Memetchi7 is back on tamatalk!


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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2007
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hey people remember me?? memetchi7 i used to post on here but then i went off tamas so i left... but now im back!!!


anywayz iv'e only got my ver4.5 running out of my three tamas here are his stats:


Name: Chaz

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 24LBS

Training bar: 3 bars

GP: 1555

Gender: boy

Character: Daiyatchi


^_^ :) LOLZ im so pround of my little Chaz right now. He's currently asleep and he goes to primary school. I think he's a bit overweight but that's alright!!


Well laterz :) :D :angry:


hi guyz!!! my little chaz turned into a diayatchi soooooo cute!!! :D :D :D :D here are his stats:

Name: Chaz

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 29LBS

GP: 2295

Training bar:3 bars

Gender: boy

tehee hes adorable and so sweet!! hes moved on from primary school now and is loving his new school!!

gtg byes!!!


:D :) :D

Hey people!!i have fabulous news!! mu little chaz is going to evolve into an adult tonight!! at either 7:10 or 7:20pm yayness!!! anyway here are little Chaz's stats at the moment:

Name: Chaz

Age: 2yrs

Weight: 30LBS

Gender: boy

GP: 3455

Training bar: 5 bars

Character: Diaytchi

I will diffently post on here when my tama evolves and tell u what he turned into!! :( :huh: :lol:


:( :p

hey people soz about not writing recently but you will never guess what!! my Chaz evolved into a uratogetchi!!! yayness!. he evolved at 7:20pm on wedensday. and the best news is hes gonna mate on Sunday!! cool or what?!! :) :) anywayz here are his stats:

Name: Chaz

Weight: 34LBS

Training bar: 5 bars

Gender: boy

Fuuny: 45


Spiritual: 42

GP: 4815

Job: works at the gym

Age: 4 yrs

He got his job at about 4:00pm today :) :p i actually the first job interview but oh well!!

well thats it for now byes!!


hey again guyz =] im just on here to get your opinion. Yoyu see my little Chaz is mating on either Sunday or Monday but im totally stuck on what to name the baby!. so i thought that maybe if i posted some name suggestions on here u guyz could post on the one u like the most!! B) :)

Here are the name suggestions for the girls:

1. Dizzy

2. Petal

3. Lily

4. Tawni

5. Candy

6. Cleo

7. Poppi

Here are the name suggestions for the boys:

1. Cloud

2. Judge

3. Monty

4. Jock

5. Star

6. Lucky

7. Chive

plz post on here which one you think would be most suitable for the boy and which one be most suitable for the girl. :) B) :p also if u have any name ideas plz post on here b4 sunday & monday. :) :D



Hey ppl!! :p boy have i got some news for u guyz!!! okay so firstly my Chaz mated!!! he married a uramemetchi! [i think their the perfect couple :lol: :D ] and chaz had a baby girl!!! im still stuck on names but im trying to decide between Dizzy OR Poppi! im actually thinking Dizzy!. anywayz so here are Chaz's stats:

Name: Chaz

Age 6 yrs

Weight: 43LBS

GP: 11775 [i know thats ALOT!]

Job: Gym

Skill points: 47,47,84

Training bar: 6 bars

Gender: boy

Characters: Ura togetchi and tsubutchi

Okay so thats it for my ver4.5. Now to tell u about my ver5!! you see i found my ver5 in a cupboard about 2 secs ago and i started it up coz i brought 2 new battries today. so i started it up and here are the stats:

Characters: mimifurawatchi, futabatchi and omutuchi.

Family: blended family

Family name: Meme

Gen: 1st gen

GP: none [coz i just started my ver5 and havent played any games yet =] ]

So thats that for my ver5. BUT theres one more thing to say, i was over my friends place for a sleepover yesterday [which is why i didn't post] and she loaned me her ver3!!! and i was like thaks sooo much!! so anyway i had one spare battery so i put it in that and i downloaded it and it came out with a tamachi!! called Shiro! here are Shiros stats:

Name: Shiro

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 20LBS

Training bar: 1 bar

GP: 300

Gender: girl

Character Tamachi

Well thats it for now update u soon!!


