said before; if you don't like the food there, don't go there. Yes, it MAY be the reason why some many people are fat, but it's their own fault in the first place. People go there out of their OWN FREE WILL. Mcdonalds don't drag you into their restaurant and force fatty food down your throat, do they?

Yes, let's shut down McDonalds and why we are at that, let's close down all the gun shops. Guns kill people too.
Look, as many people have said before; if you don't like the food there, don't go there. Yes, it MAY be the reason why some many people are fat, but it's their own fault in the first place. People go there out of their OWN FREE WILL. Mcdonalds don't drag you into their restaurant and force fatty food down your throat, do they?
Fatness is also caused by gentics. If you have obese parents, chances are the chil may grow up obese also.

Not all people who eat fast food get fat, either.

Like many people have said on this thread, let people do what they like. If it's only harming themselves, why get so concerned?

I think there are many more important things than trying to close McDonalds, such as having guns banned.

Fatness is also caused by gentics. If you have obese parents, chances are the chil may grow up obese also.
Not all people who eat fast food get fat, either.
No, we wouldn't. It'd be nice just to have a little compassion for unhealthy people and what they do. ;)

This is just going in a circle.

Compassion is helping people make good choices- it's not forcing them to make those choices. We aren't cold hard beasts for saying to each his own on this matter because that's how it works. If they don't care the consequences, to each his own. But it is not up to anyone else to make that choice for them nor is it the company's fault for those choices.


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