Mimitchi's Diary


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Jan 17-18

Diary, the destiny stars didn't work. We thought they did, but the tamas faked. Mametchi and I had to work all night to fix them. We fell asleep in mametchi's work room, not knowing that we were. next morning, I invited my friend Seribetchi over to mametchi's house. Seribetchi pressed the little button, and her dinosaur-like body transformed into a beautiful girl with blonde hair and nice clothes. Mametchi and i gave a high-five as our results came out. Seribetchi was getting swarmed at school today. I guess a Dazzilitchi gets Popular! Today Mametchi said to me: Mimitchi, the stars are gone. I didn't need any extra info. there Makiko was, holding the girl's destiny star in her hands. She glanced at me and pressed the button, as she did, i flew into the air and grabbed the invention. Mametchi screamed: Nooooo! and I realized that I had transformed. Into a Dazzilitchi. So now, here I am, crying my eyes out while Makiko was laughing at me. Mametchi sat beside me to comfort me. But even he couldbn't stop me from crying. I cried cried and cried. Memetchi and Violetchi tried to help, but I think I was a Dazzilitchi. Forever. I walked home. Drooping, I slopped into bed and cried harder. Just then, mametchi raced up to me. Mimitchi, I have a cure. I blinked. Mametchi, in his hands, was a little flask. he said: Drink this mimitchi, I tried it on the seribetchi. I drank. Then, I turned into Me! Thank you mametchi! I ran into his arms and hugged him. Mametchi let me down. "Whoa, Mimitchi, we're just friends! I can't be smuthered!" but I was close to him, so i whispered: or are we...

- :mimitchi:

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( Tama-Star* could you please write with punctuation? I can't understand a thing you write!)

(Peoplez,Make longer posts! Why me?) (Make it interesting! Yawn)

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jan 19

I think I have love Mametchi now so I went to his house and told him that acctully i do love him so now we are boyfriend and girlfriend Makiko is really jelous but i don't care about her though so Makikio just came up to me and said" hey you stay away from Mamaetchi he is mine!!!!!!" so im al like "well Makiko your just jealous that Mametchi is my boyfriend" then Makiko got even angryer and sad"IF YOU CONTINUE DATING HIM I WIL MAKE SURE YOU NVER EVER SEE HIM AGAIN'ok" and i walked off i don

't no what to do but Mametchi had heard it all

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jan 19

I think I have love Mametchi now so I went to his house and told him that acctully i do love him so now we are boyfriend and girlfriend Makiko is really jelous but i don't care about her though so Makikio just came up to me and said" hey you stay away from Mamaetchi he is mine!!!!!!" so im al like "well Makiko your just jealous that Mametchi is my boyfriend" then Makiko got even angryer and sad"IF YOU CONTINUE DATING HIM I WIL MAKE SURE YOU NVER EVER SEE HIM AGAIN'ok" and i walked off i don

't no what to do but Mametchi had heard it all
punctuation please! what do you mean!!!

summerary Makiko is jelous and wants Mimitchi to stop Dating Mametchi or else she will make sure theu never see each other again

(Something Mimitchi didn't know) Makiko and her friends were scheming a plan to get mametchi for themselves. They finally came up with this: We take the girl's destiny star and buy it when Mametchi releases it, then, we be Dazzilitchis while Mimitchi's just a poor loser! Also, we can steal one of Mametchi's invention and start making Mimitchi cry, like the last time! (laugh riot)

Jan.20 Mametchi and I loved eachother. So today we finally released the stars into the public merchandise. The original versions, we didn't because they had their own history. I put the girl star on my shelf. Sometimes I could Imaginge the girl star trying to get out of its case. So I went to it and I opened it. The little pink star floated out. "Who are you?" I asked the pink star. "I'm girl destiny, of course!" I've been unused for years, so I never could fly. I watched the Girl destiny star swerve around my room like a drunk driver. she crashed a lot, but finally she reached my window. She said: I will turn ugly people who want to change into beautiful Dazzilitchis. Mimitchi wathed Destiny (as she had called the star) fly out the window, smashing into houses. "I wonder if Destiny ever flew before" thought Mimitchi. She felt sorry for Destiny. That night, Destiny came back with bumps and bruises everywhere. Mimitchi shook her head, as she had predicted this would have happened. She treated Destiny, then put the pink star back in her jar. "Good-night Mimitchi" Destiny said, "Thank you for everything."


P.S. Please put Destiny to good use! otherwise just kill her and go on without her!

