Mimitchi's Diary


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March 7

Shoot. Symptoms came back.

I asked Tosakatchi about everything, but he said that he was sick yesterday. He said he didn't even like Meloditchi, and he said he thought she was too stuck up. I didn't believe him at first, I even held him up by inflaming both my arms; but he proved it to me by showing me a barf bag and a checkmark missing from the attendance list. Something was definitely up. I called Lovelitchi. I said..

"Hey, it's me. I have to tell you something really important. There's something freaky going on around here."

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(cont of march 7)

"there might be a CLONE roaming around the school, or I'm having hallucinations." I explained to Lovelitchi.

"Yes, Mimitchi, but then how was Melodytchi lying? She's been my friend forever..." She trailed off.

" Yes. I know that. Something fishy is going on. If Melodytchi was in the closet yesterday, with "someone" then who IS that "someone" ??"

Lovelitchi thought awhile. She then came up with an answer. "A grade 6 kid." She said.

"How, grade 6? I mean, grade 6 is still elementary!" I said

"In grade 6, the kids are going through puberty, like us, and start thinking more juvenile. If a kid in grade six evolves into a toskatchi, then he likes profiting of it by messing with someone in 7th grade, aka. Melodytchi. Because after I know, Melodytchi is honest and friendly, and Toskatchi would NEVER let me down."

I sighed, but was still wondering how....



March 8

Lovelitchi and I investigated a bit. Today, I went into the grade 6 class, as a Dazzilitchi (Destiny's tamaform). We did work that was pretty easy, so I finished quick. Then I saw the "fake" Toskatchi come up to me and said: "Wow, you evolved too?" I said: "I guess... jErK." He walked away and I think he started talking to his friends. "There's a Dazzilitchi over there who acts like a 7th grader. She's gotta stop acting." I felt extremely AnGrY, and so I called Lovelitchi in on my cell. I could hear him whisper once more: "You see? She has a CELL. What a snob." Lovelitchi picked up the cell. "Lovelin here. Whassup?" "Lovelitchi, it's Mimitchi. I've got an urgent case here." "What? is 'Toskatchi' in sight?" "Yes, he is. In fact, he's talking about me this very moment." "Sorry, Mimoitchi, but I'm performing my song in 5 seconds. When it's over, I can rush there..." "Oh no, that's OK. I don't mind." But, Diary, to tell you the truth, I DID mind. I wanted Lovelin to stop this "showbiz". I know it meant alot, but she was my BEST FRIEND. Toskatchi is still in sight.

Toodle-oo, Mimitchi

P.S: Lovelin's words are in PINK.

Later, we all met at my house. I went into my room, and opened a hatch in the floor. It revealed a secret den. "It's a project I've been working on," I said as they looked on in astonishment. It was a rather huge room, with a big flatscreen TV, a pull-down white screen, a white carpet, a multicolored couch, and lots of stuff to do. I had something else to show them. I pulled the screen down as Lovelitchi, Melody, and Destinee collapsed on the couch. I turned on my laptop and turned on a PowerPoint as it came up on the screen. I began to clear my throat and explained, "This is a PowerPoint. Let me explain. At 7:32-ish this morning, I arrived at school to begin the mission."

The PowerPoint showed a pic of all of us arriving at school.

"About noontime, Lovelitchi was checked out to perform a benefit concert, I was also checked out by the same people so I could investigate."

I pressed the button on the remote. It revealed a blank screen, with the words "Your Mom" in black. Melody and Lovelitchi tried their best to keep from laughing, but it was no use.


Melody and Lovelitchi looked at each other, giggling, and both pointed to Destinee, sitting in the middle. It was hilarious.

~ :mimitchi:

March 9

Lovelitchi went around my secret room for a while. "You made this... FOR US?!" I explained that we needed a secret place, because Mametchi lived nearby and sometimes Chamametchi would sneak in. So I explained why this place was perfect.

A built-in wall video game was attached to the flat-screen. A radio station and a walkman were placed on the glass table. "A WALKMAN?! WHY NOT AN IPOD?!" Lovelitchi said. I smiled. I explained that retro was my style.

So the second I said that Lovelin rushed to the music store, with a stash of money in her left hand, and a clenched fist in the right "RETRO. Pff."

I ran behind her to grab the money bills trailing behind her.

When she arrived, only a 20$ bill was in her hand, so I handed her the 500$ that she dropped.

She then bought a shiny blue Ipod and went to our HQ. Now, that was our HQ, BTW. Why not?

Ok, so Melodytchi showed me a playback of a CD she recorded on videotape yesterday. Hereis a little write-back of the vid:


MARCH 8, 2011

Toskatchi walking down the hall. 2 seconds later, ANOTHER, younger Toskatchi walks into the hall.

Younger Toskatchi talks to my sister Young Mimitchi.

Young Mimitchi punches Young Toskatchi in the nose.

YT looks like he's going to slaughter YM. He doesn't.


Second Tape from the day before that:



Toskatchi shoves Melody into a closet. 2 seconds later a scream resonates, but the teachers don't know from where.

"Where did you get these tapes, Melody?" I stared wide-eyed at Melody.

"I installed hot-pink video cameras in the school. People think they're air fresheners, because they are.

But there are mini cameras inside. Then, the tape uploads onto my laptop, and I can bring the CD here.

"Can you bring the laptop here?" I asked.

"I can, but I have to get another that looks exactly the same."

Lovelitchi spoke up: "I can get one for you. This time I'll take my wallet. BRB."

Melody ran to her house and grabbed her laptop.

We installed it into our HQ and started clicking: "Air Freshener App"

Today is a Friday, but the school was still open and we saw tapes.

None of the tapes made any sense. (Mrs. Perfect holding out tests, OH NO!)

Well, I hope I can figure out more clues.

BFN, (bye for now)


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March 10

Melody has been beginning to get the symptoms I had. Weird. But with air. Every time it happens to her, an uber-strong wind comes and swirls around her, and knocks everyone down BUT her. It's really cool. But really, REALLY SCARY.

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March 11


Lovelitchi had the symptoms. We all started karate-fighting, and we ended up with a bloody nose and broken fists.

In the hospital, I whispered to the nurse: "It's contagious." and she ran away.

When the face mask flew off, I could see, not a nurse, but MAKIKO the SNOB.

I cackled and fell back down onto the cushion.

Destinee came with 3 bowls of oatmeal and a juice box.

We shoved the oatmeal in our mouths and we slurped the juice box until it was empty.

Destinee strided away, staring at us like we were crazy. I shrugged, then laughed.


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