Middle School


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Paisley 520

Well-known member
Jun 5, 2006
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I just started middle school this year. I thought eveything would turn out okay, well, most of it did, I found my classes, and got my locker open. But my best friend ever, was no ordinary best friend. We were so alike. But now, she doesn't seem to care for me as much. Why? Marcy. Marcy is a popular brat. She always fights with people and is stealing Trudy (BFF) away. Now Trudy wears make-up and never calls me anymore and calls my emo-ish wardrobe ugly. All because of Marcy. And Trudy hates this girl for no reason except that Marcy hates that girl for being annoying. So, how did middle school change your life?

Maybe you should talk to the school counselor about your problem. Arrange a time when you can talk with the counselor and maybe she could help you two resolve your problem.

Oh, and being in middle school never changed my life.

[SIZE=7pt]Oh, wow. o.o[/SIZE]

Well, my middle school years are almost over and they have been loads of fun!

I've gotten into so much drama. Middle school years were awesome. It changed a lot in my life.

I lost a load of friends..that was painful.

Anyway, I'll be starting high school next year and I definitely can't wait!! I love the drama. xD

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[SIZE=7pt]Oh, wow. o.o[/SIZE]Well, my middle school years are almost over and they have been loads of fun!

I've gotten into so much drama. Middle school years were awesome. It changed a lot in my life.

I lost a load of friends..that was painful.

Anyway, I'll be starting high school next year and I definitely can't wait!! I love the drama. xD
It's True but you get a great new liife exprience. Its true that u loose so much friends but you gain some!!

For every friend that is lost, another friend comes to take their place.

Sure it may be a little nerve wracking and awkward the first, but once you are in it for a while you'll start to enjoy your middle school years.

I loved middle school except for 6th grade. I hated that.

But now I'm in high school. It's not really easy for me to make friends so it's kinda hard.

Even if Middle School tried to ruin my life, I would'nt let it. Remember, friends come and go. But don't let it affect your life. You can still have good freinds, and be a good one back. Don't let one shallow person back you down. :furawatchi: Remember, it's only the start of the school year. The less you sweat it, the better it will be. I'm sure that once you give everything a chance for a week or so, thing's will work out. Talk to your friend. Ask her why she's being so rude, straight-up like that. If she has no positive answer, move along and remember that there's better people for you in this world, who will take you for you. After all, is'nt that what friends are for? :ichigotchi: Talk to a Guidance counsellor, and remember that they are there to help. Just give thing's a chance. :kusatchi:

I just started middle school this year. I thought eveything would turn out okay, well, most of it did, I found my classes, and got my locker open. But my best friend ever, was no ordinary best friend. We were so alike. But now, she doesn't seem to care for me as much. Why? Marcy. Marcy is a popular brat. She always fights with people and is stealing Trudy (BFF) away. Now Trudy wears make-up and never calls me anymore and calls my emo-ish wardrobe ugly. All because of Marcy. And Trudy hates this girl for no reason except that Marcy hates that girl for being annoying. So, how did middle school change your life?
Middle school ruined my life. At middle school I was treated like crap. Everybody always made fun of me, I lost most of my good friends from elementry, and I lowered my self esteem VERY MUCH. Its gotten a bit higher but it's still low. I hated middle school. I was ALWAYS depressed which is sort of why I went emo-ish/punk-ish. I don't cut myself though. Never have. Never will. I just buy clothes from Hot Topic. I don't act all depressed as much, but I still buy the awesome clothes from Hot Topic.

Anyways, middle school SUCKED!


I really hated middle.

Probably because it was really stressful for me.

I was also a new student who nobody knew.

1. My friend hardly talks to me and she is like, one of my only friends.

2. I have made ONLY 2 new friends

3. My enemies are in almost all my classes

4. I get teased and yelled at and bullied in P.E.

5. Homework takes too much of my time and sometimes I have jujitsu at 6 PM.

6. I have to run just to avoid being late.

7. My backpack seriously damages my back and shoulders


9. I got hit on the head/neck today when playing football in P.E. on somebodies knee (don't ask) and I was near tears, and my neck still hurts badly right now, and the teacher didn't care. I also almost jammed my wrist.

10. In my opinion, it was good, NOW IT SUX!!!

Here is all those reasons in one sentence:

In the beginning, it was fine, NOW I HATE IT SO MUCH I WANNA CRY!! I only like English now. English is cool it is the best!

EDIT: 3 or 4 of my friends go to different schools, and they were very close I barely see them now. And the other 2 that go to my school, don't even have one class with me. I only have about 3 or 4 friends that I barely get to hang out with that go to my school.

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Middle school is fine with me.

My friends cause a lot of ruckus and drama, people are always crying, and I'm bogged down with tons of homework, but what can you do? It only gets harder.

For a while it sucked, all my old friends kind of ditched me, but we all seemed to patch it all together again and now we're all hanging out this weekend, even the guys.

My teachers are better this year, and I have one I had last year so I know how they teach. I'm so much more organized and all the younger grades look up to us.

I think for you guys, it will get better, because it did for me. I met some new friends and kept my old ones and somehow joined them together. Just focus on your work, and don't get too stressed. Seriously I thought I was gonna die and this is my second year of middle school, so just keep your head high and don't loose all hope.

P.S. New peeps came to the school, I beat the fastest kid that was in my 5th grade class in P.E. running today, and I might have another crush kinda...

For me? Eighth grade was pretty much the worst year of my life. I really struggled with math class (and barely passed), my crush got moved to a separate bus (so we talk even less than we used to!), and I committed social suicide when a prep overheard me (while I was in a bad mood) complaining about how people in general keep teasing me about being the girlfriend of someone...

So yeah, I didn't like middle school much. High school's a lot better.

For me? Eighth grade was pretty much the worst year of my life.
Same Here.

(I'm gonna Count down how I'd Rate my Grades, From grade 8,9,7,6,5)

Last Year, (8th Grade), Was The Worst Year of my Life, Why? Rumors. This One Girl, Started a Rumor around...december(during the School Curling Bonspeil) the rumor was That i Was Pregnant. So I've Started Skipping School, Which Lowered my Grades (I'm surprised they never Failed me, But no they didn't),

Grade 9(current), Isn't Going too good either. Its not even a full month yet and i'm already suspended(Not Going to School/Skipping) (If a person misses 3 days, and doesn't have a reason, Then they're suspended for the rest of the semester)

Grade 7 was okay, My Crush asked me to dance on the Valentines day Dance. :p .

Grade 6 was er...Okay i guess. Kind of Boring.

Grade 5 was...Well. Pretty much the worst Grade of my Life, Especailly in the Month of May. Why?. well, I missed a Whole Week of School. Why?. Well, Friday (May 14th, 2004) was okay, Played some random game in Gym class, I aced my french test, Swung on the swings at recess, random stuff), Then When Sunday Came(may 16th 2004). Well, If you Know What Happend (if not, Then My Dad Passed away that day), Well I missed the rest of the week, Had to move to my grandmas(my dad's mom) Farm, And Took the School bus for the remainding month of the school year.

School has been going down-hill for me since grade 5

I've started Secondary School- same as American Middle School.

It's ruining my life in many ways.

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