Hey guyz!! there's not much going on between my tamas but my ver5 evolved into toddlers!! here are the stats:

Characters: mattaritchi, sakuramotchi, belltchi

Family: Artistic family

Bonding level: 0%

Family name: Meme

GP: 900

Gen: 1st gen

thats it really. anywayz my little Chaz will be leaving his baby tonight!! but i might set the time to 11:59PM so that he leaves now instead of later.... i will do that soon and get back to you!! :( :) :) So anyway here are Chazs stats at the moment:

Name: Chaz

Age: 7 yrs

Weight: 45LBS

Skill points: 47,47,84

Gender: boy

Characters: ura togetchi and tsubutchi

GP: 11195

Job: Gym

Training bar: 6 bars

yeah tats about it. not much has changed with my ver3 im not quite sure when he will evolve but i will diffently tell u when he does!! :mellow: :) anyway laterz!


okay i know i have just posted but GUESS WHAT!!!??? i set the time to 11:59PM on my ver4.5 and i saw little chaz leave his baby!! it was so sweet and sad at the same time! :) :( :) anyway im now the proud new owner of a baby girl called Pearl [bTW thats what i decided to name her]

Here are her stats:

Name: Pearl

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 11LBS

Training bar: 0

Skill points: 8,4,14

Gender: girl

Gen: 2nd gen

GP: 10975 [i brought a couple of things from the shop which is y the points went down :mellow: ]

Character: tsubutchi

update u when she evolves byez!!


hello ppl!! Guess what! my ver4.5 evolved into a hitodetchi yesterday afternoon!! but i forgot to tell u guyz which im sorry about but anyway just now i saw her evolve into a drumroll....... ura young marotchi!!! shes soooo adorable im sooo proud of my little Pearl!!! anyways here are her stats:

Name: Pearl

Age: 1 yr

weight: 30LBS

Skill points: 17,18,24

Training bar: 4 bars

Gender: girl

Gen: 2nd gen

Job: school

GP: 11995

Im not quite sure what i want her to evolve into!! ;) ;) but i will think about it and get back to u on it!

so anyway onto my ver3 she evolved into a drumroll...... patopatachi!!!! shes awesome!! :pochitchi: :( :D but the bad news is i will have to return her to my friend 2morrow coz im seeing her again! [remember i siad eariler on that im burrowing her from a friend??] anywayz if im really nice she might let me take home another one!! im hoping i can burrow a ver4!! :( :)

not much has happened to my ver5 im not quite sure when it will evolve but i will pot when it does!!

see ya!


Hey readers!! :) :) so i have some awesome news!! my ver5 evolved yesterday! here are the stats:

Characters: Ichigotchi, shelltchi, nonopotchi

Family name: Meme

Family: Artistic family

Bonding level: 10% [ive being a little slack with that!]

GP: 3100

Gen: 1st gen

:( so yeah thats all for them. as for my other 2 versions they haven't done much yet, oh and i forgot to tell u. my friend is currently sick so i couldn't go to her place so i get to look after her ver3 for one more day! [im going to her place tomorrow hopefully :mellow: :( ]

So anyway here are Shiros stats:

Name: Shiro

Age:2 yrs


GP: 1952

Gender: girl

Gen: 2nd gen

Training bar: 5 bars

Character: Patopatchi

B) B) And here are little Pearls stats:

Name: Pearl

Age: 1 yr [im not sure why shes not aging??]

Weight: 32LBS

Gender: Girl

GP: 11105

Training bar: 8 bars [one more bar and she has full training!! :wacko: ]

Job: School

Gen: 2nd gen

Character: ura young marotchi

Skill points: 17,23,26

Thats all for little Pearl!! :ph34r: :ph34r:

catch up with u guyz later!!


hey readers!! i have AWESOME NEWS!!!! okay so ive had a very lucky day today okay so firstly my ver4.5 evolved into a tsukkomitchi!!! ive never gotten a tsukkomitchi so im really proud with myself!! here are Pearls stats:

Name: Pearl

Age: 3 yrs

Weight: 36LBS

Gender: Girl

Gen: 2nd gen

Character: tsukkomitchi

GP: 12105

Job: school

Training bar: FULL [yay!!]