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Jan 20 at night while Mimitchi is sleepingcome on girls tets get the star grabs the star. When they are at Makios house they opened it and turned into beatuifull Dazzlitchis

Jan 21

Today i woke up and I found Destiny wasn't there! where could it be? I ran to Mametchi's house "Mametchi my Destiny star isn't here! someone stole it!

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Cont. of Jan.21

"Destiny's gone!" I yelled at Mametchi. "Who's Destiny?" Mametchi said. "My friend." I added sadly. She was clumsy, but she was still my friend. How could they have broken into my house??! well, my door was open, so perhaps that's why. "Even if they were Dazzilitchis,they would never impress me!" I screamed. I marched around, thinking of Destiny's kidnap. What would they do with Destiny! So I went to young Mimitchi's room and whisphered: I have a plan. "go to young Makiko's house.(something i just made up)Go to Makiko's room and take a pink star labeled "Destiny". Bring it back here. Thank you. Young Mimitchi did what she was told and brought Destiny back. I thanked YM and she said: "You make me do everything." I told Destiny that I should put her somwhere safer, like a safe in my closet. Destiny smiled. "Anyways, They're not dazzilitchi's for the rest of their lives... its only temporary. ;) " Destiny winked.


Makiko's face reddened with anger. The girl star's gone!!!!! And my dazzilitchi face is turning purple! ARGGHH!!!

Cont. PLZ

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I went to find Mametchi thank goodness he was still therre good I thought we talked for a while not telling about the Makikio thingwhen Mametchi went to go get his Destiny Star i could here a loud banging up stairsMametchi yelled and i went upstairs to investigate. Up there was another clumsy Destiny star

I finally decided to lock up all the Destiny stars in Mametchi's home and said "Please please do not let them get out of there! They just cause trouble with all us girls fighting over them!". Mametchi said "okay" and kept the Destiny stars in his house. Soon, though, they all got loose somehow and the fights started again. The Destiny stars were cloning! A hundred out-of-control Destiny stars raced up and down, all the way through the houses! Everyone got turned into Dazzilitchi, even Mametchi! Mametchi had lost the cure and now everyone was stuck as a Dazzilitchi. Mametchi would have to come up with a new cure and a Destiny-star-eliminator fast!


Then, later...


Mametchi told everyone he had a new cure that would make them not Dazzilitchis any more. Makiko was furoius when she drank it and turned into Gozarutchi! Mametchi became Violetchi, I became Young Mametchi and Makiko's friends became various other boy characters. Mametchi screamed "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT MIMITCHI!!" and ran off to prepare something that actually worked. How was this all MY fault? It was those Destiny stars!

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(iPod writing)

OOC: I dont think they're dating, exactly. Makiko thinks they are.

Jan 22


Okay, Diary, I'm a little dizzy right now, but I'm writing anyway.

I went to the fair. With Makiko.

It's a looooooooooong story..

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Jan 23. Yesterday Makiko was really suspicious. She seemed like it. however, I did suspect something out of her. While she was daydreaming, I heard her trail the words: "I stole the potion"


My friend Destiny, the real destiny, wouldn't do something like that. But who would, then? So I went to Mametchi's house and brought little Destiny out. "What shall I do, Destiny?" I asked desperately. Destiny looked at me through her sad eyes. "Makiko stole the real potion, not you, so only true love will stop her. Makiko thinks love is an expression that belons to her. It's not, so you must stop her." I looked at Destiny. "You are not like other stars, destiny, so lets do this together. I hugged my friend destiny and then we ran off to find Makiko. Destiny was clumsy, as I said, But she wasn't giving up on me, at least to her bruises and cuts.\

- Mimitchi :mimitchi: Ready or not, here I come!

OOC= Destiny, Mimitchi's friend, is willing to help, not to stop her!

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iPod writing

Jan. 24

I hugged Makiko. Ick.

