Mean Girls.


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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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Aha, I love this movie : ) I've seen it so many times : P

I actually kinda love Karen : ) She's so funny xP

So, anyone else love this movie?

I've seen it once but I didn't really pay attention.

So I can't really comment.

Althoooough, my friends say it's amazing :D

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I liked it, but personally, I can't watch it often cuz I have two little sisters. They don't know what a preiod or tampon or make out or virgin or any of that means, so Mum and I make sure they dont watch it. But I liked it, my fave person is definately Karen. She cracks me up. It's funny at the end when she's reporting the weather and she grabs her boob. Hilarious!

Oh, Mean Girls is definitely one of the best movies ever. Its so quoteable. Great movie to watch with friends.

"My dad's the inventor of Toaster Strudels."

Yeah, it's like the most quoteable movie ever : )

"That's why her hair is so big. It's full of secrets" :huh:

Aha yes, I quote it all the time. xD

I saw it when it first came out. And now I have it on my iPod and I still watch it. Great movie. :D

"That's why her hair is so big. It's full of secrets" :huh:
I like that one as well ;D

It's a funny movie. When it first came out my parents were like "No you're not allowed to watch these yhqwertygtyuv girls show their @#$%'s on television" I watched it anyways xD but nowadays I kinda like it more because I understand it more and it's just a lot funnier. :)

It's one of my favourite movies ever! I love all the characters, including Regina! It's the most quotable movie ever, me and my friends always quote it!


I used to love that movie, but then I seen it like 123456789gazillion times. So it's lost it's charm.

Still good though...sort of. The quotes are still somewhat humorous.

For those of you that aren't in high school yet, once you get there, EVERYONE QUOTES IT! :(

It gets a little tedious after awhile; I'm in the class of 2011 and our slogan is "take your top off!!" for some reason. Can't tell you how many times I've heard "YOU GO GLENN COCO!" and "She doesn't even go here!" but the movie itself just never dies. What else do you expect from the writers of Saturday Night Live?

My sister made me watch Mean Girls last week. I thought it was just going to be one of those overrated chick flicks with some s***ty plotline, but it was actually pretty good even though. My favourite characters have to be that random gothy girl and her friend Damien xP. The producers really seem to know what goes through a teenager’s head which is really rare in those kind of films, though obviously with it being a fictional film it’s exaggerated like hell.

I never loved this movie like everyone I know does. I mean. There are some funny parts, but I didn't think it was anything special.