Skill points: 21,40,34

And my other bit of good news is that my ver3 evolved just now!! and she turned into a...... VIOLETCHI [aka leaftchi!] :) :furawatchi: that is my first leaftchi on ver3!! my friend is gonna be soooooooo happy!!! [bTW im going to her place later on!] :wacko: :D so anyway here are Shiros stats:

Name: Shiro

Age: 3 yrs

Character: Leaftchi OR violetchi

Training bar: FULL [yay again!!]\

GP: 3042

Weight: 39LBS

Gender: girl

Gen: 1st gen

And as for my ver5 nothing much has happened except that they now have 30% bonding and they are going to evolve soon!!! yay! :furawatchi:


B) B) Hey readers!! sorry i haven't being posting recently but my ver5 evolved!!! here are the stats:

Characters: chantochi, kuchipatchi,hotteatchi

Family name: Meme

Family: artistic family

Bonding level: 30% [i honestly dont know how i got such good characters with only 30%!!]

GP: 3100

Gen: 1st gen

okay so not much else has happened with my other2 versions oh BTW my friend is still sick so i couldn't go to her place AGAIN!!! so hopefully i will be seeing here on tuesday which is when i give her her tama!! anyway here are Shiro's stats:

Name: Shiro

Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 50LBS

Character: violetchi

Training bar: FULL

Gender: girl

Gen: 1st gen

GP: 992

Thats all for little Shiro ;) as for my ver4.5 she is doing really well too here are her stats:

Name: Pearl

Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 43LBS

Skill points: 21,44,34

Training bar: FULL

Gender: girl

Gen: 1st gen

GP: 10305 :angry: :p

Job: School

thats all for pearl. i just have one more bit of news about Shiro: so her owner who is my friend does not want her to mate until Tuesday but their both Shiro and Pearl are mating tomorrow arrhhhh. but i promised her i wont mate. so anyway update u tomorrow with the juicy gos on Pearls new bubba!!


:) :) OMG!! hey readers!! i have GREAT news!!! okay its about my ver4.5 and ver5. but b4 i tell u that i will just say it looks like my friend is not coming over on Tuesday so ive got her ver3 for another few days!!! [she is being so difficult with this whole sickness thing!!!]

okay so my Pearl mated today!!! like i told she would in my last post!! :huh: :mellow: :blink: she mated with a drumroll........ URAKUCHIPATCHI!!! no im not kidding! so anyway im so happy for her!! she had a baby boy B) and when she leaves im gonna name the baby Fudge!!! <_< :unsure: cute or what!?? so here are her stats:

Name: Pearl

Age: 6 yrs

Weight: 45LBS

Job: school

Skill points: 26,63,34

Gen: 2nd gen

Gender: girl

Characters: tsukkomitchi and tsubutchi

Training bar: FULL

And as for my ver5 i mated my kuchipatchi with a megamicthi!! [i actually found out my ver5 is a ver5.5 so um yeah!] and then they both turned into Tennyotchi and papapatchi and went off and them out popped 2 eggs!! im like yayness!!!!!!!! anyway and THEN they evolved into toddlers!

:D so here are the stats:

Family name: Meme

Family: Blended family

Bonding level: 0%


Gen: 2nd gen

Characters: sakuramotchi, mattaritchi

cute or what!! anyway they just fell asleep awwwwww :eek: :D .


YAYNESS!!! and also BOO HOO! my little Pearl just left her baby!!!! ;) :) :) :lol: I just named it fudge its a little boy [like i mentioned in my last post!] eeeeeepppppp!! im now on 3rd generation yay!!!!! okay ive calmed down now i will give you Fudges stats:

Name: Fudge

Age: o yrs

Wieght: 11LBS

Skill points: 2,6,3

Training bar: NONE

Gen: 3rd [YAY!]