It was for a good cause. When I hugged her, I shrunk Destiny and slipped it in her dress pocket. She grabbed the potion and flew out. I tought Destiny to run. She's really better at running than flying, I think. Makiko didn't even know. Wow, that girl is soo dumb. haha ;)

Mimitchi, why are you hugging me? its just grooss! and... Well maybe we could be friends... I guess... But remember, mimitchi, that Mametchi belongs to me!
Jan 25

That was what Makiko had said. Now, I am praising Destiny for grabbing the potion. Destiny was happy. But when I drank the potion, I was a Mimitchi! I hugged Destiny. Destiny said: "oh, and BTW, I got kicked out of the Destiny Star Company. (DSC)" I stared: "What's the DSC?" Destiny explained: It's where Tama stargotchis can become destinystars and turn people into dazzilitchis. But Destiny stars are not supposed to be friends with anyone. Mimitchi, you are my real friend. When I was younger, I was teased. So I wanted to get away from life. But when you came, it all changed- I think I experienced my first life. and when I can hear Hoshitchi's "get a life" calls from the past, I can still imagine you." I smiled. "Destiny, I signed you up for proper flying lessons. Then, you'll swerve like a beautiful star."


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"Can I have a tama form too?"

"I don't see why not! I'll go to Mametchi and ask."

"Yeah!! I could be like a Dazzilitchi in disguise! But, with red hair. I like red hair."


"Ooh, can I have a blue dress too? I don't like pink."

"Ok, but you're pink.."

"It's just a label, nothing more."

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Jan. 26

Destiny seemed to want everything. Well, I guess Destiny could be spoiled. I loved Destiny, so I got mametchi to create a tamaform. Little Destiny dyed the dazzilitchi hair red and wore a blue dress. Destiny then went to flying lessons. The teacher said: "A dazzilitchi? Fly? Hahaha you must be kidding me!" I firmly pressed my hand over his mouth. "She's using a tamaform, idiot." The teacher said: "How good are you already at flying, Destiny?" When I saw a dreamy look in Destiny's eyes, I acted quick. " Destiny's very clumsy. she went on her ugly quest and broke people's buildings." (ugly quest is when Destiny changes ugly people into dazzilitchis, but now she can't anymore, since she's not part of the DSC anymore. (as mentioned on Jan.25))The teacher nodded. "I assure you that this mutant Dazzilitchi will pass the..." Mimitchi covered the teacher's mouth again."No one... calls DESTINY a mutant Dazzilitchi." The teacher sighed. "Fine,'boss'". I smacked my hands together and smiled. Then I went cycling to the cafe. Makiko was there, so she said: "Mametchi hasn't talked to you for a while... Does that mean he doesn't like you anymore?" Then she cackled like a witch and started gossiping again. I thought numerous things that makiko resembled.Hahaha. Silly Makiko.

- :mimitchi:

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"Oh, you silly! We're just friends."

"Okay.. I still don't fully believe you."

"Nice cackle, you been working on it?"



"Destinee! What's up? Ok.. I'm there. Bye!"

I bicycled to where Destinee was, and we both rode home.

Continuation of Jan.26

While I rode on my bicycle towards home, I could see that Destiny was getting better at flying. She made clean loops and flips, and didn't crash. A floating Dazzilitchi with red hair is not a pretty sight, but it was okay... as long as it was Destiny herself. She flipped around, but then something happened and I couldn't see Destiny. "Destinyyyyyy!" I saw little Destiny on the road, and I think she was hit by a car. I picked up destiny, put her in the jar that was now labeled "Destiny" and I cycled to Mametchi's. I placed Little Destiny in mametchi's hands and let go. Mametchi removed the tamaform off Destiny. it seemed that destiny was badly injured. I started crying. But Mametchi held me on the shoulder. "Mimitchi, Destiny's ok. She's a Tamastaritchi, a mythical tamagotchi. She can heal more easily than other tamagotchis can. So all we have to do is aid her and do CPR, and she'll be better in no time." I took a wet tissue paper and splashed it over Destiny. the water soaked her wounds, making them clean. I saw Destiny wince, as if it were stinging. HOORAY! She's alive! I did a little dance. I flipped, but I'm not that athletic so i failed. Well, Destiny was healed!!

- :mimitchi:


Wowee. Destiny has a cast on her arm. I think the car drove over her body, but I'm not sure. It would be great to sue the person who drove on Destiny, because it is easy to notice a Dazzilitchi with red hair flying in circles, rigght? Well today, since Destiny is so facinated with skating, Mametchi and I made her use the tamaform, so that she had legs and was a bit taller. When we skated, I noticed Destiny had a disability of swinging her arm back and forth, so Mametchi and I helped Destiny to skate. I supported Destiny's arm, so we skated. Destiny was hungry, so we went to a local second cup store. Mametchi and I kissed. We may have been friends, so maybe you could say: "Best Friends." One of the reasons I don't want to be boy friend with him is beacuse Makiko is ion the loose. Second of all, we only met eachother last month.


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