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Well, for me, media is good. :] It's a big part of today's society. A huge part, in fact. It lets us watch entertainment shows and channels. And it gives us commercials, magazines and a lot of the Internet.

But there are also so many negatives of today's media. Did you know (and this is a real fact right here) that the average girl sees around 400 commercials per day telling her how she should look. And this gives off a major downfall in self-esteem of young people. I'm 13 myself, and I know. Every time you look at a magazine the cover girl is just so pretty and makes you feel so..not pretty. But in real life, those girls have professional make-up and hair stylists pampering them and choosing gorgeous clothes for them, then airbrushing the final photograph. In reality, nobody looks that perfect. Not even the celebrities themselves. Sure, most of them look great, but it's not cheap. *cough-cosmeticsurgery-cough*

Anyway, with everything, there will be positives and drawbacks. The media is responsible for a lot of girls (and boys) feeling bad about the way they look, or the way their lives are. Not just teenagers or adults, but even younger and younger kids are becoming affected. Yet overall, we probably couldn't do without it.

Well, the media is like sugar. Without it, the economy turns to crap, society falls apart. But too much of it, and we all become obese lazy bums who do nothing but sit around and complain about how bad everything is and how there are too many commercials and how you can't find the remote.

But it has kind of screwed up our vision of beauty. Like, what we think is beautiful is actually fake, no one could possibly achieve that level of beauty naturally. It takes a constant stream of makeup and a good photoshop program. Back before we had that type of thing, people used to think what we would call average is pretty. In fact, just yesterday, and this is morally sickening, my four year old sister asked me why I wasn't pretty. I asked her who she thinks is pretty, and she went on a little rant about how Miley Cyrus was prettier than me. It was horrible. It's the same way with my cousins. Amanda, six years old, told me that I can only come over on the weekdays because I only look pretty then. (I don't usually put on makeup on the weekends, I'm not seeing anyone, so who cares.) It's really screwed up. But then again, my whole family is kinda jacked. Oh, the glamorous life of the rich. They'll have to go through the reality shock when they get to middle school, just like I did two years ago. It's kinda fun to watch. They like, stomp their feet and scream.

^^ I agree to both of you guys.

The media keeps us updated on world events, and is a way to have fun.

At the same time, it is detracting from our overall physical, and might I say, mental health.

I know this for a fact,

50% of 8-9 year old girls are on a diet.


Everything in the media is blown WAY out of proportion.

The avarage US model is 5' 11'' and weighs 117 lbs.

I know that is beyond unhealthy, and NOT an ideal body type. X_X

Gah, that's messed up. :[
It is but then again, obesity is on the rise. Though no one that young should be on a "diet", I agree that we need to help our kids get healthy.

50% seems like a large number, though. Can I see your source? Not saying you're lying but that's really interesting. :)

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Ahh, media can be a good thing and a bad thing. Media may keep us aware, but it may also distract us. In the news, we mainly here of only the negative things. It's rare that we ever see a story with a happy ending. It's always 'young child killed in cross fire' or 'devestating fire claims 5 lives' and what not. Its ridiculous. Lots of stories told in the meida are way overused.

How often do we see stories about hero pilots saving the lives of people, or families reunited with missing child? Not too often. All we ever see anymore are stories about murder, tragedy, or things about the bad economy.

When it comes to magazines, all we ever see are things about celebrities, different diets, make overs, and how to 'please your man'. Its rare to find a good, entertaining magazing without the stupid things in it. What ever happened to a good read?

And then there are the standards of what people 'should be like' that are commonly portrayed. Such as what beauty is. Most women on tv are portrayed as the medias idea of 'beautiful'. It's ridiculous. A lot of those images viewed as 'beautiful' are fake. Loads of make up, cosmetic surgery, or digital editing.

Don't you feel bad for the girl who thinks she's ugly because she doesn't look like the dollies in her room, or the woman on the evening news, or the models in magazines? Its awful. That's not beauty. Real women are beautiful. Not those dolled up, fake miss prisses.

And then typical males are 'barrel chested' and other things like that. The standards are set to high. How often do you see a guy with a six pack? Not often. The media is just as unfair to men as it is to women.

Media also tends to support stereotypes as well. Look at movies nowadays- lots of teenage movies rely on stereotypes. The 'scary goth girl' or the 'hot blonde cheerleader' or 'the mindless jock'.

What people see portrayed by the media nowadays is rediculous.

Everything in the media is blown WAY out of proportion.The avarage US model is 5' 11'' and weighs 117 lbs.

I know that is beyond unhealthy, and NOT an ideal body type. X_X
Is that really bad? I'm 5' 7", 108lbs. Am I really that skinny?

Dang... I'm scared now...

I agree with Jinx, on the whole mostly everything on the news is BAD.

That's where parents get their ideas that the internet isn't safe. My friend posted ONE thing on here, and her parents banned her, because they thought someone could track her down.

I know it's possible, but... ???!!!!

We see millions of fashion and gossip magazines, but never anything on saving the earth, staying healthy, and keeping peace. Those are what really matter.

TW/P- My source? I'll post the link later....My computer history got deleted. D:

I agree with Phoebe - beautiful way of explaining, "sugar". Media is filled with rumours about celebrities dating and skinny women trying to become even more skinny. And then there are six year olds stuffing and on diets, with the 50% of 8-9 year old girls on diets...o.o

There's two sides of the media. The good first side, the actual news, is seeming to be eaten up by the second side. It's great to be aware of things going on in the world, and to know about various events. But...When we see "Family of four dies in carbon monozide poisoning" or "House fire kills two." we feel bad, we feel like we have to do something. So we turn our backs and follow everyone else sucked into the second side of the media. Because if they don't know about it or see it, then they don't have to do anything. Ignorance is bliss.

This second side has really changed our view on everything. When I go to school, all I hear is "Did you hear about Britney!?" "Amy Winehouse needs to go to rehab!" "Fergie might be pregnant!" They don't realise that celebrities are people, too. They had a lucky break, and got their song on the radio or got a part in a blockbuster movie. Most musicians dream of hearing their song over the airwaves. Most actors dream of being on the big screen. But as soon as they become a superstar, they're chased around by people with cameras. Imagine walking down the street with your kids, and all of a sudden twenty people surround you with flash photography and microphones. Celebrities want to have normal lives, too.

And this second side is also giving everyone unrealistic expectations about everything. When we're in line as the grocery store, we see an airbushed, nipped, and tucked girl and think "Gosh, I wish I could be that pretty." Well, honey, if you have an extra ten grand and PhotoShop, you can look however you want.

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