Gender: boy

GP: 12655

Character: tsubutchi

sooo cute!! okay theres no news on my ver5 except that its got 10% bonding. As for my ver3 my friend wants it to turn into a oldie!! so ive ad to say no TWICE to the matchmaker which was really hard because she brought along a KUCHIPATCHI and a DEBATCHI and i had to say no to both! boo! :) :huh: oh well here are Shiros stats:

Name: Shiro

Age: 7 yrs

Weight: 44LBS

Training bar: FULL

Gender: girl

Gen: 1st gen

GP: 1602

thats all for now byes!!


Hey readers, not much as happened with my tamas except that Fudge evolved into a Kuribotchi!! :( which im really happy about! im aiming for him to be a urakuchipatchi!! or a tenpatchi! but im gonna have to get my skill points up! :D :D

Anyway my ver5.5 and my ver3 havent done anything exciting but i think my ver5.5 is due to evolve sometime today or tomorrow!! and BTW Shiro is now 8 yrs old which means she will be a oldie on Thursday!! yayness! :D :D but now ive had to say no to the matchmaker three time!! BOO HOO!!!! Oh well thats all for now see ya!


:D Hey readers great news my ver5.5 evolved into teens!! okay ive decided to name them so here are the names and characters:

Shelltchi: Coral

Nonopotchi: Tray

They have 30% bonding and their soooo cute :p :)

As for my ver3 its now 9 yrs old whooo hooo!! :lol: and my ver4.5 evolved into a boxertchi!!!!! im soooo happy for him. Im diffently gonna get urakuchipatchi now!! anyways theres not much else to post i wont do stats because their pretty much the same!! laterz!


hey there readers!! so sorry i havent being posting recently but i have soooooooooo much to tell u!!! okay firstly i went to my friends place yesterday [u know the one with the ver3?!] anyway i went there and i returned her tama to her, and it turned into a otokitchi!!! im like cool and my friend is like WHOOOPPPEEEEE! :( :( so anyway i won't be posting about that ver3 anymore! boo :D About my little Fudge he evolved into a drumroll..... URAKUTCHIPATCHI!!!! no joke! im soooo pleased for him :( okay so here are his stats:

Name: Fudge

Age: 4 yrs

Weight: 56LBS

Skill points: 16,14,22

Training bar: 8 bars nearly full!

Job: Gym [just got it today!]

GP: 16115

Gender: Boy

Gen: 3rd

Character: urakuchipatchi

Okay and as for my ver5.5 they evolved into adults!! here are ther characters

Glasstchi: Tray

Chandletchi: Coral

they have 60% bonding which i great!! im not sure when they will mate but i will!!



hey readers! i know i have already posted today but i have some awesome news!! my ver5 MATED today!! i matedx my Tray with drumroll.... Chantochi!! yayness!! :) and then little Tray said goodbye to Coral and the parents then Tray and chantocthi evolved into..... glasuntchi and Mamametchi!!! and then i only got 1 egg!! im like yay! B) :ph34r: s anyway he is now a Mousetchi and i named him Dash!!

Hes sooo cute! anyway thats all for now laterz! :) :D


Hey readers!! wow im soooo happy right now okay so its about my ver4.5 my little Fudge MATED!!!!! he mated with a urazukyutchi!! whoooppeeeeeee :D :D :D :) And then a little baby boy appeared!! im soooooooooooo happy right now. Teehee anywayz thats all really i just had to tell u!!

As for my ver5.5 little Dash is doing great i think he evolves tomorrow!! he has 20% bonding and he just did a poop teehee :)

Laterz i need to go it dinner time!!


Hey guys!!! sorry i havent being posting recently but i have AWESOME NEWS!!! okay its about little fudge!!! he left his baby! B) B) last night im like eeeep! anyway i have decided to name the baby Monty! :lol: oh and one last little thing before i tell u his stats Monty turned into a kuchitamatchi!! Here are his stats:

Name: Monty

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 23LBS

Skill points: 2,3,10

Character: kuchitamatchi

Training bar: 1 bar

Gender: boy

Gen: 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GP: 6525 [ the reason they have gone down so much is becoz i made a donation to the gotchi king!]

Job: school

im sooo happy right now i mean i cant believe im on 4th generation!!! :) :) As for little Dash he evolved into a nonopotchi!!! yayness! :D i have 30% bonding at the moment which is great!

Anywayz talk to u later


